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All Posts By

Christian Pedersen

What SPC is really about

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It has been a true eye opener for me running this GrabOne deal and talking to a huge amount of people from Dunedin about CrossFit. It is amazing the response we have gotten from the deal and great to see all you down at the gym taking advantage of an amazing deal and making a decision to improve your health and fitness.

I have been enjoying all the correspondence with people about what CrossFit is and isn’t. Some of the questions have been warranted to a certain extent but mainly because people have been mis-informed about what we really do at Southern Peak CrossFit. So I want to put a few things straight in this blog post

  1. No, you don’t need to start training and get fitter before you come in. We are here to help you start out right and everything we do can be scaled to any level. We do not force anyone to go harder or lift heavier than they should.
  2. Yes, you can bring your teenage sons and daughters with you to sessions we don’t have age restrictions to any of what we do but we do have a teenage specific program to help them with specific training for kids/young adults.
  3. Yes, if you are brand new to training you should definitely turn up and start training with us. We help you build the correct technical base for all movements and coach you you at every sessions to make sure you progress through your fitness journey the right way, which means steady improvements over a long period of time.
  4. Yes, you will be able to keep up no matter your fitness level. We scale every workout to the individual which means you will get to work out in a safe and motivating environment.

When we say CrossFit is for everyone we mean it. Don’t hesitate to come in and join us for a training session. We would love to meet you




Thursday 9/11/17

Strength: Snatch Complex

Every min for 8 min

1 Snatch Pull – 1 Hang Power Snatch

Build in weight

WOD: 9 min AMRAP

10 TTB

5 Hang Power Snatch 60/40kg

Update time

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There will be a few more disruptions this week as the plumbers finish the showers and toilets. Apologies for any inconvenience even though it has probably been more of an inconvenience not having showers so I’m sure we will get through it:)

Ill be away in Wellington this weekend to try and educate myself a little more in the CrossFits which will only add to the level of coaching we are offering at the moment. We are continually trying to better the way we are running classes so it will be good to get that extra expertise in the gym.

Barbell Club is finishing the last cycle for the year this week with testing. It has been great to see all the improvements from everyone and the commitment from you guys and girls to stay with it and improve over multiple cycles has been even cooler. Thank you for supporting the program this year and thank you to Joe for making the program his own, planning and coaching all the sessions. We are looking forward to offering the same quality program for you all next year.




Wednesday 8/11/17

Strength: Strict Press

3 x 3 @ 100% of 5RM

WOD: 5 Rounds for Time

15 DB Push Press 22.5/15kg

50 Double Unders

10 Renegade Row

50 Double Unders

Finish this training cycle Strong

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We have spent a long time getting stronger this Winter/Spring and it is really starting to show. We have noticed a huge improvement across the gym in our squatting and lifting positions and even more important we have seen a willingness from you to dial the weight back and make sure you are staying in a good position throughout the lift. This will benefit you a lot more than just wanting to lift heavy every time you see a barbell. We will finish this strength cycle off in proper fashion with a couple of testing weeks end of this month. Really looking forward to seeing some amazing improvements in all the lifts we have been focussing on. Don’t worry we won’t abandon strength work for the next cycle, that would be a waste of all your strength gains but we will look to maintain your strength and start moving towards a more cardio vascular based focus for the following 12 weeks.

If you have been following our program and seen we already run twice a week you might start getting a bit nervous about the change of focus, “Don’t Be”:) The focus of our programming is all in the detail, so most of you might not feel there is much of a change at all. It will only really show when we do our testing sessions and you see how much the details of a specialized program matter.

We are looking forward to seeing some huge improvements from all our new members as well as they get to feel what a true CrossFit program is about and not what they thought it would be but thats for a whole other blog post:)




Tuesday 7/11/17

Skill: 10 min EMOM

Odd: 10 perfect push ups

Even: 4-8 x 1 hollow rock – 1 kipping pull up or

4-8 strict banded pull ups

WOD: 15 min AMRAP

10 Burpees

10 Deadlift 90/65kg

20 Alt Lunge Jumps

What a Party:)

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Huge Thank You to everyone who turned up for the BBQ and Beer Pong comp on Saturday. Turned into an epic party and an amazing way to say goodbye to all our student members from out of town who will be leaving us for the summer. We will however see most of them back again next year.

Congratulations to our winning team Nick Beard and Tom Heaton. They played with confidence the whole day and no one saw them coming. There might be a future for you there guys:)

It doesn’t always have to be about working out, sometimes just getting together and having a good time means just as much, especially for our community. We have got a great thing going here team and it shows every time we throw an event and get a big turnout or when a new person comes through doors and is greeted by everyone.




Monday 6/11/17

Strength: Front Squat

max reps @ 85% of 3RM

WOD: 5 Rounds for Time

200m Run

15 KB Swings 24/16kg


We are starting at 4PM

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We will see you all at 4pm for a little get together at the gym, finishing the year off for most of the students with a beer pong competition and a BBQ if weather allows it. The students makes SPC a special place with amazing atmosphere and it livens the place up heaps. Thanks for sticking with us this year and we will look forward to seeing most of you back next year. To everyone not coming back next year good luck with wherever life takes you and you will always have a training spot here if you find your way back to good ol Dunners:)




Saturday 4/11/17



For Time

50 Pull ups

400m Run

21 Thrusters 42.5kg

800m Run

21 Thrusters

400m Run

50 Pull ups


With heavy hearts we dedicate this workout to Army Sgt 1st Class Daniel Crabtree who was killed in Al Kut, Iraq on Thursday June 8th. To Daniel’s family and friends, we express our sorrow; to his wife Kathy and daughter Mallory, we tearfully acknowledge your loss as the true cost of freedom. Fair Winds, Daniel.

