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All Posts By

Christian Pedersen

Monthly Skill: Double Unders

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The month of June we will add Double Unders to the skills list. As you have already noticed, there has been quite a bit of skipping already and this will continue, to give everyone a good chance of getting double unders. There has already been a few of you who have gotten their first ever double unders which is awesome.

Thanks to Shez for bringing in some cool new skipping ropes for you to use:))

A couple of important points to add are:

First: The good thing about this skill is you can help yourself out by getting your own rope and start practicing outside class time. It won’t take much time to get a little practice in and all you need is a rope. The nature of the exercise also means we can add some to most sessions either in warm up, as part of a skill segment or in a wod. It will take you less time to recover as well which means you don’t have to worry about over training like for example pull ups or TTB.

Second: With all the jumping you are doing this month we recommend you spend extra time on Calf and Achilles stretching. It will be very important as they can get really tight with a lot of jumping. You would have already seen that as we have been doing a lot of calf and achillis stretching is class warm ups. This isn’t always because of what you are about to do in class, but just as much about us making sure you get extra stretching in if we did a lot of jumping the day before. We have plenty of foam rollers as well you can use to massage out your calves to prevent them from getting to tight.





Wednesday 7/6/17

Strength: Back Squats

3 x 10 @ 70%

Strength: Snatches

Every 30sec for 4 min

1 Snatch @ 70%

2 min rest

Every min for 4 min

1 Snatch @ 80-85%

WOD: 21-15-9

Wall Balls 9/6kg

DB Snatches 32.5/22.5kg

Lunges (each leg)


Reminder: If you want to compete this Saturday but you don’t have a partner yet get hold of me ASAP!!!

New Training Cycle

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We are testing our 2RM for Front Squat and Strict Press next week. The following week we are into a new training cycle which focuses on Back Squat and Bench Press for the strength and Power Cleans and Power Snatches both from the floor and from the hang position. It doesn’t meant we are not doing the full lifts, it just means there will be more focus on you being explosive through the hips and develop a strong second pull. This will help your full lifts. It will also give people with mobility/flexibility issues a chance to develop some good technique in the power positions without compromising their joints too much. So make sure if you have any issues you start stretching more often than you have been and by the time we start focussing on the full lifts you should have improved your mobility/flexibility to a point where the full lifts are safer more technically correct.

The Bench Press will help your shoulder, triceps and chest strength. Which are muscles used for all pressing movements. However, on a flat bench and using a barbell you will be able to develop more strength than we have been able to so far. With the barbell, you can load more weight on than our range of DB’s have allowed you to, and the bench will allow you to hit full range of motion which lying on the floor haven’t allowed for. These are two of the main reasons that you will see a huge improvement straight away. The last is Lat Activation. In the bench press, lying flat allows you to utilize your back muscles to stabilize the lift and press more weight out. The more upright you get in a press, the less your back muscles help you hence why you can lift more weight on a flat bench, than you can on an incline bench or a shoulder press. Giving you a chance to do bench press will hep you overload the pressing movement a bit, which will improve your pressing strength and muscle endurance. It will also carry over to other pressing exercises. We will of course go through correct technique and body/hand placement throughout the cycle to give you the best improvements possible.




Tuesday 6/6/17

Skill: Double Unders

2 min Max Reps

1 min Rest

1 min Max Reps

1 min Rest

30 sec Max Reps

WOD: 20 min AMRAP

10 L-Sit Pull Ups

25 Overhead Squats 40/30kg

One more week:)

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So I have one more week before heading home for a few weeks but there is plenty on beforehand.

We have two more weeks left of the current strength cycle of Front Squat and Strict Press. This week is 3×3 at 90% and next week you are finding a new 2RM on both lifts but I will write more about that during the week.

We have started a new month and June is Double Under Month. There will be plenty of sessions with Double Unders during the next 5 weeks but you can get ahead of the game by turning up a few minutes early to class and practice a little bit yourself. It will be great skill work and be a great way to warm up a bit more too.

This coming weekend is our first fundraiser for our National Teams. It is a big Partner Comp from 10am – 12pm. There will be 4 workouts and they will all be inclusive to all our members. It is all about having fun and also working hard. We could always use a helping hand with judging incase you don’t want to compete but still want to be involved. There will also be an opportunity to get a free week membership if any non-member takes up the Assault Bike 60 sec challenge. The Guy and Girl who gets the most calories in 60 sec will receive a month free membership. So, make sure you get plenty of your friends and family down to check out the comp and have a shot at getting some free training sessions. That Saturday evening from 7.30pm onwards we will have another installment of our awesome gym parties:) Bring some drinks, snacks and a chair and get amongst the festivities. Looking forward to some good times with the Southern Peak family before a short break:) If you have any questions about the comp or party sing out and we hope to see you there.




