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All Posts By

Christian Pedersen

All Athletes have been contacted

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We have around 20 competitors across 5 divisions which is a great. Looking forward to seeing everyone throwing down and showing all the lifts and skills you have been working on. You get a chance to both show off but also push yourself a little harder than normal. But the most important thing is to have fun with the challenges. It’s going to be tough but get yourself in the right frame of mind and you will be fine.

As stated before it will be a 9am briefing. Then you get a chance to warm up a bit more and then first heat is 9.30am. Please don’t be late because you will miss the briefing if you are not there at 9am and we are not explaining things twice. The gym will be open from 8am.

All athletes would have been contacted by now. If not, get hold of me ASAP because if you haven’t heard from me by now you are not on the athlete list.

Feel free to bring your friends and family down for a fun morning of fitness. It will be a great watch.

If you haven’t paid your very small fee of $10 to compete yet, please bring the cash in before Saturday.

Note there will be no classes on this weekend due to the comp and party. I have a 7am boot camp class running Saturday morning though, so if you want to do some running, kettlebell and dumbbell circuits feel free to turn up and join in, all members welcome.

Any questions or concerns about the comp, throw them at me today so you all know what is going on.




Thursday 17/8/17


4 min EMOM: 5 Strict TTB

4 min EMOM: 10 Kipping TTB

4 min EMOM: 15 Lying Hollow Rocks

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

20 DB Snatches 22.5/15kg

50 Double Unders

Last Chance to Sign up

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Great to see some of you wanting to get amongst a more competitive environment with the comp we are having this Saturday. There is still one last chance today to get signed up remember there are both RX and Scaled division to pick from. I will contact all athletes this arvo with more info on the day.

But the most important part is meet at 9am and we will have a briefing before the first workout. There will be 3 workouts for everyone. Incase of a tie there will be a tie-breaker. If you are not competing come down and be a spectator on the day or if you feel like you want to help we can always use extra judges:) but athletes who aren’t working out will be expected to help with judging duties for the other divisions.

There will be a party at the gym for all members Saturday 7.30pm. Come by and hang out, even if you didn’t make it to the comp.

Ill be looking forward to getting some more messages about signing up today:) get after it team.




Wednesday 16/8/17

Strength: Back Squats

3 x 3 @ 95%

WOD: For Time

50 Wall Balls 9/6kg

50 Burpees

Register for In-House Comp Today

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We are starting to get all the entries in now for our Saturday In-House comp which is awesome. Make sure you get hold of us today if you want to participate. I will contact all participants before Saturday to make sure you all know the division requirement (RX vs Scaled) and what they entail to make sure you are in the right division. Yes there will be muscle ups in the RX division but don’t let that be the only reason why you go scaled if you feel fit and strong enough.

This is a chance for everyone to show how far they have come with their fitness and to throw down with a bunch of your friends at the same time. We would love for all of you to compete so make sure you get hold of us today and we can sort out a spot for you. Please make sure you bring your $10 in before Saturday.

There will be a party at the gym Saturday night from 7.30pm onwards this will be a great opportunity for everyone to mingle with members from the other classes and make some new friends.




Tuesday 15/8/17

Strength: Bench Press

3 x 5 @ 95%

WOD: For Time

1.6km Run

Accessory Work: 3 Rounds of

12 DB Shoulder Press

12 KB Goblet Step ups

12 Banded Good Mornings


Meet Tahlia Strachan (TJ)

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Auckland girl TJ is on her second year of study down here in Dunedin, doing a bachelor of physical education exercise and sports science. TJ is really into her sports mainly rugby and netball. This year she is playing netball for PhysEd. TJ have had great success in sports mainly rugby. TJ has represented both Auckland and Otago in touch rugby and she was fortunate enough to represent NZ in 2013. She was picked for the NZ U-21 Women’s tag football team in 2015.

There is no doubt TJ is fit and strong, she picks up new exercises so easy which is awesome and she is not afraid to work hard during the daily wods. It makes her super easy to coach as well because you can really see she loves to be here training and learning new skills. Having a positive training environment is important for everyone and TJ definitely brings heaps of positivity to this place. Great to see you are enjoying your training.




Monday 14/8/17

Strength: Every 2 min for 12 min

2 Hang Squat Cleans – 1 Split Jerk

Build in Weight

WOD: For Time


DB Thrusters 20/15kg


Strict Pull ups

First entries in:)

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I am hoping getting the first few entries in for our in house comp will give everyone else a little motivation to sign up. Its only $10 per person and there are of course plenty of divisions as covered in previous posts. Get involved team, it will be a great saturday (19/8).

