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Christian Pedersen

Clarifying Team comp age rules

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It is great to hear all the banter around our upcoming team comp on 16/9/17. Teams are being made up as we speak so you have to get in quick to get your team sorted. All members and coaches will be part of this. Just to make the rules clear around team members.

A team consists of three men or three women. All three in a team need to be of different age I.E. 19 yo, 26 yo and 42 yo. People can be from the same decade I.E. the 80’s but they can’t both be in their 20’s. One of you need to be in your 30’s to stay within the rules. I hope that clears it all up, happy team member hunting.




Tuesday 29/8/17

Strength: Overhead Press

3 x 5 @ 85% of 5RM

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

400m Run

25 KB Swings 24/16kg

15 TTB

Meet Charlotte Howard

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Charlotte started CrossFitting in Wellington in November 2015. She loves challenging herself and after she had handed in her Masters thesis she needed a new challenge. Charlotte was unfortunate to miss out on Med. School in Auckland and Crossfit kept her moving forward. She had to take a year out to re-sit her entrance exams and apply all over again. Charlotte kept making progress in the gym which kept her somewhat sane during a very tough year. She moved down to Dunedin for Med. School and anyone who is going through Med. School knows how stressful it can be so Crossfit kind of helps her sweat out her stress

Charlotte loves Crossfit for the team sport atmosphere and community and she is also as she puts it herself “a fan girl of the olympic lifts and squats”. “Not so much the cardio, gymnastics… Wait, why do I do Crossfit?! Haha”.

Before joining our gym she had a back injury that put her out for about 6 months, so making sure she didn’t re-injure herself was top of the priority list when she signed up. She is able to join normal classes and has joined our weight lifting program as that is her favorite.

Charlotte is from a military family, her brother served two tours in Afghanistan, so doing the hero wods is pretty cool and she loves that Southern Peak does one every Saturday.




Monday 28/8/17

Strength: Back Squat

4 x 3 @ 80% of 3RM

(If you missed Testing you are finding your 3RM)

WOD: Each Round For Max Reps

3 min Wall Balls 9/6kg

3 min Burpees

2 min Wall Balls 9/6kg

2 min Burpees

1 min Wall Balls 9/6

1 min Burpees

Keep up the good work

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You would have seen a lot of new faces around so make sure you introduce yourself and make them all part of our awesome community. It is awesome when new people come in and give everyone a little boost of energy. Great to see how all you guys are obviously spreading the word everywhere. keep up the good work. Next week will be a great option to bring more new people in as we are starting a new training cycle and they will be able to start fresh on a new training program.




Saturday 26/8/17



50 walking lunges

25 C2B pull ups

50 Box Jumps 24′

25 Triple Unders

50 Back Extensions

25 Ring Dips

50 Knee to Elbow

25 Wall Balls (2 for 1) 9kg

50 Sit ups

5 Rope Climbs


U.S. Coast Guard Lieutenant Junior Grade Thomas Cameron, 24, of Portland, Oregon, in training at the Aviation Training Center in Mobile, Alabama, died on February 28, 2012, when his unit’s helicopter crashed into Mobile Bay in the Gulf of Mexico during a training mission. He is survived by his parents Bette and John, and brother Alex.

Great Finish

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It has been great to see all the strength improvements and PRs on the whiteboards this week. Everyone put forward a fantastic effort and you all have something to show for it. Remember what you got as we will be using those numbers throughout the next training cycle.

The Uni holiday is only one week so you won’t miss out on much. Just try and get a session or two in where you live, I am sure they have a CrossFit gym you can use.

We will be continuing our Chipper Fridays and Hero Wod Saturdays for the next program. They have been very popular and they complement the program really well.

We still have a Free Session offer for everyone new so make sure to bring a friend in when you can.




Friday 25/8/17

WOD: For Time

5 Rounds of

7 deadlift 100/70kg

14 Push ups

Straight into

5 Rounds of

15 Sit ups

25 Air Squats

50 Double Unders


Meet Zoe Fox

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Zoe is a very busy mum of two great kids aged 6 and 2. Her big hobby is Roller Derby. She commits a lot of hours every week at the Edgar Centre to coaching the Dunedin Team and playing for them as well. They play against teams from all over the country and overseas. Her other big hobby is Crossfit. She comes to three sessions every week mostly in the morning. She does all of this while being a managing director of a games company. It is super inspiring to see Zoe be a great role model for her kids and working so hard at the gym on her strength and fitness at the same time. As Zoe says herself “I think it’s good for them to see their mum focussed on being strong, active and healthy, so I try to emphasize those things”.

Zoe has always been a big believer in making sure she is able to do things like running a certain distance or lifting a certain weight. Zoe actually joined our gym because, to use her own words “I was the slowest and/or the weakest in the sessions I came to try it out”. Just that tells you how awesome her outlook on life is. She didn’t do well at something and right away she was motivated to come back and get good at it rather than giving up. That is how everyone should attack anything new. Zoe wanted to join a gym where she would have to work hard to get stronger and fitter and she certainly found it. Zoe has turned things around and she has made huge improvements in her time here. Im really excited to see where she can take her fitness in the future.

We are very lucky to have you as part of our community Zoe. You will motivate heaps of people around you to be better. Especially a lot of our young students will find it motivating to see a successful and motivated person like you throwing down at the gym.

Good luck with the Roller Derby season Zoe.




