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All Posts By

Christian Pedersen

Take the 360 tour

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Mat Seaton and Nathan Martin aka Nate Dogg has been hanging around the gym doing some really cool stuff and it has resulted in a 360 degree tour of the entire gym. It will be up on the website under the About Us page and while you are there have a little read about what we value the most and you can also have a read about the coaches. If you haven’t looked around our website yet make sure you do as there is plenty of good info on there. These two guys have also done our website which is looking fantastic and make sure to check it out regularly to know what is new with the gym.


Wednesday 12/10/16

Strength: Every 2 min for 12 min

1 Snatch Deadlift – 1 Power Snatch – 1 Snatch

WOD: 3 Rounds For Time

30 Wall Balls 9/6kg

15 Deadlift 100/70kg

Tuesday Topic: Stretching before exercise

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Stretching has an important purpose in general health and fitness. Generally static stretching would be done after exercise for two main purposes 1) Recovery from a training session and 2) Improve flexibility. I will however note that doing something more dynamic like walking or slow rowing on an erg would be considered a better form of recovery due to the fact it will help the body pump oxygenated blood around the body better than doing a static form of stretching. Using static stretching after a training session would be a good idea not for recovery as much as helping to improve flexibility and it will be easier to do after training as your muscles would be warm and easier to stretch.

The research show a dynamic warm up is the better option for getting ready for training rather than static stretching, with this in mind, you can easily understand why our warm ups look the way they do. Now, as we focus on all aspects of fitness we do run into situations where members who lack flexibility are asked to perform movements that require a good level of flexibility. Because of that, we recommend doing a little bit of static stretching before some training sessions as it will improve your mobility for certain exercises before training. This is especially evident when we see olympic lifting in the program. people with tight hips, thoracic back and/or lats would benefit a great deal from doing a couple of static stretches before training to make sure they have a better chance of hitting the right positions or at least getting closer to a good full range of motion.

Note: If you feel flexibility is an issue for you I recommend doing static stretches two-three times per week in the evenings. Hold every stretch for 2-3 minutes and just focus on a couple of different stretches per session.


Tuesday 11/10/16

WOD: Every 2 min For 24 min

1st 2 min: 200m Run – 8 push Press 60/40kg

2nd 2 min: 16 Front Rack Lunges – 6 Muscle ups

Finisher: 400m Farmers Carry (AHAP)


Get your T-Shirt & Hoodie Order in now Time is Up. And make sure to confirm sizes and payment with me.





Incredible Open Day event

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I would like to thank everyone who helped out for our Open Day during the Vogel Street Party. It was amazing to see so many members joining in talking to all the visitors and letting everyone know what we are all about. To all of you who joined in on the demo wods. It was great to see that even though it was just a demo you really worked hard to show the intensity which we treasure so much. Incredible showcase for the gym and our community. I have no doubt that we are going to be the talking point at many dinner tables over the coming weeks. It was funny to hear so many wifes and girlfriends turning to their male partner and saying ” This is what you need”. Of course no man would say that to a woman but if they come in too, we would be more than happy to have them. Hopefully they will all follow through and come in for a trial but if that doesn’t do it, the over 200 Free Session Flyers we handed out I’m sure will get some new members through the door.

Make sure to get your T-shirt & Hoodie Orders in ASAP I am ordering everything early this week.


Monday 10/10/16

Strength: Every 2 min for 12 min (6 sets)

1 Clean + 3 Front Squats + 1 Jerk

Building in weight

WOD: 10 min AMRAP

50 Double Unders

10 DB Snatches 20/10kg (rx+ Squat snatch)

Finisher: Tabata

Hollow hold

Prone Hold



The surfer and snowboarder Alex Christensen

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This surfer Alex Christensen, originally from Wellington, has been in Dunedin studying for a few years now. He has studied microbiology, genetics and physiology. He is now completing his Masters in Entrepreneurship. Alex was a regular at Unipol for 4 years but didn’t see the results he was expecting with all his hard work. A couple of his friends Rachel and Mike convinced him to come down to us for a couple of free sessions and the rest as they say is history. The olympic lifts have particularly made an impression on Alex and his favorite exercise is now the Clean & Jerk. Outside the gym you can find him either in the water surfing or snowboarding in the mountains somewhere around the country. He is a super laid back guy and always keen to get involved in the banter. This is also the guy who decided he might as well go for 3 unbroken muscle ups the day he got his first so he is definitely keen to improve as much as possible, and I’m sure with a bit of guidance, he could be a good competitive athlete.

