Most of you would probably feel weird about talking youself up but if you don’t, who will?
I firmly believe how you conduct yourself in the gym will filter through to your normal day life and positive self-talk is a huge part of that. When you are faced with a challenge at the gym during a workout you need to believe in yourself to get over that hurdle. Telling yourself that you are able to do it is a good start but you need to be convincing or you won’t believe yourself. Which is the most important part. Just like progressions on exercises there are progressions on positive self-talk. Start small by telling yourself how well you are doing during a workout. The more you use positive self-talk the more you start believing what you are telling yourself is true, so when you need to rely on yourself to stay positive and overcome adversity you believe yourself and it will work. Also the more you use positive self-talk the easier it is for you to identify when you are using negative self-talk and how much it actually affects you.
Using positive self-talk during a workout is an easy way of getting started because most of us relate positive self-talk to a sports specific technique. That’s not all it can be used for. It is just as important to reaffirm to yourself outside the gym that you are doing a good job and that you can get through the tough times. Even if you own a business you need to keep your eyes “on the ball “so to speak, stay positive and make you believe you can close the deal or grow your business to the next level.
Use self-talk in every workout and notice how it will start to filter into your day to day business and family life.
“Whether you think you can or you can’t, you are usually right” Henry Ford
Tuesday 14/3/17
Strength: Back Squat
In 12 min Build to a heavy triple
WOD: 3 Rounds for Time
400m Run
200m MB Run 9/6kg
20 Wall Balls 9/6kg
20 Push Ups