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All Posts By

Christian Pedersen

Get signed up for the CF Open

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We are now officially a crossFit Box and you can sign up for the Open under Southern Peak CrossFit. Get signed up before end of next week and be part of this fantastic community. Pick the affiliate and also pick Team: Southern Peak CrossFit. Get fizzing it is going to be a huge comp and you don’t want to miss out. Also it would be very much appreciated if you sign up for the judging course as well so we can get all official scores down for everyone.

Good Luck to everyone and bring the intensity:)




Friday 17/2/17

Strength: Every 2 min for 12 min

1 Squat Clean – 1 Hang Squat Clean – 2 Front Squats

Build in weight

WOD: 21 min EMOM

1st: 7 SDHP 50/35kg & 7 Burpee Over Bar

2nd: 12 TTB

3rd: 150 m Run



Meet Angela from the 50 plus group

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Angela has been training with me for about 1 year now as part of my 50 plus program. She has been training with Margaret and they have really embraced the whole concept of the crossFit methodology. She first came to me last year where she had real trouble with her knees. She was keeping active with  some walks and gardening. Angela found it really hard and had to take longer breaks between working and it started to affect her daily life. We have been working hard on improving her mobility and posture with plenty of stretching and leg and back strength exercises. The knee pain has now disappeared completely and she can work on her garden again without long interruptions. She can get a lot more done during the day and she is enjoying it a lot more now.

Angela came up to me the other day and said she couldn’t believe everyone over 50 wasn’t in here training. Angela has been trying to get her friends involved and now that they know how much she has enjoyed it she is hoping they will try it out with her.

It is awesome training the over 50 crowd and seeing their improvements over time and how much easier life becomes for them.

Keep up the good work Angela:)




Thursday 16/2/17

Skill: Handstand Push Ups

Level 1: 7 min EMOM

5 Strict HSPU + 10 Kipping HSPU

Level 2: 7 min EMOM

5 – 10 Kipping HSPU

Level 3: Work on Progressions

WOD: For Time


KB Swings 24/16kg

Double Unders

Accessory Work: 4 Rounds of

15 Strict DB Press

12 KB Bent over Rows

10 Lying Hollow Rocks



Open Prep Program finalized

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We are getting close to the 60 members we had as a goal before 20/2/17. We are working out new classes for the time table and new gear for all you guys and especially with all the students arriving back in good ol’ Dunners soon. Great to see all you guys getting amongst it. It is just cooler training with other people.

An update for our Open prep program that we are running during the Open for all of you. It will look like this. Friday evening starting 24/2/17 We have a 5.30pm prep class for everyone doing the open so you can prepare for the saturday Open WOD:

During that class we will have one of the best physio’s in town Josh Ong taking us through some mobility specific to the wod movements. He will take us through a specific warm up and give you all some things you should be doing in your Saturday morning warm up. That way you all know what you need to focus on before you start the Wod. Listen to him because he knows his shit!

After the warm up from Josh, we will take you through different aspects of the Wod so you know more about how it will feel and we can make a game plan from there. Everyone can use this because even if you are not competing for the top spot in the world, you are still competing for the top spot in the country, and in the City and in the Gym:)

I apologies for you guys not being able to sign up yet. CFHQ have told me they are having problems with there IT department so bare with us while they sort their end out. As soon as I get the go ahead you can all get signed up.

In the mean while I have cornered off a section on our white board where people can write their name down so we can see who of us are doing the Open. Let me know if you want me to write your name on the white board. I recommend everyone signs up to test their fitness and see where they stack up amongst their friends and others.

Get amongst it team and get excited




Wednesday 15/2/17

WOD 1: For Time

800m Run

25 Overhead Squats 40/30kg

25 Burpee over Bar

-2 min Rest-

WOD 2: 2 Rounds for Time

400m Run

25 Wall Balls 9/6kg

25 HR Push ups

25 Sit ups

-2 min Rest-

WOD 3: 3 Rounds for Time

200m Run

12 Overhead Squats 40/30kg

12 Burpee over Bar

12 Wall Balls 9/6kg

Helping Open Athletes

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The Open is getting closer and closer and everyone have done a huge amount of work to get ready for it. We of course recommend that you all get involved so we can compare each others fitness and get a fun healthy competition going at the gym. Not just competing against each other but more important competing against yourself to get the best score possible for you. Remember there are both RX and Scaled options for each weeks Wod.

Mondays Class will be the Open Workout anyway, so you will get a chance to either do it once or twice. The Monday session is more to get everyone involved who hasn’t signed up for the Open to show them that it isn’t as scary as they might think. It is inclusive and it always will be. But, if the logistics allow for it it could be a second official attempt at a better score.

