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Christian Pedersen

Hamish McDoanld

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Hamish is a regular 6am’er and he is improving day by day at the moment. He had a bit of a holiday but he got straight back into a routine of making 6am class when he got back which is great to see. You know you are making big strides with your health and fitness when it is your daily routine to fit in a training session. Fridge as he is know around here has got incredible strength and flexibility which is a huge plus when it comes to oly lifting and injury prevention. He never brakes down because of it which is a huge benefit because it means he doesn’t need to take huge forced breaks due to injuries. He doesn’t do much extra training to stay that way he just stays consistent with his attendance in classes and makes small improvements over a long period of time. By training this way he knows he can maintain his strength and fitness gains rather than making huge improvements in a short period of time and then losing them a short while later when there is a change in focus. I often see this mistake made by many new to training but they could all learn a thing or two from Fridge. Consistency wins every time.

Great to have you around the gym mate and looking forward to many more classes in the future with your banter and great attitude. Keep living the dream my friend.




Friday 13/1/17

Strength: Snatch Complex

Every 90 sec for 6 min

2 Power Snatches – 1 Overhead Squat (Build in weight)

Every 90 sec for 6 min

1 Power Snatches – 1 Overhead Squat (Build in weight)

Every 90 sec for 6 min

1 Squat Snatch (Build in weight)

WOD: 10 min AMRAP

4 min Max Bar Muscle Ups

3 min Max Double Unders

2 min Max Air Squats

1 min Max Burpees

Do you want to compete?

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There are a bunch of different ways you can look at competitions. We will have in-house competitions throughout the year which are always inclusive to build the bonds between us all and make a greater community and to have one fun together. You do not need to be a high level athlete to do those comps as long as you go to regular classes you will be fine to join in. If I organize any comps that are open to people from outside the gym and maybe at a higher level I will of course warn people so they know what they are in for.

Which brings me to my next point. There will be comps nation wide most of them high level stuff and if you want to become competitive in those comps you will need to be at the top of your game. You will need to put in a little extra work to get rid of weaknesses to make sure there is nothing that will trip you up and cost you points. It doesn’t mean you have to train more than just doing classes but it means you will have to treat a class like training for competition, which in turn means making sure you work hard on perfecting skills and working hard during WODs.

Now for you who are keen to compete this year and need/want an extra session where other competitors will be training we will have a Saturday Comp Session 10am-12pm which will focus exclusively on training for competitions. The sessions will be coach led either by me or a guest coach but you will need to take responsibility for you own training in that session which means be warmed up and prepared to work hard and follow the session written on the board.

If you are unsure on whether you should be doing this session contact me first and we will sort it out.




Thursday 12/1/17

WOD: 4 Rounds for Time

400m Run


Scale as needed

Accessory Work: 3 Rounds of

12 DB Floor Presses

12 Supine Grip bent over Rows

12 DB Step Ups (each leg)


Corporate Training

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The main goal for Corporate Team Building Program is to improve the work place.

Reebok’s Head of Fitness Chris Froio has stated that including fitness as a regular team building tool has broken down the corporate hierarchy, encouraged greater collaboration and co-worker engagement, and created greater insight on marketing their products better.

Confident, Healthy and Happy employees will have fewer sick days, stay positive through adversity and work together to fix any problems that may arise. This will in turn produce a positive and more productive work environment for everyone to thrive.

Anyone who are or has been involved with my training programs know the benefits already. To me it’s all about making sure that loyal members/costumers are taken care of. For any company a corporate fitness program would be a great way of “getting back into” regular training once and for all. It would also be a good opportunity for people who have done training before to help co-workers new to training.


This is a great opportunity for your to show their employees that a positive and energetic work environment is top of the list. It will encourage your current employees to work harder and it will increase interest from new young talented people to join your team.

Many of your young employees will constantly be competing against each other for work and to get ahead in the business. This training program will give them all a chance to work together through problem solving and completing fitness based tasked together. It will improve cohesion and bring a positive atmosphere to your company and show its better to work together rather than trying to get ahead on your own.

If this seems like a great idea for your company make sure to get hold of me today to set up a meeting. I am always keen to talk about health and fitness and how we can improve your business.




