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All Posts By

Christian Pedersen

Apparel Order & BBQ

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Right a little heads up about getting your apparel orders in. Please let me know this week what apparel you want so I can put it on the list. Then pay me in cash or put the money into the gym account. Would be good to get this organized this month so we can get crisp new t shirts and hoodies for Nationals. Also for the nationals teams if you want to find your own Team T-Shirt to compete in so you look the same, get hold of me ASAP with what you want so we can get that sorted at the same time. 3-2-1 GO!

Event Notice

We have decided to have a fun BBQ and Beer Pong Tourny on the 4/11 at the gym. It will also be an early Christmas Party before the students leave. I know it might be in the exams period but we have both members going to Weightlifting Nationals (Dunedin) and Teams CrossFit Nationals (The Mount) the two weekends prior, so couldn’t be earlier. It will be great seeing you all there for one last hurray before people exit this wonderful town for the summer. Plus some of you won’t return so it would be good to give you a proper goodbye.




Thursday 21/9/17

Strength: Front Squat

Max reps @ 80% of 3RM

Accessory Work: 4 Rounds of

15 banded or empty BB Good Mornings

10 BB Bent Rows

10 Strict TTB

15 DB Floor Press

2 Extra Classes, next week ONLY.

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Important Notice about next week. Since Oly Club is taking a week off before next cycle, we will have 6.30pm classes running Tuesday and Thursday as well. So if you feel you have been missing out a little, make sure you come to those two extra classes. 5.30pm are always big classes so 6.30pm is a great option if you have nothing else on.

We are also looking to include a 4.30pm class on Monday (after CrossFit Teens) and Wednesday but we would like a lot of feedback on that one so feel free to leave a comment or text 021 248 9222 with any input. It would be much appreciated.




Wednesday 20/9/17

Strength: Snatch Complex

4 min EMOM

3 Snatch Pulls

Every 90 sec for 6 min

2 Squat Snatches


Every 3 min for 12 min (Goal is Consistency)

400m Run

Every 2 min for 8 min

30 Burpees

Next Olympic Cycle Starts Tuesday 3rd October 6.30pm

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Caption: Max Aitkenhead lifting during our Team comp last Saturday

Its testing week for our Olympic Lifting Program and we are looking forward to seeing all the huge improvements from everyone. There will be a week off and then we are back into our next program starting Tuesday 3rd October 6.30pm. The program will run every Tuesday and Thursday 6.30-7.30pm for 6 weeks. The price is $120. Contact Christian on 021 248 9222 or on email [email protected] today to sign up.

Spots went quick for the last cycle so don’t waste time. Contact us today

Before and throughout these first two Cycles, Joe has worked hard on furthering his knowledge on olympic weightlifting, through reading, talking to other olympic weightlifting coaches and studying weightlifting through his PT course. His coaching is continually improving and you will be in very good hands at every session.

We will be posting feedback from the current participants so you can get a better idea what the program involves and what you need to do to improve your own lifting.





Skill: Muscle Ups

10 min Warm-up and progressions

10 min EMOM:

Level 1: 1-3 Muscle Ups

Level 2: Turn over drills

Level 3:

Odd: 1-5 Strict Pull ups

Even: 1-5 Strict Ring Dips/Push ups

WOD: 21-15-9

KB Swing 24/16kg

Goblet Squats


Amazing Team Comp

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It was fantastic to see so many of you turn out for the comp both spectators and participants. What was even more heart warming was all the positive comments from heaps of you about our gym and how much you enjoyed the day. Huge success thanks to all of you guys and girls who helped out on the day and threw down. What a great day. I am sure we will have more of these types of competitions in the future. But our next event won’t be a competition, it will be our Xmas Party, more info to come:)

The winning teams from the weekend were

Girls Div: Amanda, Tiree & Lucy (Hot Wings)

Guys Div: Josh, Riley & Flynn (Double D’s)

All 6 of them great people and athletes. They are all good CrossFitters and will get even better for sure, but the most important thing for me is that they are having fun. Nothing replaces the enjoyment of turning up daily, training and having fun with your friends.

