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All Posts By

Christian Pedersen

Party Time!

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The Open is coming to an end and it looks like we are leaving it with bleeding lungs. The two Dottirs Sara and Katrin Made 17.5 look a lot easier than it will be for most of us so make sure you make a plan for this workout and stick to that plan. Coaches will of course be around to help you out this morning. lets get a big crowd down for this last workout to help everyone out.

Tonight we are having our first official Southern Peak CrossFit Party and we are kicking off at the gym at 7.30pm. Cant wait to talk some shit and have some drinks with all of you. Bring your favorite drinks and maybe a chair:) I am sorting out a BBQ if the weather is for it as well. Will keep you posted during the day on Facebook.




Saturday 25/3/17

WOD: in Teams of 3

Complete in no particular order

100 cal Row

1000m Run Together

100 DB Snatches 32.5/20kg

100 Burpee over Box 24/20′

100 Squat Cleans 60/40kg

Partition reps as needed and you can change the order of the exercises to suit.





Skill of the Month Coming Soon

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We are super happy with the way everyone have been progressing over the last few months heaps of PRs on the weights and in the gymnastics as well. Now it will soon be time to find out if the conditioning will be at PR level as well when jackie, Diane and Fran come to visit:) Next month we are staring a new segment which is “Skill of the Month”. On the first of every month we will introduce a new skill which every member in the gym will be working on during or outside class time. We will have 3 specific elements. Days where we practice the skill, days where we perform the skill during wods and days where it is up to you to get some work done on the skill in your own time, maybe before class starts.

I have a list of skills I feel the gym will benefit most from learning and/or improve on. If one month is a skill you are particularly good at, it still wont hurt to do some work on it I am sure we can find a variation which will challenge you and make you even better. The biggest part of this is that when the month turns up with a skill you cant do, what will you do? Stay away from the gym as much as possible or be in here every day trying to get rid of those demons?

As we go through the next few months you will start to see a connection between skills and realize there is a pattern to learning these and by bettering one skill you are helping yourself to get better in other skills. It will be a long progress but it will be well worth it in the end.

From a fitness point of view this means the Wod will have a specific goal from now on and the coach will tell you what that goal is. It could be “I want you to try as many RX reps as possible in this wod and take your time to get it right” or it could be ” I want you to scale the skill today so you can get all the reps done fast and get your heart rate up”. Both of these are valid goals depending on the Wod, so don’t be discouraged if the coach tells you to scale something because you need to take the goal into consideration and know what level you are currently at. This should motivate you to improve on a certain skill. Remember we are here to make you stronger, fitter and more skillful and we do know what is best for you when it comes to CrossFit. with love




Friday 24/3/17


7 min EMOM

8 DB Thrusters 22.5/15kg

3 min Rest

7 min AMRAP

150 m Run

8 DB Squat Cleans 22.5/15kg

3 min Rest

7 min EMOM


8 DB Front Squats 22.5/15kg

New Training phase starting after the Open

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First reminding All members about our “little get-together” at the gym this Saturday evening from 7.30pm hope you are all excited and I’m sure you will meet some people from the other classes you haven’t seen before, great way to put some faces to all the names on the whiteboard. Bring Your Own poison so you don’t miss out on your favorite drink. No dress code but i’ll be looking forward to getting out of gym clothes and into a shirt;)

Last Open Wod 17.5 tomorrow how good is it to see the end of the Open it has been fun but time to move on and heal up for some of us. It will be a killer so prepare yourselves for the worst.

The next training phase will be starting soon as well and if you have aspirations of doing competitions this year, make sure to commit to the next training phase to be in the best condition possible. Also very important most competitions have online registration with limited participants so make sure to show your interest by letting me know so I can remind you when registration starts and closes for all comps but make sure you are keeping yourself up to date too so you don’t miss out.



and yes ill get my Burpees done:)



Strength: Every 2 min for 10 min

1 Power Clean – 1 Push Press – 2 Push Jerk

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

50 Double Unders

20 Burpees

25 Sit Ups

15 Push ups

Bronze for Gouldy

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First a Huge Thank you to Taieri College for letting us borrow their rowing machines for Open Wod 17.4 it made life so much easier for our athletes to get through the Wod with minimum disruption to their weekend and of course it was a huge load of our backs too being able to just pick them up and keep them at the gym for a few days. Thank you very much again.