We will be setting up the Assault Bike again for a chance to win a short term membership so get your friends and family down to watch and do some fitness at the same time:)




Saturday 12/8/17


“Mogadishu Mile”

4 Rounds for time:

19 KB Snatches 24kg (Left first then Right for a total of 38)
19 KB Front Squats
19 KB push-ups (one hand on KB left then right for a total of 38)
400 m run with KB

Rules for Mogadishu Mile

*Your KB is your ‘Ranger Buddy…..you cannot lose physical contact with it at any time. You may rest it on your body, or set it on the ground with one hand touching it, but do not let it go completely.
*If you DO let your KB go, you forfeit the progress of that round, and you must start the round over.

Symbolism of the “Mogadishu Mile”
*You cover a total distance of one mile. Even though the soldiers actually walked between 2.5 and 3 miles depending on their starting point, it has become known as a “mile”. You carry your KB during the run to symbolize the gear the soldiers carried.
*19 reps – one honoring each soldier of Task Force Ranger killed during the battle and the day after.
*Ground to overhead – as the soldiers held up their rifles the entire time
*Squats – as they sought cover behind anything available
*Push-ups – as they fell to the ground and had to get back up
*Don’t let the KB go – symbolic for the dedication the soldiers showed towards their creed to ‘not leave a man behind


On October 3rd, 1993, members of the 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment and 1st SFOD-D (Delta Force), supported by pilots from the 160th Aviation Regiment (Nightstalkers) and other SF units, went into the city of Mogadishu, Somalia to execute Operation ‘Gothic Serpent’, an attempt to apprehend key players in Mohammed Farrah Aidid’s dictatorship. While the initial mission went smoothly, things took a turn for the worse when two aircraft were shot down, forever coining the phrase ‘Blackhawk Down’. Determined to not leave a man behind, and also facing the task of securing the crash sites, Rangers and Deltas, scattered at several locations throughout the city, under heavy fire, most of them wounded, and low on supplies, held their positions until the morning hours of October 4th.
As help from the 10th Mountain Division finally arrived, the armored vehicles could not accommodate all of the soldiers. At this point, some of them began their exit to a rally point on foot, under heavy fire, dehydrated and sleep deprived, all of them wounded in one way or another. This has become known as the “Mogadishu Mile”.


2 more weeks of this Training Cycle

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This short Back Squat and Bench Press cycle has two more weeks left before we test the two movements. Make sure you do your best to attend those sessions as our last big training cycle of the year (12 weeks) is coming up and the more people who know their percentages the better results you will get. We will continue to use percentage work in the strength movements to better control everyones volume and load.

After this month of revisiting last months skills we will continue focussing on new skills and progressions to help you all improve. There will be more details on the upcoming training cycle later on. Let us focus on finishing this cycle on a high and get some good improvements.

Just a couple of reminders:

6.30pm Classes Monday and Wednesday have started and we have seen a few people in them which is awesome.

Our weight lifting program starts Tuesday 15/8, 6.30pm. There is still time to sign up.

The first SPC individual comp will run Saturday 19/8. All athletes have to be at the gym 9am for briefing. If you would like to join in on one of the divisions please sign up asap or contact me for more info.




Friday 11/8/17



Squat Clean Thrusters 70/50kg

Burpee over Bar

3 min Rest


Double Unders

Air Squats

3 min Rest

50 Plate V-Sit Twist 15/10kg

Keep spreading the word:)

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It has been great seeing a lot of new people at the gym lately. Always good to meet new people eager to get fit and learn more about what CrossFit really is. Also really happy to see old members finding their way back in the gym after winter sports.

If you want an outlet for all those competitive urges after your sports season has finished this is the place to be. The awesome thing about CrossFit is, it allows for everyone to get out of a session what they want. Like learning new skills or if you have those skills have a little fun competition between you and your mates. The white board scores also allow you to see what your mate did in an earlier class and you can try to beat their score and if you do, they will try to go harder the next time. That way, you are actually helping each other get fitter. If you have friends or family who you reckon would like this type of fun competition, bring them in for a session and let them see for themselves, how inspiring and motivating this type of fitness is.