GrabOne Deal Still Going:)

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Our 4 weeks introductory GrabOne deal is still going. We have seen a bunch of new awesome people around the gym. Its been great to see so many people from our fantastic Dunedin community come in and giving it a go and finding out what CrossFit is actually about on a day to day basis. We will be looking forward to seeing everyone else over the next 3 months. We will keep everyone updated about what is going on at the gym on these daily blog posts.

If you are new to our community this is the place you need to be if you want to know everything about Southern Peak CrossFit. We post everything on here from the daily Workout Of the Day (WOD), to member profiles to training tips and upcoming events like parties, BBQ, competitions and more.

You can also find us on:

Facebook: Southern Peak CrossFit

Instagram: @southernpeakcrossfit

Snapchat: @spcrossfit

Have a look around all of these outlets to see what is happening on the daily.




Friday 3/11/17

Chipper: For Time

800m Run

70 Goblet Squats 24/16kg

60 Sit Ups

50 Burpees

40 OH Walking Lunges 20/15kg

30 Alt DB Snatches 32.5/22.5kg

20 Ring Muscle Ups


Skill of November: Positioning

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We have entered another month which means a new skill for everyone. We had great success with the bar muscle up/TTB combination and a large percentage of you got your first BMU or TTB which is great to see.

We had a chat about other things we can all improve on and since there are a variety of exercises we still need to go through we have decided to focus on positioning and skill transfer for all gymnastics which for you specifically means a lot of holds. Hollow holds and arch holds in various positions like prone, Supine, hanging and pulling and dipping. From there we will move into more dynamic movement.

We want to make things easier for you by introducing you to a concept where all exercises are based on the same principle of global flexion and extension (Carl Paoli). Specifically for you, it doesn’t matter if you are doing a burpee or a pull up the link between going from a hollow body position to an arch body position are the same. When you understand this it will be a lot easier for you to learn and improve on all movement. We have touched on this before but it wasn’t communicated to you as well as I wanted so the month of November is all about this concept. Looking forward to seeing some lightbulbs go off :))




Thursday 2/11/17

Skill: Bar Muscle Up/ TTB

10 min warm up and progressions before moving into specific elements of the two movements

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

400m Run

30 Wall Balls 9/6kg

20 SDHP 40/30kg


The Importance of Accessory Work

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We program at least one accessory workout per week. This session is to specifically even out muscle imbalances. If you have one side much stronger than the other it can affect the way you do all lifting and gymnastic bar work. Pulling, pressing or squatting off center or unevenly can have serious consequences for your back especially. Any unwanted twisting or tilting of the hips and/or back will put tremendous stress on your lower back and can cause serious injury if not corrected, especially if it is done with heavy weights I.E. weight lifting or with momentum I.E. gymnastic movements like muscle ups.

We use a series of Dumbbell movements to force both sides of your body to work evenly through pressing and pulling movements. We also utilize a range of core exercises to improve your core strength and stability. Single arm and leg movements are another great tool to combat imbalances which we also use during these accessory workouts.

We love pushing our members to work hard but we also know the importance of slowing things down and making sure all our members are capable of holding good body position during any exercise. Consistancy of mechanics always comes before intensity.




Wednesday 1/11/17

Strength: Bench Press

3 x 3 @105% of 5RM

Accessory Work

15 min EMOM

1st: 12 DB Floor Press

2nd: 45 sec Prone Hold

3rd: BB Bentover Row

BBQ & Beer Pong Tourny Saturday 4pm

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We are hoping the weather will be nice for Saturday but the longterm forecast is not looking great but the Beer Pong comp will still be on:) It just means that BBQ could be touch n go but we will keep you informed. We are starting at 4pm bring your favorite drinks and food.

Please let me know who your partner is for the comp so I can get the tourny format written up before time. Should be a really fun time regardless of the weather anyway.

Everyone who have every been through our doors are welcome to participate don’t feel left out. There is only one way of getting to know other members from the other classes and thats turning up to these kind of events and make friends. Help grow the community by hanging out with us this saturday afternoon.




Tuesday 31/10/17

Strength: 12 min EMOM

1 Clean Pull – 2 Hang Power Cleans

Build in weight

WOD: 10 min EMOM

8 KB Swings 24/16kg & 8 Burpees

Increase reps by 2 every min until failure. I.E. 10&10 then 12&12 etc.

Mid cycle testing continued

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We are in the 9th week of this training cycle and to make sure everyone is on the right path we have been testing a couple of movements. Today is the Front Squat. It writes as build to a heavy 3. This means if you feel good go for a heavy lift for 3 reps, maybe even a PR but you don’t have to put pressure on yourself to PR. If you are not feeling great just build to something that feels heavy. Any weight will help you stay on track. We have 6 weeks left of this training cycle so look forward to building to some heavy weights over the next few weeks. If you are leaving town before we are testing again make sure you find a gym to get some testing done. If you explain it to your CrossFit coach in your home town, I am sure they will let you get a few testing lifts done to finish of the training cycle and the year strong.




Monday 30/10/17

Strength: Front Squats

Build to a heavy 3

Wod: 4 Rounds for Time

20 Step ups 20′

20 DB push Press 22.5/15

20 TTB