Monday 5/6/17

Strength: Front Squat

3 x 3 @ 90%

WOD: 4 Rounds for Time

400m Run

21 Burpees

Outdoor Program is on Winter Break

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As winter gets close and with me being away you might see a few more people in classes:) We will have a break from our outdoor program and everyone who are doing that program should take the opportunity to get involved with our normal class schedule. It won’t be much different than what you have already been doing on our Saturday morning sessions. It will also give you a great opportunity to explore other areas of your fitness and you might even find a couple of things you are really good at without even knowing it. Marcus and Joe will be looking forward to seeing you all joining on classes. It will definitely help your fitness for when we start up again in August.




Saturday 3/6/17

WOD: Partner Wod

3 Rounds for Time

800m Run together

75 Sit ups

70 Air Squats

65 Push ups

60 KB SDHP 24/16kg

Normal Schedule on Queens Birthday

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Just reminding everyone that we have a normal class schedule this Monday so no one will miss out on training. Come down and get your training in before enjoying a day off.

More equipment and bits n pieces are coming to the gym today and next week. One thing that will excite a lot of you is, we are getting some benches so we can finally add bench press to the strength focus in the next program cycle starting in two weeks. It will be paired with back squats so make sure you get involved with that. Always good to practice and learn new exercises. we will also be bringing Hero Wod Saturdays back for another round. It will give you a good opportunity to compare wod times from last time as I am sure we will revisit a couple of the old ones. So be prepared for that coming up soon.

Again, get you and your teammate signed up for next weekend. Wods have been finalized and they are tough but inclusive of all members. And make sure to get your friends down to take on the Assault Bike for the 60 sec Calorie Assault:) Free week of classes to anyone who take it on and 1 Month free membership to the best Man and Woman who accumulates the most calories.




Friday 2/6/17


Every min for 5 min:

50 Double Unders

Every min for 5 min:

10 Handstand Push ups

Every 2 min for 10 min:

200m Sprint

Every min for 10 min:

1 Round of Cindy:

5 Pull ups

10 Push ups

15 Air Squats



You people are Awesome:)

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People are getting their Pairs sorted for the comp so you better get in quick if you want to secure your best friend:) Its awesome to see so many of you backing up our athletes. They will really appreciate it too. Make sure you bring the cash in on the day ($10 each) or pay it next time you are at the gym, remember 100% of the money goes to the teams traveling to The Mount in October.

Everything is also set up for when I am away and remember the changes I put up in the Class Schedule. print it out and put it on your fridge so you don’t forget:) Marcus and Joe are keen to get more involved with the classes and you will all be in good hands.

I am seeing more people coming to classes which is great. It is a great sign for the growth of the gym. And as promised we are organizing more equipment for you all but it is a bit of a process. When classes have been very big you have been great at accepting an impromptu partner wod or just sharing a barbell. That is one of the many reasons people feel comfortable here, because we are more about helping each other out than getting the fastest time. As I have said many times before, “This is not the Games, it is just Thursday”. How you act during a simple workout is a reflection of who you are as a person. If you get in the way of others, complain about everything, let your barbell bounce everywhere, shave reps or act like an idiot during a simple thing as a Thursday arvo workout. I can guarantee that you are an idiot outside the gym too. Lucky for us if we ever had a person like that it would change that day:) I feel very lucky we don’t run in to any issues with a great group of people like you. Keep being who you are and keep fighting the good fight.




Thursday 1/6/17

Strength: 12 min EMOM

Odd: 3 TnG Power Snatch 60/40kg

Even: 5 Overhead Squats

WOD: 4 Rounds fro Time

20 Wall Balls 9/6kg

20 KB Swings 24/16kg


Madeleine Hunt from Waikaka

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Madeleine has been with us for most of the year and a regular in our evening classes. She came to Dunedin to study Psychology at Uni and is currently in her second year. Being from Waikaka, she started training at CrossFit Gore to get stronger and fitter for netball. She really enjoyed the atmosphere, and the CrossFit training was a lot more beneficial to her than normal gym training. The training must have worked as well because she is playing Netball for Southern A in the Dunedin Premier Comp.