In trying to help you all out we are organizing things like Friday evening prep session and Saturday morning mobility specific warm up during the Open.

Anyone who isn’t doing the Open but would still like to get a training session in on Saturdays can turn up to the gym at 7am to train. I will be there prepared with a Wod for everyone. This happens from Saturday 25th February – Saturday 25th March. And as always the more spectators we have the cooler it will be and the more judges we have the smoother things will run:)




Tuesday 14/2/17

Strength: Paused Back Squats

3 x 3 @ 80-85% of 1RM

1-2 sec pause at the bottom of each rep

WOD: Open Wod 13.2

10 min AMRAP

5 S2OH 52.5/35kg

10 Deadlift

15 Box Jumps 24/20′


Awesome work athletes

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We had a few athletes compete at the Southern Crusade in Invercargill this weekend and sounds like everyone had a great time competing. Huge thank you to Stacy and Ruth for letting them compete as we have only just sorted out our CrossFit affiliation.

Jo Harris finished the Masters Division in a solid third place which makes it to podium finishes in two comps for her this year. Congrats Jo awesome work. Everyone had an awesome time and found a lot to work on but thats the whole idea about competing, learning what to work on and then improving on those things.

We have upgraded our webpage so make sure you check it out when you have a chance. We are just waiting for our gym to show up on the affiliation list and then you can all sign up for the Open. It shouldn’t be long now.

Organizing the Open events at the gym hasn’t been easy but here is my thinking and as always feel free to speak up.

The Wod comes out on a Friday afternoon so I want to run a Prep session on the Friday evening at 5.30pm for everyone who is participating in the open. I will have a Prep session planned for everyone to get ready for the open Wod. Then Saturday from 10am-12pm We will complete the Open Wod as a gym and make sure everyone gets a score down. As always I recommend only doing the Wod once and then start training again for next week. There won’t be other times to get the Wod done unless people ask me for a time, incase they are doing really well in the Region or can’t make the saturday time slot. However make sure you try your best to get in because I can’t guarantee any coach is available to Open the gym for you in the weekend. As for Judging I recommend that as many of you as possible do the Judges course please. We are also asking everyone who are not competing to come in on the Saturday to help out your fellow members with judging.

The two main reasons for not doing the open wod Friday evening are 1. It doesn’t give you much time to prepare for it and 2. if we have the Wod Friday people take thursday off and wont be training again till monday but having a prep session Friday evening you have that as your rest day/prep day and you wont miss out on as much training. Because it seems most people take the weekend off normally.

Let me know what you think team.




Monday 13/2/17

Strength: Every 2 min for 10 min

5 Strict Weighted Pull ups

10 Strict TTB

WOD: 16-12-8-4

DB Hang Squat Cleans 20/12.5kg

DB Overhead Reverse Lunges

Accessory Work: 3 Rounds of

10 Romanian Deadlift

20 Push ups


Southern Crusade

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Good luck to all the Southern Peak CrossFit athletes who are competing at the Southern Crusade over the next two days. It should be a great way to see where you are at fitness wise and what needs to be improved on before the Open starts. I am sure Stacy and Ruth has found some tough Wods for you guys to sink your teeth into. Remember to stick to your plans for every workout and bring all the intensity you can. Make sure to “run your own race” in every workout don’t worry too much about what the other athletes are doing just get the most out of every Wod and above all else have fun. Enjoy the ride because it is never perfect just keep moving forward and don’t worry about controlling what you can’t control.

Good Luck to you all and looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back.




Saturday 11/2/17

WOD: Partner Wod for Time

8 x 200m Relay Run (4 each)

30 Clusters 40/30kg (15 each)

8 Rope Climbs

20 Clusters (10 each)

6 Rope climbs

10 Clusters (5 each)

4 Rope Climbs

400m Run Together


Don’t be afraid to modify

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Making sure that you get the most out of every workout should be your priority. No matter if there are any exercises you’re not comfortable with or if you have minor injuries. You can’t expect to RX every workout of the week so sometimes you need to be honest with yourself and scale things back or completely modify something. I get weekly messages from someone asking if they should be coming in to do todays workout because there is something they can’t do. The answer I give is always the same “if there is something you are not good at it should be more reason to come in a work on it”.

