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All Posts By

Christian Pedersen

Positive Self-Talk

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Most of you would probably feel weird about talking youself up but if you don’t, who will?

I firmly believe how you conduct yourself in the gym will filter through to your normal day life and positive self-talk is a huge part of that. When you are faced with a challenge at the gym during a workout you need to believe in yourself to get over that hurdle. Telling yourself that you are able to do it is a good start but you need to be convincing or you won’t believe yourself. Which is the most important part. Just like progressions on exercises there are progressions on positive self-talk. Start small by telling yourself how well you are doing during a workout. The more you use positive self-talk the more you start believing what you are telling yourself is true, so when you need to rely on yourself to stay positive and overcome adversity you believe yourself and it will work. Also the more you use positive self-talk the easier it is for you to identify when you are using negative self-talk and how much it actually affects you.

Using positive self-talk during a workout is an easy way of getting started because most of us relate positive self-talk to a sports specific technique. That’s not all it can be used for. It is just as important to reaffirm to yourself outside the gym that you are doing a good job and that you can get through the tough times. Even if you own a business you need to keep your eyes “on the ball “so to speak, stay positive and make you believe you can close the deal or grow your business to the next level.

Use self-talk in every workout and notice how it will start to filter into your day to day business and family life.

“Whether you think you can or you can’t, you are usually right” Henry Ford




Tuesday 14/3/17

Strength: Back Squat

In 12 min Build to a heavy triple

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

400m Run

200m MB Run 9/6kg

20 Wall Balls 9/6kg

20 Push Ups

Important Updates

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We have a lot of things happening over the next few weeks so very important that you keep up to date with what is going on by reading the blog every day.

Firstly: The Open is going great guns for us so keep coming in and throwing down. You have Saturday morning and Monday classes to get it done. Make the most of it the first time so you don’t have to do it again because remember it is up to you to sort out a judge if you want a second go.

Secondly: We will be having a party for all members on 25/3/17 at the gym starting at 7.30pm. It will be a BYO type deal just make sure you turn up ready to have a good time:)

Thirdly: NZ Nationals Registration is on soon and if you want to be considered for a spot on the team you will need to let us know ASAP. If you just want to sign up as an individual just make sure you keep yourself updated through their website www.newzealandnationals.co.nz

Lastly:) We seem to slowly increase in memberships every week which is awesome for our community. We will be looking to add more classes as necessary. Make sure to utilize the full timetable as classes that are not full will be changed to accommodate the majority of members. We will be looking to include specialty programs after the Open to address some of the biggest weaknesses of the gym. The Open workouts has show us already where we are good but also what we need to work on more. The last two Open Wods will give us more insight I’m sure and that will help shape the upcoming training cycle. The major upside to doing our own programming is making sure it stays specific to all of you so you get the best experience and the most out of every session.




Of course you are all given the opportunity for a go at 17.3 today to see if you can get your first CTB Pull ups or Snatch more weight than you have in the past:) There are of course scaling options for everyone.

Monday 13/3/17

CF Open 17.3

Prior to 8 min Complete

3 Rounds of:

6 CTB Pull ups

6 Squat Snatches 43/29kg

3 Rounds of:

7 CTB Pull ups

5 Squat Snatches 61/43kg

Prior to 12 min Complete

3 Rounds of:

8 CTB Pull ups

4 Squat Snatches 83/61kg

Prior to 16 min Complete

3 Rounds of:

9 CTB Pull ups

3 Squat Snatches 102/70kg

Prior to 20 min Complete

3 Rounds of:

10 CTB Pull ups

2 Squat Snatches 111/79kg

Prior to 24 min Complete

3 Rounds of

11 CTB Pull ups

1 Squat Snatches 120/83kg



Time to earn the heavy barbell

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So time to lift some Barbells in the open so make sure you get down to the gym early to mobilize and work on your technique so you are ready to hit 17.3 with everything you have got. It isn’t anything we haven’t done before so just think about the cues you normally use to do squat snatches. For some of you it will be the pull ups rather than the weight that will be the issue so come into this workout with the right attitude of getting through the pull ups the best way possible even if it means breaking them up into smaller sets. Remember you have 8 min of work so make the most of it and try to get through as much as possible. If you are able to go further that the first two weights make sure you are still working through the reps at a good pace, because if you finish early you can get straight into your next weight which will give you a little buffer on the time cap.