Amanda Gould has come back after an absolutely amazing performance at the Australian Internationals oly lifting comp. She won a well deserved Bronze medal, Massive congratulations to you on that performance I am sure you are already working towards your next goal.

Good to see Gouldy at the gym yesterday. I’m openly hoping she will give crossFit a serious go soon because she could go really far with her back ground in gymnastics and of course weight lifting plus her ability to just go to the dark place during tough wods. But no matter what you decide to do its a pleasure having you around the gym and we will all be behind you:)




Wednesday 22/3/17

WOD: In a Team of 3 complete

6 x 400m Run

6 x 200m Run

6 x 250m Row

Accessory Work:

30 cal Row “Buy In”

Then 3 Rounds of

15 DB Floor Press

12 Supine Grip bentover Row

10 DB Shoulder Press

10 Hollow Rocks

Use us coaches to stay on track

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Remember there is daylight savings in the US so your 17.4 scores has to be in by 1pm.

Even though there was plenty of different exercises in this one I’m sure the lower back and hamstrings will be sore after this one so make sure you pay extra attention to those muscle groups this week in regards to stretching and general recovery. There is only one week left of the Open and then the competitive season really starts for some of you with various local and national competitions during the next few months. Make sure you stay healthy as your fist priority. You can’t compete if you are not healthy so following the program first of all and making sure you get enough recovery in is very important. The Open is of course only one workout per week so it shouldn’t affect your weekly training much but competitions have a funny way of hurting people and throwing them out of their daily routine. This could mean you need to take a step back this week and really think about what you need to improve on before your next comp.

The daily program will address all issues over the course of a certain period so making sure you turn up to the classes that addresses your weaknesses will be crucial for your fitness.

Talking to us coaches about that would be a great option in helping you staying on course and keep improving.




Tuesday 21/3/17

Strength: Front Squat

Build to a 3RM in 12 min

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

15 Pull ups

15 Box Jumps 24/20′

15 KB Swings 24/16kg


Otago Anniversary Day

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Happy Otago Anniversary Day I hope you are all enjoying a day off from work. However we are not ones to rest too much so feel free to come in and train we have classes on 6am, 7am & 12.10pm all run by Marcus.

I heard a few athletes got over halfway through the HSPU which is an amazing achievement. If you haven’t done 17.4 yet or want another go you can use todays classes to get it done but make sure you organize a judge so we can get everything done within the hour. It probably would be one of the wods you don’t want to do again due to the amount of heavyish deadlifts. It could be a tough one to gain massive improvements on unless you took huge rests between sets and could possibly cut them down. Good luck with it and I will see everyone back tomorrow. I guess ill have to give this one a go too:)




Monday 20/3/17

WOD: 17.4 Open Wod

13 min AMRAP

55 Deadlift 102/70kg

55 Wall Balls 9/6kg

55 Cal Row


Scaling options available

17.4 is a repeat Wod

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As you can tell we have organized a few extra Concept 2 rowing machines for you, thanks to the help of Jared, Mike and Letty from Taieri College who allowed us to borrow them and helped get them to the gym. This means we can run heats of 4 people and be done well before 12pm.

I will be in Central for the long weekend but Marcus and Joe will be more than capable of running the show while I am away. Make sure to grab hold of them if you have any CrossFit related questions and I am of course only a phone call away.

I am personally looking forward to getting after this Wod again and I think most of us had seen a chipper come up which will make this a great repeat workout. We can hope this means we don’t have to do rowing and thrusters in 17.5 then:)) Hit it hard team and I will see you all Tuesday.