Today is our Open day starting at 3pm so make sure you get your friends and family to come down and have a look. There will be plenty of activities throughout the day on Vogel Street.


Saturday 8/10/16

WOD: 5 Rounds For Time

400m Run

10 Box Jumps 30/24′

15 TTB

20 KB Swings 24/16kg

Open Day and other updates

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Update on the Gym:

We got our Dumbbells this week which means we can include more cool variations into our program now. Harlems oldest daughter was keen to help putting up the Dumbbell rack so thank you very much Sylvia:)

Our Open Day is on tomorrow afternoon from 3pm with demo wods (4pm Keeping Members Fit & healthy & 5pm Top Level Athletes) and small comps for the kids so make sure you make your way down to the gym during the day, should be a great time. For members who still would like to get a workout in we have a 9am Class still on for everyone.

Concerning the showers, we had a small issue getting the right size shower to maximize the space but we have found them now and will continue to finish these up as soon as possible.

As our awesome community grows we will need more equipment and it is in the works to make sure no one misses out. If you see a new person in the class make sure to introduce yourself and make them feel welcome.

Apparel will be ordered this coming week so make sure you get your order in and get the $ paid up at the same time. This can be done at the gym, otherwise we are only a text or phone call away.


Friday 7/10/16

Strength: Snatch

Option 1: 12 min to build to a heavy snatch

Option 2: 12 min to work on technique

WOD: 12 min EMOM

1st Min:

5 Power Snatches 50/35kg

5 OH Squats

Max Burpees over bar in remainder of the time

2nd Min: Rest


Meet Rachel Rolleston

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This coffee and ski loving girl has some real talent behind her when it comes to fitness. Being a competitive gymnast as a kid and playing tackle rugby for a number of years has played a big factor in developing that talent. We have seen Rach bust out muscle ups and she is often at the front of the pack in most workouts. You will definitely see her in the gym on lifting days as her favorite exercise is snatching. No coincidence we didn’t see her yesterday since wall balls are her worst:) Another interesting fact about Rach is how smart she is. Originally from Timaru, she came to Dunedin to do a BSc in Genetics and Biochemistry and she is currently doing her Honours. Even though, working hard and improving your fitness is fantastic, the social aspects is the best thing about the gym, if you ask Rach, and that the workouts change every day makes it interesting and never boring. It is great to have a person like Rach at the gym, always smiling and keen to have a chat. When you see her again, ask about all the experiments she does as part of her studies, they are super cool to hear about.


Thursday 6/10/16

Strength: 5 x 1 Back Squat

Sets 1-2 @ 75%

Sets 3-4 @ 85%

Set 5 @ 95%

WOD: For Time

100 Double Unders

30 Front squats 50/35kg


100 Double Unders


T-Shirt & Hoodie Order! Make sure to get your order in this week.

Keep training during exams

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Good luck to all you students who are heading in to exams soon. Most of you are well into your preparations now. I know it can be a stressful time I have been there myself a few years ago now, but thats neither here nor there.

There is plenty of research out there to suggest that high intensity training is good to lower stress levels. That is good news for all you girls and guys who have been visiting the gym lately. Make sure you do come down a few times a week to get away from the books for an hour and just train and hang out. When you get back to your books you will feel so much better for it. Classes are morning, lunchtime and evening so there should be an option for everybody to take advantage of. Feel free to grab some of your mates and bring them down to the gym and let them feel how much clearer their minds will work after a short workout and a healthy snack.

Tran hard and study hard and make sure you can enjoy your holiday at the end of it


Wednesday 5/10/16

WOD: Every 4 min for 20 min

20 Wall Balls 9/6kg

100m Run

15 CTB Pull Ups

Record slowest and fastest times

Finisher: 2 rounds of

200m Farmers carry (AHAP)

60 sec Hollow hold

Max Unbroken Push ups


Tuesday Topic: When to go Heavy

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Lifting heavy weight is fun and it feels good to show how much weight you can lift. Strength is a big part of our programming because its important people are strong enough to do whatever is required of them in or outside the gym. However there are times where it is not only about how much weight you can lift but how fast you can get a workout done. In that case it is in your best interest to decrease the weight and make sure you can get all the work done fast.

