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Christian Pedersen

The adventurous Tiree Macdonald

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Tiree has been a member for as long as we have been open. Here is a great little read about her passions in life and her favorite thing about CrossFit.

“I Have been doing CrossFit for around 3 years now and started it after quitting competitive cheerleading, which I had been doing for 6 years prior. Joining CrossFit was the best thing I ever did, especially for my perception of body image. After being in aesthetic sports for many years, it was refreshing coming into an environment where more emphasis was placed on what your body could do rather than what it looked like. Over summer I worked with a Black water rafting company and will most likely join back with them this summer. Best job ever! We got to guide hundreds of tourists a day (not all at once) through our precious cave, tell them about the glow worms and formations, then throw them off waterfalls. I’ve been into caving early on thanks to my Dad and his passion for it.

CrossFit has definitely been a struggle recently with my deteriorating asthma and bronchitis, especially when the intensity gets high and I feel as though I’m breathing through a straw! But nevertheless I still love training-maybe minus the running- and try go as much as possible.

Thanks for the awesome encouraging atmosphere team, it really makes all the difference”!

You are always keen to learn, which makes you so easy to coach. It is awesome having you as part of our community and even if your health is not 100% you always turn up and do your best. A lot of people could learn from that. Your point on body image is one of the most important ones and something everybody need to know about and understand.




Monday 19/6/17

WOD: 15 min EMOM

Death by DB Thrusters 22.5/15kg

at 15 min

Run 1.6 km for time (4 block laps)

If you miss a rep count within the 15 min, drop 3 reps and stay at that same number for the remainder of the 15 mins

Example: If you miss out on the round of 12 reps, cut your reps to 9 in the remaining 3 mins of the workout.

Challenge yourself on this one do not go too light.

Apparel has arrived

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You can come down to the gym and get the apparel you ordered now. Just get hold of Joe or Marcus. It it looking great. Thank you to Jonesy and Lyndsey for organizing it. It will look great having all these tops around town. Wear them with pride:)

Saturday 9am is back on as normal and our 10am team training is of course still going, to make sure everyone who is competing this year is as prepared as possible. It is going to be a big day at the gym so make sure you get there early to be warmed up and ready to go.

Still make sure you check out the Website for the blog post every morning from 5am. I wont always get a chance to post it to Facebook.

We are starting Hero Wod Saturdays again and this is a great workout to start us off.




Saturday 17/6/17

HERO WOD: Paul Pena

7 Rounds Each for Time:

100m Sprint (2nd power pole and back)

19 KB Swings 32kg

10 Burpee Box Jump 24′

Rest 3 min


Army Captain Paul Pena, 27, of San Marcos, Texas, died on Jan. 19, 2010, from wounds sustained from an enemy force’s improvised explosive device. Pena was leading a patrol in Arghandab River Valley in Afghanistan at the time of his death. He was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division in Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

Pena participated in the Junior ROTC program at San Marcos Baptist Academy and later graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He maintained his fitness with CrossFit workouts and particularly enjoyed running, burpees, push-ups and pull-ups.

He is survived by his mother, Cecilia.


Possible change for Comp date to 12/8

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When we set dates for events we try to pick a good date for everyone but I also realize we can’t cater for everybody. Jo has come out early and asked to have the date for our next competition moved to a week later to Saturday 12/5 as she would really like to compete. This time we are not under the same time constraints so I feel I could put it to the members if you are happy with this. As I have already put up a date of Saturday 5th 0f August this date will stand if it means someone else will miss out if we move it. But I felt it was fair to at least ask the question as we are well prepared for changes this time around. You do not have to answer on this post you can comment on this with a private email or text/Facebook message If you have any concerns. Also note this is not an opportunity to message me about what other dates suit you best. It is just to confirm if you want it to stay on 5/8 or would like it moved to a week later for the 12/8.

I hope your training is running smoothly and you are ready to test some strength numbers next week. Work hard this week and prepare the best you can to feel strong. Especially some extra stretching for your lower body to hit a nice deep squat and be able to pop out of the bottom on the squats. Upper body stretching to hold a strong front rack position on the front squats but also so you are able to hit a good lockout on the press. Some simple squat jumps and dynamic push ups will also help your body stay powerful and fast and ready to go.