First time she turned up at Southern Peak CrossFit she showed great form in her lifting both during strength training and Wods. She said she enjoyed our gym because we are really friendly and it reminded her of the gym back home, which is obviously a testament to the awesome training she received at CrossFit Gore and their community.

Madeleine has improved steadily over the course of the months here and it has been especially great to she her confidence improve. She has started to regularly going for the heavier plates now which she was always capable of lifting, but it has been much cooler watching the transformation and letting Madeleine make the leap herself.

We have a few people from the south and Madeleine is definitely one of the quieter ones from that group but always happy to chat about her day if you ask her:) It is the same with many members here. The more comfortable they feel the more they open up so great to see that too.

Looking forward to seeing many more improvements and PRs being smashed over the course of the year Madeleine. It has been awesome seeing the changes you have made and great to have you as part of our community in Dunedin. Keep working hard and good luck with the netball season:)




Wednesday 31/5/17

Strength: Front Squat

3 x 6 @ 82-86%

WOD: Every 4 min for 16 min

400m Run

Max Burpee Pull Ups

Accessory Work: 3 Rounds for Time

10 DB Floor Press

30 sec L-Sit Hold

Where have you been?:)

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Even with over 90 members here, I still notice when you are not here, yes I am talking to you:) There are a few names I haven’t seen on the white board in awhile. If we haven’t already spoken you can expect a message. Keep coming to regular classes. If you are feeling down, come in for some banter and just hang with the class. If you have a small niggle or injury, we can either work around it or help you with some rehab exercises. The most important thing is you come in. The whole idea around the CrossFit program is we can modify the session to suit your needs and fitness level. And No, we don’t get annoyed when we have to change things for you, we relish the opportunity to help you out at a more individual level and improve our own ability to think on our feet and change things when need be.

It also shows you, that if we modify something for one member, you won’t feel out of place if you need some changes to the program sometime. When we say the program is inclusive we mean it so take advantage of it and keep turning up.

Now that we have cleared that up I’m expecting to see you back soon. Of course, this also goes for anyone who is unsure of how things are run at Southern Peak CrossFit and who is a bit scared to try it out. Bring them down and let us show them just how awesome of a community we have, full of supportive members who are just here to have fun and forget about life for an hour a day.




Tuesday 30/5/17

Strength: Strict Press

3 x 6 @ 82-86%

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

15 Box Jumps 24/20′

15 Power Clean 60/40kg

15 Push Jerk

Win A Membership

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If you know someone who want to start training but needs a bit of an incentive, we have an offer for them.

During our Fundraising Comp we will have a Comp for all spectators/ Non Members.

A chance to win: 1 Month Membership.

Rules: Get as many Calories on the Assault Bike in 60 Sec.

Everyone who gives it a go will receive a free week of training. This challenge is open to all Non-Members

The comp is 10am-12pm Saturday 10th of June. Make sure to let your friends and family know they can come down and watch you throw down, plus maybe win a free membership at our awesome gym. And you get to watch them work hard too:)

Keep up to date with everything that is happening at the gym by reading our daily blog posts and follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Just search Southern Peak crossFit




Monday 29/5/17

WOD #1: 4 x 400m Run each w/Partner

WOD #2: 16 min AMRAP

14 TTB

28 Goblet Squats 24/16kg

42 Double Unders


More detail for when I’m away

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So there will be a couple of changes to the schedule for when I am going home from the 12/6-16/7

The Time Table will be: From Monday 12/6 – Sunday 16/7

Monday – Friday 3 daily classes:




Saturday 1 class at 9am

Sunday 1 class at 10am

Remember this. It will also be updated on the website. Tell your fellow members too.

Marcus and Joe will be taking the classes and you can grab hold of them with any questions or concerns. As I’m of course only a phone call or message away but remember the 12 hour difference lol

I will still be posting the daily Wod and blog posts. I will still be active on social media to show everyone how cool you guys are and how hard you work out.

Until then, make sure you sign up for our Fundraising comp Saturday 10/6 at 10am. We are getting closer to 10 pairs. Lets get more involved. Plus remember how cool our last gym party was. We will make it even bigger this time. It will be great to see you all there having fun making new friends and party hard:)




Saturday 27/5/17

24 min Partner AMRAP:

Partner A)

10 Burpees + 400m Run

Partner B)

10 Alt. DB Snatches 22.5/15kg

12 Box over Jump 20′

14 KB Swing 24/16kg

16 KB Goblet Squats