Depending on your level of fitness there are many ways to hit this workout. Make a plan for how you want to hit it and get hold of your coach before you start the workout to go over the plan with them. The coaches will have some gold on technique and strategy for you as always.

Good luck team




Saturday 11/3/17

WOD: Partner Wod

25 min AMRAP

6 Rope Climbs

60 Goblet Squats 24/16kg

50 Burpees

400m Run Together

Remember a long sock for todays WOD:)


Specific Programs for after the Open

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We are coming into the 3rd week of the Open and it is great to see people are still hitting the workouts hard. I hope that anyone who hasn’t signed up yet are figuring out that they can actually do all the workouts either Rx or Scaled when they turn up to Mondays class. It should give you some confidence in signing up for next year.

The main thing about the Open is you find out what you need to work on more and as a gym that is very valuable information because it shows specifically if I need to set up any short term Specialty programs to help you out. At the end of the Open we will see how you all went and make sure everyone of you have some stuff to take away to work on. Most can of course be improved in normal classes as long as you turn up regularly. Other fitness issues like specific gymnastics exercises or weight lifting could be introduced to help you get stronger and more confident in your abilities.

You are welcome to get hold of me if you have a specific request about a program or class you would like to see run at the gym but the main thing is that we improve as a gym. There is of course an opportunity to run to separate programs at different times. I will keep you posted as soon as the Open is over.

Reminder about Saturday 25th after the Open Party circle that date.

and we need you to tell me if you want to be part of our nationals team.




Friday 10/3/17

WOD: 24 min EMOM

1st: 5 Burpee Box Jump 24/20′  &  7 Pull ups

2nd: 4 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20′ & 8 Deadlift 100/70kg

3rd: 14 Goblet reverse Lunges 24/16kg

4th: 150m Run

Meet our newest Coach/PT Joe Kelso

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Joe Kelso is the latest addition to our team at Southern Peak CrossFit. He will be starting as a Personal Trainer and he has already organized his first clients so you have to get on to things fast to secure your training sessions with him if you want the most suitable times for you. He is super keen to get started and has a ton of knowledge and enthusiasm. Joe has been training with us since we opened last year so he knows a lot about the way our gym works so he will complement the rest of the team well.

Here are a few words about his training philosophy from the man himself:

Originally from down south, I have spent the last four years studying in Dunedin graduating with a Diploma in Applied Sport and Exercise (Personal Training) and a Bachelor of Applied Science (Physical Activity, Health and Wellness. Currently studying Post Graduate Strength and Conditioning.

Coming from a rugby and athletics background and having high confidence I thought I was god’s gift to exercise and everything related. Then I stumbled across CrossFit and was soon humbled and put at the bottom of the pecking order.

Why I coach? I have spent majority of my life training and have developed a passion for health and exercise. In the words of Matt Fraser “I do not have an addiction to suffering, I have an addiction to the product of suffering.” I want to be a part of the journey that makes you the strongest, fittest and healthiest version of yourself.

Stop exercising, start training, trust the process and the results will speak for themselves.”

If you are interested in setting up a consult with Joe, you can contact me at the gym or contact Joe directly on 027 891 4903




Thursday 8/3/17


Every 2 min for 8 min

1 Clean & Jerk

Every min on the min for 6 min

5 Power Clean & Push Jerk TnG

WOD: 7 min Ascending Ladder

1-2-3-4- etc.

Thrusters 40/30kg

Burpee over Bar


Get on the Erg

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I know we only have one rower but I have already organized rowers for when rowing might turn up in the Open so don’t worry:) Until then I suggest you all use that rower as much as possible to get used to it and there is always rowing in Friday and Sunday GPP classes so it would be a good idea to turn up to those classes to get some extra rowing done. Remember we need to be prepared for anything.

The NZ Nationals qualifiers are getting closer and I will need to know who is keen to participate and at what level. Don’t leave it too late to put your name down because you will miss out if I get a team together before you get involved.

Things are coming together nicely at the gym and I am super happy with how things are going. If you think that something could be better don’t be afraid to speak up. If I don’t hear anything from anyone I will assume you are all happy too. You can always come to Marcus or myself with any concerns about the gym.

