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All Posts By

Christian Pedersen

Time Table Update for the Holidays

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We have decided to not change the time table t0o much over the holiday period as heaps of you guys are still in town and marcus and I want to keep the place running as much as possible for you, We will keep all classes on the time table till 24/12/16.

We will have a Christmas Day Wod 7am That way we can all get a fun hard workout in before all the christmas shenanigans start and I can get out to the farm in decent time to celebrate as well:))

Boxing day is Closed

27th – 28th – 29th and 30th Dec we have 6am class and 12.10pm class

31st Dec & 1st Jan are Closed

Monday 2nd Jan: 6am & 5.30pm

Tuesday 3rd Jan: 6am & 12.10pm

Wednesday 4th Jan: 6am & 5.30pm

Thursday 5th Jan: 6am & 12.10pm

Friday 6th Jan: 6am & 12.10pm

Saturday 7th Jan We are back to full time table again 

Make sure you record it down so you know for future reference and I will also post it again on social media

Any questions or concerns don’t to hesitate to get hold of me




Friday 9/12/16

With a running clock

0:00 – 5:00

Max Reps Squat Clean Thrusters 70/52.5 kg

5:00 – 10:00

Max Burpee over Bar

at 12:00 Start

1200m Run For time

at 20:00 Complete for Time

24 Deadlift 70/52.5 kg

18 Hang Power Cleans

12 Push jerks


Paint Job coming up

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The new space is coming together slow and steady and this weekend we will be painting some of the walls. If you are around town and free to help you are welcome to come down to the gym from 10am and grab a paint brush:) If painting is not your thing there will be a couple of other things you can help out with as well. It should only take a few hours which means the place will be looking great come Monday. We hope to keep making improvements over the coming weeks and months to give you guys the best experience possible. Again, I would like to thank all our members for sticking with us even though we haven’t made it easy for you guys with all the changes in a very short period of time. But it is awesome to see the backing we have been getting from everyone so thank you very much.




Thursday 8/12/16

Skill: 3 Rounds of:

1 min Practicing free handstand holds

30 sec Rest

30 sec Hollow Rocks or Hold

30 sec Arch Rocks or Hold

Strength: 10 min EMOM

3 Squat Snatches

Building in weight

WOD: 10 min AMRAP

50 Double Unders

5 Power Snatches 60/40kg

Sam in Ecuador

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Like many other young people, Sam is trying to find out more about who he is and I think he has found out something pretty special about himself namely that he is a very selfless and compassionate person who whats to make a difference in the world anyway he can. He has started studying medicine at Otago Uni and he is currently in Ecuador where he is helping a community build a school to help the kids in the region. He has been gone for a few weeks now and there has only been very little communication with the guy which is probably due to internet connection but nevertheless I had a small conversation with him over Facebook and things are looking to be going really well. There is plenty of work for all of them to do but if you send him a message I’m sure he will appreciate it. If you want to hear more about your trip you can find Sam Lloyd on Facebook.




Wednesday 7/12/16

WOD: Every 5 min for 30 min

400m Run

15 SDHP 40/30kg

10 DB Thrusters 20/10kg

Work as hard as you can during each round



Letty and Estrella complete the Kepler

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Over the weekend these two machines completed one of the most grueling races NZ has to dish up for endurance freaks:) The Kepler Challenge. 60km of all sorts of rocky terrain. Huge climbs where runners have to battle the conditions at altitudes of 1400m and navigate long difficult descents. They did an amazing job completing this race and from what I have heard from them they helped each other through it like great mates do. It was Letty’s fourth encounter with the great race but it was the first time Estrella has taken up this challenge and what a challenge it was. They have both worked extremely hard towards this goal and to see them complete it is an absolute wonderful thing to see. They will enjoy this personal victory for now but come next week I think they will be onto their next goals and what ever that is, only time will tell. Enjoy it for now ladies and have a little down time you have well and truly deserved it.




Tuesday 6/12/16

WOD: 20 min EMOM

Odd: 12 Burpees

Even: 12 KB Swings 24/16kg

Accessory Work: 4 Rounds of:

10 KB Goblet step ups each leg (AHAP)

10 BB Bent over rows (AHAP)



Diana Horn

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Diana was out the front all day painting the front entrance even when it was raining. She is an absolute trooper. Diana is a regular at the gym if she doesn’t make the lunch the class she makes sure to be there in the evening. She has been working hard for a long time and it is great to see  how much she has improved over time. It just goes to show how much you can improve when you come to class most days and work hard on weaknesses. She has had problems with her calf in the past but as it has been getting better and more flexible Dianas squats have been better which has had a huge affect on her squatting and oly lifting.

Diana also has to young and fit kids who does a lot of physical activities I am sure Diana herself has been influencing them in an active direction which is great to see. I am sure we will see them around the gym at some stage throwing down either in normal classes or a future teens program.

Diana is great for our community always happy to give a hand when needed and is easy to approach and talk to so make sure you catch up with her when she is around the gym




Monday 5/12/16

Strength: 7RM Front Squat

15 min to find your 7RM

Weight is taken from the ground. If you squat clean your first rep that will count as your first front squat.

Build in weight

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

400m Run

10 Power Cleans 60/40kg

20 Box Jumps 24/20′

30 Hand Release Push ups





Last day at HPU Play Offs

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Tough day one at the comp yesterday with 2 workouts wod 1 a huge beach workout which included log carries, running, swimming and wake paddle. wod 2 was a 4 x 800m relay run at the millennium stadium. that one got me good. legs were jelly after that one. We are looking a 8th place at the moment after the first day so plenty to fight for today. We have got two workouts to get through this morning and then its time to see if we have made it through to the quarter finals. First Wod is 500m row 25 synchronized thrusters and 25 synchronized bar facing burpees. Then later in the morning its 9-6-3 deadlift and 3-2-1 rope climbs so plenty of cool stuff today. We will keep you updated and try to get some photos up as well today.

