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All Posts By

Christian Pedersen

Party Time 10/8 & In-House Comp 17/8

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First: Its been a while since the gym got together and did something outside the gym so we are throwing a party for you all at Harlems place Saturday 10/8. The address will be on the whiteboard at the gym. We will sort out some snacks but bring your own drink of choice.

Second: Saturday 17/8 we are having a fun In-house Individual competition for all of you to show off your new skills, strength and fitness. There will be four divisions.

Open RX & Open Scaled,

Masters 40+ RX & Masters 40+ Scaled.

We could come up with a huge list of things you should be able to do to find out what division you should be in, but we all know you just want to know if there are muscle ups or not and YES there are, because its part of being an RX athlete. However, for this specific competition they will be at the end of only one of the workouts. So if you always go RX in our daily workouts except on muscle up day you will be considered an RX athlete for this comp. All members joining in on Saturdays comp training will be expected to participate if they are available. If you are still unsure about any of this, just contact us and we can help you out.

Concerning scaled division. If you normally scale something in class you would be in the scaled division. There will be no Pull ups, TTB, Heavy lifting etc. We do not just think of the scaled division as an easier version of RX. It is a specific stage of development in your fitness journey and that will be reflected in the workouts on the day.

We want as many of you to sign up as possible, so there will be no unreasonable expectations set on you as a member.

Sign up, come down and have fun, that should be your main goal.


Tuesday 230719

Strength: Paused Back Squat

5 x 3 (3 sec pause at bottom)

Build in weight

MetCon: 16 min AMRAP

12 Alt DB Devils Press 32.5/22.5kg

15 KTE

75 Double Unders

How we want you to use On the Minute training

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We are getting straight to the point with this one. We want you to use these EMOM sessions to gauge what volume and intensity you are able to sustain for a longer period of time. This will help you set goals for other AMRAP (As many round as possible) and RFT (rounds for time) workouts. It helps you know how much work you can tolerate in a minute and how easy it will be for you to move on to the next exercise.

Lets take a simple run. If an EMOM calls for you to do a 200m run in less than a minute and you are shattered every time you come back and can’t go straight into the next exercise the following minute. You know right there that during EMOMs, you need to scale the 200m run to a shorter distance to keep up with the times. You also know that if you do an AMRAP or RFT workout you need to run slower and not do the run inside a minute because you will be too tired to continue the workout.

You can use this example for any exercise to give yourself an idea of what you are capable of inside a minute and still be able to move further in any workout.

Yes, it is important to get a good workout done and feel like you have worked hard, but it is equally as important to know how fit you are right now and months down the line be able to see exactly how much fitter you have become. You only have a chance to see that if you have a clear idea of how much work you are getting done and how long it takes you.

another element EMOMs work well with are skills. Focus on how many quality reps you can do in 30 sec and recover for 30sec. Do this for 10-20 minutes. This will help you stay on task rather than just doing reps with no clear goal in mind.

Be smart with your training and you will see all the improvements.


Wednesday 17/07/19

MetCon: 32 min EMOM

1st: 200m Run

2nd: 20 KB Swings 24/16kg

3rd: 20 Box Jumps 24/20′

4th: Rest

5th: 200m Run

6th: 20 KB Goblet Squats 24/16kg

7th: 20 Push Ups

8th: Rest

Do the Pause!

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Our new training phase has started and there will be heaps of paused reps. It bares repeating the reason for introducing all these paused reps is to improve individual segments of all compound movements like squats deadlifts, olympic lifts etc. but also to improve everyones bottom position in the squat. During our last squat cycle a lot of members seem to either bounce out of the bottom position or lose tension in the bottom position. We saw that as a clear weakness and something that needs to be addressed. A bounce out of the bottom of a Clean is recommended with heavy loads so you don’t get stuck at the bottom, but you need the strength to do it without hurting your knees and back. That is what we are going to work on over the next 12 weeks.

Stick to the pauses prescribed and you will see huge gains in all your lifting. Keep doing what you have been doing and you will likely plateau and not see any significant change in your strength level, the choice is yours.