Saturday 18/3/17

WOD: Partner Wod

30 min AMRAP

40 Power Cleans 60/40kg

40 Wall Balls 9/6kg

400m Run Together

40 DB Devil Press 22.5/15kg

40 Burpee over Bar

Partition reps as needed



Training Through The Open

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Most if not all of you have been good at going with my recommendation of training through the Open. It seems simple enough but you can get caught up in the spectacle of the competition and forget about your longterm goals. It is important to sometimes take a step back and look at what you are achieving and how you are going about it. Every week this competition will, like CrossFit in general, expose things you need to work on so it is vitally important that you take this information onboard and instead of getting angry and avoiding it make it a point to turn up to the classes where your weaknesses are programmed. It will of course make you are fitter person but more importantly it will give your training purpose and the sense of purpose in something as simple as training will hopefully filter through into your life and you will start having a clearer idea of what is important in your life right now, family, career, getting healthy, finish your degree etc. As training goals do, life goals will change as well, so drawing inspiration from how you conduct yourself at the gym will help you in other aspects of your life.  But back to my first point I wanted to make. We are getting closer to testing week so make sure you start thinking about all the heavy weights you need to lift and Fran and Diane :)) and oh yea, Keep training through the Open:)




Friday 17/3/17

Strength Wod: 10-8-6-4-2

Deadlift 140/95kg

Strict HSPU

Accessory Work: 4 Rounds of

10 Strict TTB

10 Front Rack Reverse Lunges (AHAP)

10 Weighted Ring Dips

Meet Pieter Vermeulen

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25 year old Pieter started training with me ages ago as part of a boot camp. and was doing really well. Then we didn’t see much of him for a while due to health issues but he came back strong last year and was keen to continue training. He normally keeps pretty active with his job at Cooke Howlison and when he isn’t at work Pieter and his partner Michelle are kept on their toes by their wee fella Alex.

Pieter sent a message after he had started training here saying: “As soon as I heard that you had opened your own gym I knew I had to sign up and I couldn’t be happier working out in such a great environment with great people”.

Pieter is part of the regular 6am crew which is growing steadily, they must be a good group of people to train with. It has been great seeing Pieter back in good health and enjoying his training again. He seems very keen to continue for the long term which will be extremely good for him. He can be a quiet guy at times but if you give him a bit of stick he can give it back too which is a good thing.


Reminder: It is Otago Anniversary Day on Monday which means Only classes to run are 6am, 7am & 12.10pm. Make sure you make it to one of those three classes especially if you don’t turn up on Saturday to do the Open Wod 17.4




Thursday 16/3/17

Strength: Every 2 min 30 sec for 15 min (6 sets)

1 Push Press – 1 Push Jerk – 1 Split Jerk

Build in weight

WOD: 12 min AMRAP

200m Run

8 Strict Pull ups

12 DB Thrusters 22.5/15kg


7am Crew want more Friends:)

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7am Classes are on from Monday – Thursday every week and they would like some more friends to join them:) So, if you are struggling to come in for the 6am, 12.10pm or 5.30pm class these guys would like to see you at 7am.

Its a fun-loving group of down to earth people who work hard and enjoy some morning banter. Its mainly students so if you want to start your day in a good mood this would be a great way to do just that:)

I hope this helps team and that you get more people joining you, keep doing what you are doing.

Also, we have decided that the party on the 25/3 will be held at the gym and start at 7.30pm, would be great to see all of our members here for a great evening with a few drinks and heaps of fun. I am trying to source a BBQ or two so you are able to bring some food to cook up too, in case the weather is willing to help out. make sure to save the date.




Wednesday 15/3/17

WOD: 3 Rounds each for Max Reps

1 min Box Jumps 24/20′

1 min SDHP 40/30kg

1 min Push Press

1 min KB Goblet Squats 24/16kg

1 min V-Ups

-1 min Rest-

Accessory Work: 3 Rounds of

Max Time L-Sit Hold