Intensity is a big part of fitness. “It is the independent variable most commonly associated with maximizing the rate of return on favorable adaptation” – Greg Glassman. Intensity is a conversation on its own but my point here is, if you are trying to do a wod where the weight is too heavy the intensity will drop and you will get less out of that particular workout.

We see it especially when members are keen to go RX on a particular workout even if it means they will be unreasonably slow for the particular wod. It is important that you follow the coaches advise as they will know exactly what they want all members to get out of a particular wod. People who fear intensity will normally try to go heavier in a wod to slow themselves down which will make a wod more comfortable. This however is a mistake and will not lead to an increased level of fitness but rather hinder your progress.

You can do heavy wods, as it is part of fitness to handle heavy weights under some fatigue, but even in that case the weight should still allow for relative intensity to be reached.

A rule of thumb for a heavy wod: You should at least be able to do steady singles with the weight, for it to be close to appropriate.

If you are unsure, ask the coach before starting the wod.


Tuesday 4/10/16

Strength: 5 x 1 Strict Press

Sets 1-2 @ 75%

Sets 3-4 @ 85%

Set 5 @ 95%

WOD: 20 min EMOM

Death By Burpee:

First min 1 burpee, second min 2 brupees and so on

If you fail a round, perform a 200 min penalty run and continue with the last successful rep count and stick to that every min for the remainder of the workout.


Get Your T-Shirt and Hoodie Order in :))



Big Open day at Vogel Street Party

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It is finally here. We will have a big Open Day for everyone who is in Dunedin this Saturday 8/10/16 From 3pm onwards. The Vogel Street Party will be on at the same time which will make for an amazing spectacle. We will have a couple of demo workouts on the day as well. At 4pm we are showing what we do on a daily basis. We will have some members go through a workout and show what we do and how we scale to suit everyone of our members. At 5pm it is the top athletes turn to show what they got. These are some of the fittest people in our gym demonstrating another level of fitness, which people can reach by regularly using our proven methods of training.

There will be a lot more going on through out the afternoon so make sure you get down to have a look around.

It would be fantastic to have a bunch of members down there that day to hang out and speak to all the new potential members who will be coming through the doors that day. There will be a bunch of deals and many more things going on. make sure to stay up to date here on our website, Facebook and Instagram.

If you are keen to help out either by being part of the wods or whatever you want to help with just get hold of us at the gym.

Saturday Classes will run as normal in the morning, but Vogel Street is most likely closed so you will need to find a park on the surrounding streets.


Monday 3/10/16

Strength: 5 x 1 Deadlift

Sets 1-2 @ 75%

Sets 3-4 @ 85%

Set 5 @ 95%

WOD: 8 Rounds each For Time:

1:1 w/partner

4 Deadlift 70/45kg

4 Hang Power Cleans

4 Front Squats


(12 min Time Cap)

Accessory Work: 3 Sets of

6-8 Strict TTB

8-10 BB Bent over Row


Nice words from Ronda

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Ronda is an avid skier and cherished member of the gym. Here are some words about her journey of improved health and fitness from herself.
CrossFit with Christian, Jack and the SPF team – a journey into intensity, challenge, achievement, comradery, inspiration and interesting music!
I was lacking motivation but wanting to improve overall fitness mainly for the ski season.  This led me through the doors at SFP and I haven’t looked back – not only did I achieve that goal beyond expectation, this fitness journey is benefiting all aspects of my life including other sporting endeavours, improved eating, reduced injuries, and more energy.   I still consider myself a novice with much to learn and achieve, but when I look back to my first push up, box jump, OH squat (eeck), etc I realise how far I’ve come and how much I’ve learned.
I really appreciate the knowledge and passion of coaches, Christian and Jack, the attention to technique and safety, getting the foundations right, with just the right amount of encouragement that every workout is empowering, rewarding and absolutely exhausting (when my lungs are pounding, my body’s aching and two minutes feels like an eternity) – but I leave with a smile on my face and sense of accomplishment.
For me it is the leadership and the people that make SPF a great place – there is a wonderful sense of community that is supportive and
celebrate each other’s achievements, that inspires and motivates.
Thank you very much for this Ronda, it feels great knowing we are doing something right and helping people like yourself.


Saturday 1/10/16

WOD: For Time

1200m Run

100 KB Swings 24/16kg

75 Push ups

100 Sit ups

1200m Run