If you didn’t bring in your $10 please bring it in next time you are at the gym so we can tick you off the list. Remember all funds go towards our Teams as they head to Nationals next month to compete against the rest of the country in the Mount.




Monday 18/9/17

Strength: Bench Press

3 x 5 @ 90% of 5RM

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

30 Wall Balls 9/6kg

100 Double Unders

Time to find the best team of three:)

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Attention athletes remember briefing starts at 9am. make sure you are on time. The gym will be open from 8.30am. Also there will be time to warm up more after the briefing so no panic. We are aiming to finish the comp around 1pm.

Excited to see what everyone have come up with for costumes. It will be an awesome day and hopefully the weather holds up too.

WODS will be on the whiteboard so you can plan your strategies during the day before you have to do each WOD.

Make sure to get hold of any of the coaches on the day if you have any concerns or questions.

Bring your friends down to have a go at 1 min Max calories on the Assault Bike for a 1 Month FREE membership

Looking forward to seeing everyone down here.





CrossFit Team Series

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If any of you have been thinking about paring up for the CrossFit Team Series here is another incentive from crossFit HQ. The Team series starts on the wednesday 20/9. It is a official online partner competition from CrossFit. Visit this website for more info on the comp.


We also know that this years CrossFit Invitational is on Sunday 5th Nov in Melbourne, Australia. The big news though is that the Top 10 male/female pairs from the Australian Team Series Leader Board will be invited to participate in a Community Comp Saturday 4th Nov in Melbourne. I reckon we have a few pretty good athletes who would have a good shot at representing out little affiliate if you get together and sign up for the Team series. Get hold of me if you are interested. I will have more info for you if you wish to get involved.




Friday 15/9/17

Chipper: For Time

400m Run

60 Burpees

400m Run

40 TTB

400m Run

20 Power Cleans 70/50kg

400m Run


spcrossfit is on Snatchat:)

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Get your apparel orders in and either pay the money into our account with “apparel” in reference or bring the cash to the gym $35 T-Shirts and $60 Hoodies.

We still have a little bit of apparel left at the gym which needs to go $10 per T-shirt.

Still looking for one more girl to get into a team for this Saturday, I am sure we have someone out there who is keen to join. Get hold of me ASAP.

The gym is on SnapChat now so find us under username spcrossfit. Follow us for daily videos about what we get upto at the gym. There will be bunch of fun promos, but also small tips and other stuff to improve your fitness. it will also be an easy way to communicate with the gym.

We have got a few adverts out on social media, feel free to share them amongst your friends if you feel they need a hand with their health. It will be an easy way for them to have a look at our website and Facebook page before committing to coming in. That way they get to know more about us and they can see in our videos that we are about community and having fun more than anything.




Thursday 14/9/17

Strength: Overhead Press

3 x 5 @ 90% of 5RM


Accumulate 7 min Prone Hold

Every time you break perform 12 Push Jerk 50/35kg



Have a Goal, Never Stop Trying

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Clue for WOD #3: You need one person who can TTB, one who can Wall Ball 9/6kg and one who can KB Swing 24/16kg. Time to talk tactics.

The actual Wod will be released later.

When it comes to the Muscle ups for this month the main goal for you should be improving from where you are right now. That doesn’t mean that if you don’t get a muscle up in September you have failed. It means take a look where you are now are you in group 1,2 or 3. From that starting point your focus should be on going up one group over a period of time. If you are struggling with our DB push ups and strict pull ups then work on increasing volume in those movements before moving on. Don’t try turnover drills if you don’t have the basics. Focus on the basics strict/kipping pull ups and strict and kipping ring dips and improve those movements first.