Friday 16/6/17

Skill: Handstand Push ups

10 min EMOM

Level 1: 5 Deficit HSPU

Level 2: 5 HSPU

Level 3: 30 sec HS Hold

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

800m Run

8 Deadlift 120/85kg

Keep Practicing those Double Unders

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I hope you are all still working hard on your Double Unders. I urge you to keep practicing before class, even when they are not programmed. It is a great way of getting a bit extra warm-up in on the colder days and you need to keep practicing if you expect to get better at them.

Start with a few easy single unders then move to faster single unders and from there work on wrist speed and coordination between being in the air while rotating the rope. Getting that double tap we have been talking about, while in while in the air, is the easiest way of learning the double under. We have gone through this before in classes so make sure you keep using what we teach you. And good luck with all your practice during this month. Make sure if you have some double unders and they come up in class you are better off doing a scaled number of double unders and get a slower time rather than polish of a workout really fast with single unders. That won’t make you any better. It is important that you keep wanting to get better and I hope we motivate you enough to make that happen. Having goals always makes you work harder.




Thursday 15/6/17

Strength: Back Squat

3 x 10 @ 65-70%

Accessory Work: 4 Rounds of:

10 DB Bench Press

10 BB Bentover Row

10 DB Step Ups (each leg)

Individual Comp coming in August

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We are well into our last prep week before 2RM testing. Hope training has been going well and everyone feel strong for next week. It will be super important that you turn up as it will cap off another long training phase and really show all your improvements. It will also set you up nicely for the next training phase.

I am already planning our next competition which will be Saturday August 5th. There is plenty of time to get ready for it. We will have three divisions: RX, Scaled and Masters. It will be an individual competition and be over one day. Since we have more divisions and it’s all individual it will be a full day so make sure you can commit to a whole Saturday. I know everyones level at the gym and I can recommend the right division for you if you are really keen to join in, but unsure of which division you are in. I will make sure to uphold the integrity of the competition and make sure no one is in the wrong division. There will be a lot more information about it later on but for now keep up your training and try to prepare the best you can.




Wednesday 14/6/17

Strength: Strict Press

3 x 3 @ 90-95%

WOD: Karen

150 Wall Balls 9/6kg

Ella McRobie

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Ella has been with us from day one. I have had the pleasure of knowing and training Ella for a few years now. She always has a smile on her face, even when she drags herself out of bed and turns up to the 7am class.

Originally from Auckland, Ella came down to study and experience the classic scarfie lifestyle. Ella loves having a good time with her friends down here but she also enjoys going home to the north island beaches for some sun and paddle boarding. She tries to keep a good balance between studying and enjoying some downtime too. The hour a day when she comes to CrossFit gives her that little break she needs to clear her head. She has made a whole heap of friends in Dunedin especially from the gym and she really likes the social aspect of the gym, everyone enjoys each others company and have a good time during class.

Ella has had a few issues with some injuries in the past but we have been working hard to clear them up and making sure she scale accordingly. This has seen her make tremendous gains over the last year. She isn’t afraid of the barbell either which is just awesome. She goes RX whenever she is able to and she has made huge strides.

You can always count on Ella to join in when we have any type of event on at the gym. She is outgoing and always happy to get to know the other members from the other classes and that is so important for our community.

So happy you decided to come with us to Southern Peak and I hope you are still enjoying it as much now as day one. Keep smiling and keep fit




Tuesday 13/6/17

WOD: 24 min EMOM

1st: 5 Burpee box Jump 24/20′ – 5 Pull Ups

2nd: 4 Burpee Box Jump – 30 Double Unders

3rd: 12 Goblet Lunges 24/16kg

Scale as needed


Thank you for an amazing weekend

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The Fundraiser Comp was amazing. Thank you so much to all the athletes who threw down on Saturday. You all did brilliant and I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. Thank you to all the people who came out to support all the athletes. It was awesome to have everyone help out on the day with judging and changing gear for each event. It was so great having everyone wanting to give a hand even though you had to focus on competing as well. It just goes to show how awesome our community is. We had Kara there taking professional photos and we will be posting a few of them as they are ready. I got a bit of video as well which I posted on Facebook and Instagram. It was a great atmosphere all morning.

It was awesome hanging out with all of you for a beer in the evening as well. Great to just sit back and relax over a few drinks with great people. That is what I appreciate the most about this place.