Tuesday 160719

Monthly Skill: Handstand Push Ups

E2M for 12 min

Level 1: 5 Strict HSPU + 10 Kip. HSPU

Level 2: Progressions to link HSPU

Level 3: Pressing Strength to get your first HSPU

MetCon: For Time

2 Rounds of:

20 Alt DB Snatches 22.5/15kg

20 TTB

2 min Rest

2 Rounds of:

20 Single arm DB Thrusters 22.5/15kg

20 V-Ups

2 min Rest

1 Round of:

20 Alt DB Snatches

20 TTB

1 min Rest

1 Round of:

20 Single arm DB Thrusters

20 V-Ups

Use the 6.30pm class if you can

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There has been a steady increase in members wanting to train in the evening which is awesome. However we want to try and get more people into our 6.30pm class as everyone seems to want to train at 5.30pm and we only have 16 spots available. If you are able to train later we would love to have you in for our 6.30pm class. We appreciate for members with small children or members who live out of town the 5.30pm class right after work might be your only option. But if you don’t have anything on in the evening try a few 6.30pm classes and see how you like it. They run every Monday & Wednesday evening with Amanda and Thursday evening with Christian. It will be easy to motivate yourself to go to the late class if you know there will be a bunch of members there. Hope to see a lot more of you booking in its only another hour. Please check the bookings for 5.30pm and if its full just book in for 6.30pm and come down then.


Tuesday 090719

Strength: E2M for 10 min

2 Power Cleans + 1 Split Jerk (Build in weight)

@ 12:00

E2M for 6 min

3 Deadlift (Build in weight)

@ 20:00

For Time:

1200m DB or KB Farmers carry

Every time you put the weight down add 3 Burpees.

Do all Burpees after the 1200m carry.

Blog Posts on Facebook

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For future reference, we will only be posting our important blog posts on Facebook. The daily Wod can still be found on our website under our daily blog posts. so If you need to know what the Wod is, you can check it out there.

We have been adding more warm up drills over the last month, mostly due to the weather, and would like some feedback on how that is helping you. Feel free to private message us or tell us next time you see us.


Monday 080719

Skill of the Month: Handstand Push ups

E2M for 12 min

Level 1: 5 SHSPU + 10 HSPU

Level 2: Progressions for linking HSPU

Level 3: Pressing strength & HS Holds

MetCon: 4 RFT

400m Run

16 Alt. DB Snatches 32.5/22.5kg

12 Pull Ups

The SPC Program

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We believe the most value we bring to our members is in doing our own programming. Nobody knows our members strengths and weaknesses more than we do so before and after each training cycle we evaluate how they are all tracking and the program reflects that. We have already been through a lot of focus areas this year and yesterday was a great example of how strong our members are getting, not only with the barbell but also with gymnastics/bodyweight movements.

On reflection, the few areas we need to improve on as a gym are confidence in the bottom position of squats so there will be plenty of paused reps on Back, Front & Overhead Squats to help this change.

Our monthly gymnastic focus has been working really well so we will continue this through the rest of the year. However, we will start including more strict gymnastics/bodyweight movements to help members upper body strength and shoulder health.

Lastly, the MetCons (AMRAP, EMOM, Chipper etc.). The main point we strive to get across to all of our members is, hit the workout with the intended purpose. RX is a guide for us to track members progress. It is NOT an expectation or target. If you need to scale from what RX is, who cares, the main thing is you get the right stimulus so you can keep following the program throughout the week, month etc. If you make a 7 min stinger take 20 min cause you were too stubborn to scale you will completely miss out on training that energy system. If you use a weight that is too heavy you will overload your central nervous system too much and the actual strength sessions later in the week will be wasted. Too much or too intense work will break you down and you will need to take unplanned time off to recover.

Make you fast workouts FAST, you steady tempo workouts STEADY TEMPO, your light workouts LIGHT & your heavy work HEAVY and you will be recovered and ready to take on each session with the intended purpose.


Tuesday 020719

Strength: E2M for 10 min

2 Power Cleans + 1 Split Jerk (build in weight)

@ 12:00

E2M for 6 min

3 Deadlift (build in weight)

@ 20:00

For Time:

100 KB Swings 24/16kg

Every time you break perform a 200m Run