For the members who have muscle ups or are close to their first one, make sure you are warmed up enough before you start your first reps. Go through more progressions if need be. Just like lifting you need to be ready to do muscle ups. That is also the reason we spend so much time on different variations and progressions before we let you start your muscle ups. And again even if you have one you can always work on cleaner reps and there is also the option of linking 2 together. Always have a new goal to work on.

I have been impressed with the amount of members who are getting their first rep. You can all attest to the fact it takes time to get there so everyone else should take it as motivation and keep believing that you will improve over a period of time. Whether it means getting your first pull up or muscle up never stop trying.




Wednesday 13/9/17

Skill: Muscle Ups

10 min warm up with progressions

10 min EMOM:

Group 1: 1-3 Muscle ups

Group 2: Turnover and hip drive drills

Group 3:

Odd: 1-5 Strict Pull ups

Even: 1-5 Strict Ring Dips or Push ups

WOD: 10 Rounds for Time /w Partner

Partner A) 200m Run

Partner B) 5 Power Snatches 60/40kg

Team Comp Wod #2 Released

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We have our retro “Southern Peak Fitness” T-shrts available to buy at $10 each. We only have Women’s Small and Medium left so be in quick if you want to buy a piece of history. As soon as they are gone we will do another order of “SP CrossFit” apparel with the same colours, Navy and Grey.

Teams have been set up but we are still missing a couple of guys and girls so if you are keen to join in make sure to get hold of me ASAP. We don’t want anyone to miss out so if we end up with a mixed team in the end so be it:) Get your Costumes and Team Name sorted. Please let me know your team name when you know it, so I can prepare the white board on the day

Team Comp: WOD #2 : Max Weight

0:00-5:00 Team member A) Perform 1RM Snatch

5:00-10:00 Team member B) Perform 2RM Thruster

10:00-15:00 Team member C) Perform 3RM Clean (1 Clean + 2 Hang Cleans)

All three weights added together will be your team score.

Time to find out which team member is strongest in what lift. Rules will be covered on the day.




Tuesday 12/9/17

Strength: Back Squat

4 x 4 @ 80% of 3RM


10 min AMRAP:


30 Box Jumps 24/20′

– Straight into –

10 min AMRAP:

15 Burpees

30 Walking Lunges



Important Info for our Comp

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Important notices for our team comp this Saturday.

Woman’s Teams

  1. Lucy, Tiree & Amanda
  2. Penny, Ella & Rachel
  3. Courtney, Bridget & Leigh
  4. Madeleine, MaryAnn & Megan
  5. Della, Danielle & Diana
  6. Melissa, Nicole & Jenny

Men’s Teams

  1. Flynn, Riley & Josh
  2. Marcus, Christian & Michael
  3. Sam L, Harlem & Brett
  4. Patrick, Max & Conrad
  5. Arvan, Joe & Mark
  6. Jack, Marco & Matt
  7. Tom, Sam W & ??? Need someone 30+ for this team


Briefing will be at 9am so don’t be late. The gym will open at 8.30am for people who would like more time to warm up and get settled in before the comp starts. Please bring your $10 cash from each member on the day.

I suggest you bring drinks and snacks, as it will be a long morning. We plan to finish around 1pm.

Now that you know your team, get hold of them so you can organize your Team Name and Dress-up Theme.


WOD #1:

3 x 400m relay (Carry)

100 Pull Ups

100 DB Snatches 22.5/15kg

100 Plate Burpees


Don’t get too worried, as we will talk rules on Saturday. No Team will get stuck.

Get organizing, as you only have days left till you are competing 🙂




Monday 11/9/17


4 min EMOM

3 Clean Pulls (Heaviest weight from week 1 complex)

6 min EMOM:

1 Squat Clean – 1 Split Jerk

Build in weight

WOD: 3 Rounds For Time

25 KB Russian Swings 24/16kg

20 KB Goblet Squats

15 V-Ups