Thursday 24/8/17

WOD: 10 Rounds for Time

200m Run

10 DB Snatches 32.5/20kg




Get ready for 12 weeks of improvements

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If you know anyone who is keen to really take hold of their own health, fitness and overall well-being, this would be a great time to introduce them to us at Southern Peak CrossFit. We are about to start a whole new 12 week training cycle. We will be building on all the gains you made last cycle but it is also going to be a great starting point for someone new. Both power -and olympic lifts will still be heavily featured in this training cycle (excuse the pun). There will also be new skills for you to sink your teeth into especially handstand push ups and holds and a bit of work on the gymnastic rings. There will as always be heaps of high energy wods following all this strength and skill work.

To make sure no one misses out on a lot of the same exercises we will make sure we don’t program the same lifts on the same days I.E. You won’t see back squat two Mondays in a row. There will still be a lot of structure to the program because there are certain things we would like you to do every week. Things that will improve your strength and fitness above other things. This means if you read the program carefully you can to some extent predict what strength or skill is coming up during the week. This is a good thing as it will show you black on white, that we don’t just throw shit down on paper, we actually program for you as a member. We program with structure which will, if you Follow it, give you huge results.

I am excited about starting this next training cycle and I hope you are too.




Wednesday 23/8/17

Strength: Testing

Bench Press

find your 5RM

WOD: 15 min EMOM

1st: 3 Strict Pull ups – 7 Kipping Pull ups

2nd: 15 Box Jumps 24/20′

3rd: 15 OHS 30/20kg


Next Team Event is being planned

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We are planning on having our next big In-House Event on 16/9/17. It will be a team event consisting of 3 Team Members. 3 Guys or 3 Girls. The rules are they have to be from 3 different decades I.E. a teenager, 20 yo, 30, 40 or 50 and so on. There will be 3-4 workouts on the day.

Start sorting out your teams now because your preferred team members might get snapped up soon:) This will be a super fun way to get more people involved in a fun competition. There will be plenty of team work needed to get through the workouts. This also gives you about 4 weeks to practice some of the exercises you are less confident at.




Tuesday 22/8/17

Strength: Back Squat Testing

Find your 3RM

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

400 m Run

15 Hang Squats Cleans 40/30kg


Testing Week is here again

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Wow what a weekend. Great competition, fun party and a brilliant All Blacks win.

I hope you all enjoyed your Saturday at the gym. Well done to all the competitors. There were some fantastic achievements from everyone. Very impressive stuff. Some of you in your very first In house comp and I really hope you liked it so much that you are keen to do more of them. It was awesome to see everyone happy to help with judging between their own heats, that is the way a community based In house comp should run. Special thanks to Amanda and Marcus for helping out on the day with judging and setting the equipment up for every event.

This is testing week. 3RM Back Squat on Tuesday and 5RM Bench Press on Wednesday. Make sure you turn up those two days so we can get some updated strength numbers for everyone. We will be using more percentage work as I believe it is the best way to monitor volume and loading. I will also post a sheet that has perceived 1RMs. This will help you make better decisions in connection to choosing weights in workouts. Both for warm ups and working sets.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the gym this week to lift some heavy weights and see all your strength improvements.




Monday 21/8/17

WOD: Each for Time


KB Swings 24/16kg


-3 min Rest-


DB Thrusters 22.5/15kg


-3 min Rest-


KB swings 24/16kg


Competition Day

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Its game time. The competition starts at 9am with the athlete briefing after that we are into it. There will be three events for everyone to watch. We will run the comp in 3 to 4 heats depending on the event. Event one will have a 15 min time cap, Event 2 will have an 11 time cap and Event 3 will have a 6 min time cap.

The gym will be open from 8am if you want to come down and warm up beforehand. The gym has clean running water again after DCC lifted the water restrictions but feel free to bring your own drinks and snacks. It will be a long morning so make sure you are well prepared.

The party will start around 7pm and its a BYO drinks, meat for the BBQ and chair:) Hope to see you all there for some banter. I have it from a reliable source (Wes) that the AB’s game will be on at the gym.

Note: There are no classes this weekend so make sure you get down to the gym at some point either in the morning or evening.

Im fizzing for another exciting Saturday at the box. Looking forward to seeing you all there.



Start your Prep now.

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This is an important note specifically for people who are competing this summer. Most comps will start to warn/inform you of certain exercises/disciplines/full workouts that they will be testing a few weeks our from when their comp is. If you see this and think “oh no I haven’t done any of that” then there is a flaw in your preparations for competing. I will go straight to the point and what I want you competitors to do.

Find out online what comps you want to do this Summer, then write down a list of important things you need to work on and start doing those things once per week. It could be:

  1. Get Upside down (handstand – Hold/push ups/walk)
  2. Go to the Pool and swim
  3. Climb a Rope
  4. Start doing ring work (Holds/dips/turn over drills/muscle ups)

It could be a bunch of other things. Find out what you need to get better at. If you start these things now you will be in a much better position when your competition comes up. That way you also don’t need to do a bunch of extra work 2 weeks out and maybe get hurt doing something in excess that you haven’t done before. If you feel your list is too long there is even more incentive to get started now. Pick a few things every month until you only have a small list left. You wont get better at swimming by reading about it.

You have three great coaches at your disposal who are more than happy to give you guidance in how to approach a few extra things in the gym after training or in your own time out of the gym.

Start preparing slowly now so you can build it up over time, rather than starting too late and break yourself down.




Friday 18/8/17


600 m Run

30 Power Snatch 40/30

30 Box Jump 24/20′

60 Push Ups

30 Box Jumps

30 Overhead squats 40/30kg

600 m Run