There are two different types of worry when it comes to things they can’t do. The first one is they don’t want to look stupid in front of others. It is perfectly normal to not want to look stupid but 99% of the time other members don’t care what you are doing because they are busy with their own workout. Plus most members here will be encouraging instead of making fun anyway.

the second one are people who used to be able to do most exercises and for some reason they have seemed to go back a bit and are not as able anymore. First of all make sure you know the reason why you have been going backwards. You might have gotten injured and need to do rehab before training again, you might have been at a gym which has left you to continue bad habits and you have stopped improving all together or you might have stopped training yourself and thought you would be at the same level when you came back. These are all valid reasons for a significant decrease in fitness. The first thing is you need to think about it as a long term goal. If you get back into a routine and stick with it you will get back to where you were and you can improve from there. But the only way to get that right is to be honest about your current fitness level and modify workouts accordingly. If you have lost certain gymnastics movement make sure you turn up to those classes and work on progressions that help you get there in the first place. If it is a bodyweight issue make sure you stop eating what made you gain weight in the first place and then start buying the healthy foods which helped you. It doesn’t really matter what the reason for taking a backwards step you need to look at what has been happening in your life and then make the necessary changes over time.

The last thing is remember how long it took you to get good then get worse and now you are here again trying to improve. Add all that time together and that is most likely the time it will take you to get back to where you want to be so don’t stress about it. It will not be a quick fix so make sure you start doing the right things now and enjoy the journey because as soon as you reach a goal your mind will straight away look for something new to achieve so you don’t get to be happy for long if you only enjoy the results.

Enjoy the journey and respect the process




Friday 10/2/17

WOD: With a Running Clock

0:00 – 9:00

Run 800m

25 Squat Jumps

25 TTB

25 Hang Power Snatches 35/25kg


400m Run

15 Squat jumps

15 TTB

15 Hang Power Snatches 35/25kg


Find a 3RM Deadlift

Your scores will be: Time for wod one, Time for wod two and Weight for your heaviest set of deadlift.

Southern Peak CrossFit

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As of last night we have a small name change:) We are thrilled to have this sorted so now we can really start getting the word out there. For everyone who are wanting to sign up for the open under our name have a look through the list when you sign up and see if you can find us. There are still a few details we need to sort out but all the important stuff has been taken care of. Im am extremely happy to officially be part of the CrossFit family. From your point of view not much will change as we have always tried to be as professional as possible but you will now know you are at an official CrossFit facility which follows the principles of that same philosophy. Thank you to everyone who have stuck by us and congratulations you are now officially CrossFitters 🙂




Thursday 9/2/17

Strength: Every 3 min for 15 min

1 Strict Press

3 Push Press

5 Push Jerks

All 5 sets at 90% of 1RM Strict Press

WOD: Partner Wod For Time:


DB Thrusters 20/12.5kg

C2B Pull ups

Partner A performs 27 DB Thrusters while Partner B performs 27 C2B Pull ups when they have both finished their set they switch exercises and they continue in that fashion until all reps are down.

Intensity and teamwork are in focus for this workout

Back to the grind

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Took this photo looking over Castaways Resort.

I had a fantastic time as MC for my good friends Mandy and Cam at their wedding in karioitahi. We stayed at the great Castaways Resort and I can highly recommend it if you are looking to something different to do for a little trip away.

It is looking like the gym is taking off. plenty of people around keen to get some training done after the long weekend. Great to see all those names on the whiteboard.

Sorry if I was slow to get back to people I hope Marcus was able to help you out. Ill be landing in Dunedin this afternoon, so out door training is on thursday 6am and ill advise you on the location. get ready to run a hill or two:)

I will enjoy my last few hours at this hidden paradise and ill catch you all tomorrow




Wednesday 8/2/17

Strength: 9 min Time Cap

Find your 7RM Front Squat from the ground, Squat Clean will count as your first rep.

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

21 Power Cleans 60/40kg


Accessory Work: 3 Rounds of

30 sec Hollow Rock/Hold

30 sec Arch Rock/Hold

15 V-Ups

Be able to Change Gear

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Todays Wod will be a long one but for the rest of the week we are giving people all the chances they need to find another gear before the open starts on the 23rd. It is important to be able to change tempo when a workout demands it. That means don’t use the same tempo for a 20 min AMRAP that you use for a 5 min AMRAP. You need the more reserved tempo for longer workouts so you don’t blow out half way through. That is the tempo that makes sure you can get through a full workout without having to take big breaks during. Taking big breaks means you are wasting time.

You also need a high tempo, which you use when the workout is shorter so you can get as much work done as possible or get a specific workout done quicker. You have to increase the tempo on shorter workouts to get more out of them or get a faster time.

Tempo is important when it comes to getting stuff done, but it is also important to address what tempo is appropriate when it comes to movements that needs work. That means being able to slow yourself down to practice a certain movement and get better at it during a workout.

We give you a chance to work in all the different tempos that suits your fitness level and the workout. Make sure you get the most out of each workout and make sure you ask the coach if you are unsure of how to attack a specific workout.




Tuesday 7/2/17

WOD: 5 Rounds each for time

400m Run

15 KB Swings 24/16kg

15 Goblet Squats

15 Burpees

90 sec Rest

Go hard on all rounds