Our next big event as a gym will be the end of Open Party Saturday 25th. Make sure you circle that date. We would like all of our members to be part of that.




Wednesday 8/3/17


Every 2 min for 8 min

1 Squat Snatch

Every min on the min for 6 min

5 Power Snatches

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

400m Run

10 Overhead Squats 50/35kg

15 Box Jumps 24/20′

Accessory Work: 3 Rounds of

12 DB Floor Press

12 BB Bentover Rows

“After the Open Party”

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We will be organizing an “After the Open Party” on Saturday 25/3/17. Make sure you set that date aside and join in with the rest of the gym. It will be a great way of meeting all the members from the other classes and make some new friends. I will put more info out when I have sorted it out so stay tuned for the final info on location and time. I am thinking start around 7.30pm. It will be an awesome way to finish the Open but more importantly celebrate all you guys who have made Southern Peak CrossFit such a success story in such a short period of time. The membership base is growing and it is because you make it such a cool place to train and hang out.




Tuesday 7/3/17

WOD: 5 Rounds for Time

100 Double Unders

35 Wall Balls 9/6kg

25 KB SDHP 24/16kg



7am Classes Monday-Thursday are running now so it gives you guys another chance to get the WOD in.

6.30pm Classes are still running Monday & Wednesday if you can’t finish work in time for 5.30pm.

Get after 17.2:)

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Monday is of course the Open Wod 17.2 so if you didn’t get a chance to get it done come in today to get a score for the Wod, we will be going in heats to make sure everyone has a judge to get an official score.

Make sure to stretch you forearms beforehand:)

There wasn’t a lot of people on Saturday so I am expecting a lot of you to come in today to get 17.2 out of the way. You need a score to stay in the game so make sure to come in.

Remember we are starting 7am Classes from today so if you need a little sleep in you can:)

There are plenty of rules to go through and skills to coach you through for todays session so make sure you get there early so you don’t miss any important info.




Monday 6/3/17

WOD: 12 min AMRAP

2 Rounds of

50ft DB Walking Lunges 22.5/15kg

16 TTB

8 DB Power Cleans 22.5/15kg

2 Rounds of

50ft DB Walking Lunges

16 Bar Muscle Ups

8 DB Power Cleans

There are scaled versions available as well

More Dumbbells:)

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As expected we are not done with the Dumbbells in the Open but luckily our last DBs just turned up so now we can really get some people through the heats so we will plan to have 3 heats with around 7 in each for todays Open session. 9am class is of course still on so if you are not in the Open get your daily CrossFit fix with our Saturday Wod.

As most of you have noticed we keep trying to find the best way to store all the equipment so things do get moved around a little but we have almost got all of our racks and shelves and other stuff now so it shouldn’t be long now till we have found the best option. Then its just trying to add more equipment to make sure you have the best quality stuff and enough of it. In time we will get there:)

I am also in the process of sorting out an “End of The Open” Party so make sure you keep Saturday 25th March FREE. We will keep you posted on venue and time. I am telling you all early because it would be great to have as many members attend as possible.




Saturday 4/3/17

WOD: For Time

2 Rounds of

400m Run

30 Thrusters 20/15kg

30 Sit Ups

3 Rounds of

200m Run

20 KB Swings 24/16kg

20 HR Push ups

50 Double Unders

Extra Open Gym time today so come in any time:)

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It will be interesting to see what Dave Castro has for us this arvo. We will have our prep session tonight at 5.30pm at the gym so make sure you turn up to get your game plan in place. Everyone did extremely well on the first one so make sure you keep the ball rolling for 17.2. We will all hit the Wod tomorrow from 10am – 12pm so come down and cheer on everyone and help with judging if you are around.

If you are not in the Open make sure you come in to lunch time class as that will be the only official class today. However the gym will be open all day so if you cant make it in at lunch time you can come in and workout on your own when you have time. Make sure to come in and get working the doors are open:)




Friday 3/3/17

Strength: Overhead Squats

3 x 5 @ 75% of 1RM

all reps should feel good. The aim is technique

WOD: 12 min AMRAP

400m Run

15 DB Devil press

Accessory Work: 3 rounds of

30 sec Hollow Rocks/Hold

15 Sec rest

30 sec Arch Rocks/Hold

1 min rest