I will be leaving for Denmark early this week so Marcus and Joe will be running the classes. If you have any questions and concerns just grab hold of them and again I am only a message away:)

If you are interested in following our trip just visit my private Facebook page and Instagram. The only things I will post on Southern Peak CrossFit pages from our trip is visits to other CrossFit boxes.

Important reminder that our Time Table will only have:

6am, 12.10pm & 5.30pm classes Monday-Friday. 9am Saturday and 10am Sunday

The Oly Lifting Program will be moved to 6.30pm for the remainder of the program. All participants have also be notified by Joe.




Monday 12/6/17

Strength: Front Squats

3 x 3 @ 90-95%

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

21 KB Swings 24/16kg

15 TTB

9 Box Jumps 30/24′

Game Time:)

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It is game time today at 10am. Doors will open around 9am to make sure you all get a good chance to warm up. We will have a briefing at 10am to make sure everyone know how the day will run. Then we will get into standards for the first wod and go from there. The Wods will be written on the whiteboard to prepare you all for what’s to come. I hope this will make things run smoother. There will be 4 events all scored on what placing you get in each event. First place gives you 1 point, Second place gives you 2 points and so on.

There will be no other classes this weekend as there will be a party on Saturday evening 7.30pm start, which we hope you will all join. It will be a great time before I head home for a few weeks. Just bring whatever drinks and snacks you want and there will be other snacks provided as well.

A few more reminders for when I am away. The time table has been updated you can find the classes that are on from Monday on our website. Remember we have only got 6am, 12.10pm & 5.30pm Monday – Friday. Weekend classes will be back on from next weekend.

Right, lets get ready to compete:)



Benches came just in time

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We got some Dumbbells, Benches and AB mats yesterday. Just in time for bench press in our next strength cycle. The dumbbells look ridiculous but should be a good addition for our stronger members:) I know a few of you have been asking about AB mats as well so will be good to get that variation in for a variety of Sit ups. Please Do Not use them for Handstand push ups, we have the gymnastic mats for that. The cover will get cracks and split open, I’ve seen it happen many times before.

All pairs have been sorted for tomorrow, but if you are still unsure, still turn up and we will help you find a partner. We will run everything in 2-3 heats depending on the workout. It will be a great way of meeting a lot of members from the other classes and see how much you have improved your fitness over the time you have been with us. I am super excited about it.

Also looking forward to see a lot of new people down at the gym. Hope they will enjoy being spectators and see what we get up to and how much fun we have on a daily basis. It will also show them that it doesn’t matter what level you are at, we make room for everyone. A fact that is sometimes lost with the focus on the high skill, high strength aspect of competing in CrossFit.




Friday 9/6/17

WOD: 5 Rounds for Time:

150m Run

50m Walking Lunges

12 SDHP 50/35kg

12 Front Squats

12 Burpee over Bar


Its Comp Time

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A little throwback photo from the podium last year:)

We are getting close to the comp and we are still missing two girls to compete, come down and enjoy yourself with a few wods and banter. There will be around 15 pairs competing so it will be a big comp so there will be heaps going on.

I will go through the housekeeping and other important info at 10am then first wod is announced and we are into it. There will be 4 wods: one of them is a lift so really only 3 hard ones:) All wods will be inclusive in one way or another so no one will feel left out. It is about having fun. If you come to regular classes you will be able to compete whether you normally go rx or not.

The doors will open at 9.30am for people to come down and warm up before we start.

Remember it is a fundraiser do please bring your $10 so you can compete. There will also be a collection station for anyone feeling generous and want to help the teams out.

Get your friends down to take on the Assault Bike Challenge and be in to win 1 Month FREE Membership.

Party for everyone in the evening starting at 7.30pm Should be a good time. There will be some drinks and snacks provided but bring your own as well to make sure you have your favorite beverage and snack too:)

Looking forward to seeing you all there.

NOTE: No Classes Saturday or Sunday this week. Come down and be part of the comp:)




Thursday 8/6/17

Skill: Muscle Ups

Level 1: 10 min EMOM: 1 Skin the Cat – 1 Strict Muscle Up

Level 2: Drills towards strict muscle ups

Level 3: Pushing and Pulling strength 5 x 5

WOD: Every 90sec for 9 min

1 Bear Complex

build in weight

-2 min Rest-

WOD 2: 800 min Run for time