Thursday 10/8/17

Strength: Bench Press

3 x 5 @ 90%

WOD: For Time

800m Run


KB Swings 24/16kg

KB Goblet Reverse Lunges

400m Run

The Penny has Dropped. Proud Coach Moment

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With the desire to make our members work really hard during workouts but at the same time use correct technique, called Virtuosity, comes obvious issues in making them understand and follow our instructions. There is always a fine line where if you work too hard, technique can take a backseat and you end up shortening your range of motion or even worse, you get hurt. We consistently coach all our members about how to perform exercises and give them goals about what we want them to achieve in a specific workout. Does it need to be fast or steady, heavy or light etc. There is always a person who is a little more competitive than the rest and they need to be told to hold back a bit and focus on the technique whether it is a full range or proper technique issue. It is completely natural to see people wanting to do as good as possible and you sometimes lose sight of the main goal which is virtuosity.

I have noticed for some time that you have all started to show a desire to achieve virtuosity in every workout rather than just getting the fastest time or most rounds. I have noticed a feeling of pride in you when coming in to the gym feeling sore but sore in the right muscles I.E. hamstrings instead of lower back or lats instead of shoulders. Many things could be contributed to that but my main thoughts are for most of you, you have realized that slowing down to perfect technique during workouts hasn’t affected you scores over a period of time and feeling sore in “the right” muscles have helped your strength levels and/or helped you stay free of small injuries. A combination of these factors plus making sure you take rest days during the week have helped you train consistently for a longer period of time compared to previous and that in turn have seen you make better improvements as well. Dare I say it. I think the penny has dropped for a huge portion of you. It is about training smarter not harder.

I am proud of all of you finally committing to seeing the bigger picture and acting on it by wanting to achieve virtuosity. I am also proud of us coaches being persistent in the way we coach and not giving up you.




Wednesday 9/8/17

Strength: Back Squat

3 x 3 @ 90-95%

WOD: 5 x 3 min AMRAP

9 Wall Balls 9/6kg

7 Power Cleans 50/35kg

5 Burpees

1 min Rest between AMRAPs


Say hi to Rereahu Jefferies

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Rere has really embraced CrossFit and she has made some huge strides towards improving her overall fitness.

Rere is from a small town called Opotiki in the Bay Of Plenty. She came to Dunedin to study at Uni and is on her forth year now which means she is almost finished studying and ready to take on the world. Like many students who come from around the country she has enjoyed the student experience in Dunedin but after four years here, she is ready to get some traveling done before real life begins.

Rere has done a bit of CrossFit before, both when she was in high school and also down here back in 2014. It really showed as she picked up the technical lifts with ease.

Rere admits that her main reasons for joining the gym was a bit of unwanted weight gain and also she missed the camaraderie amongst her CrossFit friends. She is loving being back into it, having fun working out but also competing against her friends. She is ready to give it everything until its time to say goodbye to Dunedin. She has never been a big fan of sports but she has been enjoying watching the CrossFit Games. Rere does love swimming and going to the beach but instead of heaps of other sports she is more keen on long hikes especially if there is a waterfall nearby and she likes cooking and baking.

Rere is one of the quieter ones but awesome to have around, plus she has to talk to me when I greet everyone at the front door, most of the time with a loud Hey, How Are You? It is always great meeting new people and seeing Rere enjoying the community is awesome.




Tuesday 8/8/17

Strength: Every 2 min for 12 min

2 Hang Squat Snatches

Build in Weight

WOD: For Time

400m Run

20 DB Power Cleans 22.5/15kg

20 DB Front Squats

20 DB Push Jerks

Accessory Work: 3 Rounds of

15 Lying Hollow Rocks

15 Banded or empty BB Good Mornings

Time to Sign Up for our In-house Comp 19/8

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Sorry about the late post, unfortunately my charger melted Sunday arvo while trying to charge my laptop after all this CrossFit Games watching:) How good was the Games though.

I would like to know who will be competing in our in house competition on the 19th. We are starting at 9am. Please get hold of me to sign up:) Only $10 per person. It will be a very cool day. Let me know if you want to compete but unsure what division you are in (RX or Scaled)

We still have just one spot left for our weight lifting program starting 15/8. get in now if you want to join. $120 per person for 6 weeks.

Our outdoor program is starting up again this tuesday 6am at the Caledonian. Feel free to turn up and try it out if you are keen to try something new with your training.

We have plenty of things on this month so make sure you stay up to date on our website and Facebook




Monday 7/8/17

Skill: Push ups/Handstand Push ups

4 min EMOM:

5 Strict HSPU

Straight into

4 min EMOM

10 Kipping HSPU

Straight into

4 min EMOM

15 Push ups

WOD: 12 min AMRAP

9 Deadlift 70/50kg

18 Sit Ups