Wednesday 11/1/17

WOD: Every 3 min for 18 min

1st: 50 Double Unders – 5 Deadlift 100/70kg

2nd: 12 Burpees

3rd: 7 TTB – 7 Pull Ups

At 20:00 Perform 3 Rounds for Time

50 Double Unders

5 Deadlift 100/70kg

12 Burpees


7 Pull Ups


The Twins

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I don’t think I have seen Danielle or Melissa in a bad mood ever and if they have been they have hidden it well from most of us. Its so great to have people like these two around who bring out the smiles in the rest of us if we are having a bad day. its fair to say that they have both made huge improvements in their fitness over the course of the last year or two. Melissa was unfortunate to brake her arm falling from a horse during a competition some time ago but she has recovered really well and even though it still gives her grief at times she keeps working so hard and improve every day. She doesn’t give up easy that one. Danielle has always had good technique and in the past 4-6 months all her training has really taken off and it wont be long before she will be doing most workouts RX she just need to bring all that confidence she has in her riding into her training.

Both Dan and Mel have always been into their horse riding as long as I have known them and they spend most weekends going to competitions all over the country and they have had great success too. They spend most of their free time taking care of all their horses and they always have stories to tell about what they have been unto. There is no quiet time around these two girls, they are full of chatter and its great to see that passion they have for all their horses and the sport they love so much.

It is an absolute pleasure having you girls around the gym and it has been awesome to see how much you have both improved from the early boot camp days till now where you are regulars at the 6am classes at the gym performing weight lifting exercises and gymnastics movements. Will be great to see how far you can get this year and see how much it will help your riding.




Tuesday 10/1/17

Strength: Front Squat

3 x 4 @ 70-75% of 1RM

3 sec Pause at the bottom of every rep

Rest 2-3 min between sets

Be strict on the pause and work on a strong bottom position

Strength WOD: Every 2 min for 8 min

7 Squat Clean & Push Jerk 60/42.5kg

WOD: For time:

400m Run

30 Burpees

400m Run

20 Burpees

400m Run

10 Burpees

Supporting our members businesses

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We are back to normal time table again (3 classes a day Monday – Friday). Make sure you start coming in as the more members come in the more classes we will add to the time table to make sure everyone has a chance of getting the daily WOD done. There will be a 16 people Cap on all MetCon Classes but GPP will stay open for everyone. It isn’t an issue at the moment but it will be as more people come back from holiday. We will make sure to have a booking system up and running when necessary. We are on to week two of our Open prep make sure you get it started asap to make sure you are as prepared as possible for 23rd of Feb.

I shared a short video on Facebook that BuildSmart did as that is Glens company. I am more than happy to support our members businesses when possible so make sure if you are a business owner get hold of me and I will be happy to show my support. With our small community it is important to help each other out when ever we can. It will build stronger relationships and keep growing our already awesome atmosphere. I am excited to seeing everyone back from holiday and see who have kept up some sort of fitness. But if you have had a complete holiday lets start building you back up again:)




Monday 9/1/17

Skill: 20 min Muscle up Practice:

Level 1: 10 min EMOM: 3-5 Muscle Ups

Level 2: Turn Over Drills to get some good reps or your first muscle up

Level 3: Building Pushing and Pulling strength with pull ups, dips and holds

WOD: 5 x 3 min AMRAPs

9 DB Deadlifts 20/12.5kg

7 DB Front Squats

5 DB Push jerks

Record score for every AMRAP and try to stay consistent over the course of all 5 rounds.



Grab some Free Session Flyers at the gym

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Good to see some new faces around the place straight away in the new year people have been bringing in there free session flyers and if you haven’t got some grab them by the front door on your way out and hand them to all your friends and family. It is a great way for anyone to get started and see what we are all about.

Next week is our first week back to full time table. Check it out on the website for more info on what is going on.

Since the open is soon upon us and there are multiple divisions for you to choose from we will make sure if there are things you can’t do RX we will start using a lot of the Open scaling options so you can get familiar with them before the Open starts. you can also have a look yourself of what they are on games.crossfit.com under the banner Workouts.

I will be doing a Scaling post specifically to help you all with this later on.

Enjoy your weekend and make sure to get ready to train your hearts out from next week




Saturday 7/1/17

WOD: Partner WOD

30 min AMRAP

35 Power Cleans 40/30kg

45 Burpees over bar

55 Air Squats


Fitness for Everyone

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My ladies are back in action after a well deserved holiday. we started out with a nice variation of the Hero Wod DT. Look up that wod and be impressed with the ladies:) We have been working a lot on their olympic lifting to make sure they are able to move their bodies to the fullest and get through the day without feeling sore or getting tired at 3.30pm. they have done amazing stuff and they continue to impress:) It is more proof that peoples’ needs don’t vary by kind, only by degree. We all need to be able to move well it doesn’t have to heavy at all and we at Southern Peak Fitness will never force any member to lift more then they are able to lift safely.