It has been hard to find out results through their Facebook but have a look through CrossFit HPU Facebook page if you want to know more.

I hope everything is going well at the gym at home and everyone is getting as much work done as possible before christmas. Should be a great month coming up. trying to get the gym looking as good as possible and will have another open day for everyone in our new neighborhood so it would be great if heaps of you current members would come and hang out. I will let you know over the coming days the exact date and time.




Saturday 3/12/16

In teams of 2 Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 min:

800m Run (Together)

60 Burpees

40 KB Swings 24/16kg

20 Clean & Jerks 60/40kg

One person works at a time

Scale as needed



Marcus at the helm

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The view isn’t bad from 8th floor:) settled in last night and now its go time. For anyone who is interested I will try to keep you all updated on what will be going on during the day. First WOD is at Takapuna Beach from 2pm. Should be an interesting one.

While I’m away Marcus will be around to answer any questions about training so make sure you use him as much as possible he has lots of knowledge and loves a chance to help you out so don’t be shy. Great to see Fridgy back on the white board after a short absence. More new names on the board as well which is cool to see make sure you make them all feel welcome as always. Community comes first.

Today we have another “Girl Wod” so make sure you go as hard as possible to get your name on our future Leaderboard

Friday 2/12/16


Level 1: 3 Rounds for Quality

10 Handstand Push ups (strict if possible)

2 Turkish Get ups each arm (AHAP)

10 Alt. Pistols

Level 2: 3 Rounds for Quality

20 Sec Handstand Hold

2 Turkish Get ups each arm (AHAP)

5 High box Step ups each leg @ 30′ or 24′ box depending on your height


5 Rounds for Time

400m Run

15 Overhead Squats 42.5/30kg

December is here

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Its December time, last month of the year and your last chance to make sure you get a good healthy finish to the year and maybe a kick start to next year. Most people who say they will start first thing next year already are more likely not to start anything at all other than what they have been doing for the past year which is nothing. All you guys have already found this out and are training hard but some of your friends are not and its time you grab them and drag them to the gym to help them starting:) make sure they know that telling everyone they will start next year is “nothing talk”, why not start now and get an early start to a fitter version of themselves. Bring your friend in for a session and show them what all the fuss is about:)

Today I leave for Auckland to join the rest of the Southern Peak Fitness Team who is competing at the HPU Play Off 8. Its a team of four 2 males Mike Henty and myself and 2 females Jessica Asi and Aotea Frandi. We hope to represent you all the best we can. Should be a good time. You can follow all the action on Facebook and the website. I’ll send through some links when CrossFit HPU puts them up. Not sure how much coverage there will be. Could just be a few updates throughout the weekend so I will also try to keep everyone up to date.




Thursday 1/12/16

WOD: For Time:

400m Run

50 Push ups

50 Air Squats

800m Run

50 Push ups

50 Air Squats


Accessory work: 3 Rounds of:

30 sec Hollow rocks or Hold

30 sec Arch rocks or Hold

30 sec Rest

10 KB Step ups each leg (AHAP)

Harlem in the deep end

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Not sure how many times over the past 4 months I have thrown this guy in the deep end but he seems to rise to a bit of a challenge, must be all this Crossfit he has been doing. If there was one guy who deserves his name on the front door it would be Harlem but he is a humble man so he would probably not like that kind of attention anyway so we will keep Southern Peak Fitness:) Thank you again for your help in building yet another bigger gym, there might be a marked for you here:) We have worked well together in finding out the best layout of the gym and I have a vision about how it should look just wait and see “trust me, I’m a builder”




Wednesday 30th of November

WOD: 18 min EMOM:

1st: 30 Double Unders – 5 Deadlift 100/70kg

2nd: 8 Burpee Over Box 24/20′

3rd: 10 DB Thrusters 20/10kg

Then Straight into 1 Round for Time:

60 Double Unders

10 Deadlift

16 Burpee Over Box

20 DB Thrusters


Note: Still heaps of apparel is still sitting unclaimed at the gym so make sure you pick it up asap.

Tuesday Topic: Scaling workouts

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When it comes to the Workout Of the Day there are a few things you need to take into consideration when it comes to either go RX or Scale a WOD.

  1. You need to be honest with yourself about your current fitness level and ability to perform the exercises. If you are new to particular movements or the weight is too heavy for you that is when you should scale the weight and just focus on getting the movement right.
  2. The Coach will always state the intended purpose of the WOD before it starts. How long it should take or how many rounds you are expected to get out. This will be of great help to you as you can look at the WOD and find an appropriate weight to use or scale down the movement. This comes in very handy when we are talking gymnastics movements. The coach will always have options for you to try before time starts to make sure everyone get close to the same stimulus.
  3. The last point I want to explain is the opposite end of the scaling. It is making sure you do not scale a WOD so much you get a ridiculously short time or high number of rounds on the WOD. This again comes back to the intended stimulus wanted for the WOD.

When you are in doubt about how to approach a WOD make sure you get it explained from the coach so you have a clear idea of that you need to do. You wont always get it perfect and that if fine sometimes you will finish a WOD and it was a bit too easy or you ended up struggling a bit too much. Make sure you track your WODs so those things doesn’t happen. The more you know about your current level of fitness the easier it is for you to know when to scale and how to scale.




Tuesday 29/11/16

Strength: Snatch Complex

Every 2 min for 16 min

1 Power Snatch – 1 Snatch – 1 Overhead Squat

Build in weight

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

400m Run

8 Power Snatches 50/35kg

16 KB Swings 24/16kg

24 KB Goblet Squats