Took this photo looking over Castaways Resort.
I had a fantastic time as MC for my good friends Mandy and Cam at their wedding in karioitahi. We stayed at the great Castaways Resort and I can highly recommend it if you are looking to something different to do for a little trip away.
It is looking like the gym is taking off. plenty of people around keen to get some training done after the long weekend. Great to see all those names on the whiteboard.
Sorry if I was slow to get back to people I hope Marcus was able to help you out. Ill be landing in Dunedin this afternoon, so out door training is on thursday 6am and ill advise you on the location. get ready to run a hill or two:)
I will enjoy my last few hours at this hidden paradise and ill catch you all tomorrow
Wednesday 8/2/17
Strength: 9 min Time Cap
Find your 7RM Front Squat from the ground, Squat Clean will count as your first rep.
WOD: 3 Rounds for Time
21 Power Cleans 60/40kg
Accessory Work: 3 Rounds of
30 sec Hollow Rock/Hold
30 sec Arch Rock/Hold
15 V-Ups