Fitst time to visit our gym you will see a lot of fit and strong people, don’t be scared or put off by this, it is just testament to the effectiveness of the program and the members work ethic. We are not here to intimidate anyone we are just here to be fitter and happier. I think everyone can learn from the positive attitude of our members.




Friday 6/1/17

WOD: 2011 Open wod 2

15 min AMRAP:

9 Deadlift 70/45kg

12 Push ups

15 Box Jumps 24/20′

Scaling options are:

Weight: 50/30kg

Push ups on your knees

Box step ups

Whatever you choose stick to it throughout the wod. We need to know where you are at (RX or Scaled) before the open starts in Feb. This is a way to keep track of all of you.

Accessory Work: 3 Rounds of

15 DB Floor Press

15 BB Bent over Rows

First Update Post of the year

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Plenty of things to look out for already.

Next week we are back to normal full time table. I have had some inquires about classes and don’t worry we have some options available as our current classes fill up we will add more classes. Members are starting to come back which will help numbers as well.

Make sure to let your friends know about our deals. We are still happy to offer people a free go over summer so make sure to take advantage of that while it lasts.

Also Tuesday Topic will be back from next week so if you want to know more about certain health and fitness related topics make sure to let us know.

The new training cycle has started so if you are planning on doing the open you need to start coming in to make sure you are as prepared as possible. The Open starts end of Feb this year so there is not much time left. We will sort out our affiliation so you can get signed up under our gym.

Registration for the Masters Comp in CHCH on the 21st closes this Sunday so make sure to register in time.

We are also organizing our first in-house event of the year so keep your eyes peeled for more info of that.

Now lets get training:)




Thursday 5/1/17

Strength: 10 min EMOM

20 Double Unders

5 Power Cleans

Build in weight

try to keep the reps Touch N’ Go

WOD: 4 Rounds for Time

8 Squat Cleans 40/30kg

8 Thrusters

8 Pull Ups

8 CTB Pull Ups

“Get back into it” but only once and then stay on track

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For everyone still on holiday this would be a great time to start thinking about doing a couple of things before you get back to the gym. If you have had a bit of a exercise routine going then keep doing it and good on you for staying fit. If you haven’t been doing much now is the time for you to start preparing your body for training again. A couple of simple things you can do is firstly, get your diet back on track. Cut down on simple sugars and takeaways. Start preparing simple healthy meals for during the day. Secondly, start doing small body weight circuits and add a small stretching routine at the end. It doesn’t need to be fancy but it will help you blow out a few cobwebs before you see us. This goes for both current members and prospect members.

It is fair to say that most of you will be “getting back into it” but let this be the only time. People all around the world are “getting back into it” all the time which means they give up often. I understand things happen in life that you have no control of which prevents you from sticking to a training program but most of the time you should be able to commit to one or two goals and stay healthy. Don’t fall into the trap of “getting back into it” all the time because you will never achieve any meaningful goals. This goes for work as well as training. Get back into it now and keep on track from now on. It will be a bit of hard work in the beginning but get started first of all and we will help you stay on track.




Wednesday 4/1/17


25 min AMRAP

50 Double Unders

40 Air Squats

30 KB Swings 24/16kg

20 Push Ups

Accessory Work: 3 Rounds for Quality

20 L-Sit Leg Raises

15 Back Extensions








Masters Comp in CHCH 21st of January

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Peter Ryder Competing at the crossFit Games 2012 (3rd Place overall)

Great to see people coming in straight away in the new year ready to tackle their new goals. This is particular important for all our masters athlete because on the 21st of January there is a big masters comp in Christchurch.

You can find all the info on it on  www.mastersleague.com.au.

You can sign up there and if you sign up for this comp you also sign up for the online comp in May. You can however just sign up for the online comp if you are not ready to compete in january.

It is a 3 stage comp much like the games. Where the fittest move on to finals. It will give you some great guidance through the season to keep you on track if you know you have comps coming up. Every age group also has different difficulty levels which makes it suitable for anyone who is keen to give a comp ago. This is for anyone over 35. I have signed up myself and I know of more people from the gym who have chosen to give it a go. So if you are keen to get involved let me know and I am happy to help you out with finding the right division. it will be a great weekend full of fitness and good company.




Tuesday 3/1/17

Strength: Every 90 sec for 12 min (8 sets)

1 Power Snatch – 2 Squat Snatches

Build in weight

WOD: Every 5 min for 20 min

400m Run

10 TTB

10 DB Squat Cleans 20/10kg

10 DB Push Jerk

10 TTB