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All Posts By

Christian Pedersen

Purpose of the EMOM

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We will be programing an EMOM every Wednesday for this training cycle. The purpose of the EMOMs will be to give you a better understanding of your capacity for different exercises.

An example of this could be: How many Wall Balls can you consistently hit in a 45 sec window or at what point do you start slowing down. This will give you valuable info for when you do “AMRAPs” (as many rounds as possible) or “RFT” (rounds for time) workouts. You will know if you have gone out too hard or too easy if you know more about your capacity.

Everyone one of you will improve your overall fitness and performance if you know more about your capacity but it is up to you to use this information to the best of your ability. It doesn’t matter if you are a serious athlete or not, we all still want to improve our health and fitness and this is a very powerful way of doing this.

This information will also help determine if you should do certain workouts RX or scaled. current performances will tell you how fit you are and at what point you need to try RX. It is pretty cut and dry, ego shouldn’t even be a factor as it will only lead you down a path of feelings of failure and injury.

Stay true to your capacity and I promise you will see huge improvements and longevity in CrossFit.




Thursday 14/12/17

Strength: Every 2 min for 10 min

1 Power Snatch + 5 Overhead Squats

Build in weight

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

10 Power Snatch 40/30kg

15 Pull Ups


Only 20 Grab One vouchers left

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Only 20 Grab One Vouchers left. You need to get yours today if you don’t want to miss out. We would have been happy with 50 people, so 200 new people through our doors is absolutely amazing. What is even more amazing are all the people who decided to stay on after their 4 weeks were up.

You have already received a message from us but if you are keen to continue after you finish your 4 weeks don’t wait for us to get hold of you, take charge of your life, and let us get you signed up now.




Wednesday 13/12/17

WOD: 21 min EMOM

1st: 15 Wall Balls 9/6kg

2nd: 20 Double Unders & 10 KB Swings 24/16kg

3rd: 10 Reverse Lunges & 7 TTB

Motivation during the holidays

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As we get closer to the holiday period it might get harder to motivate yourself to keep training. It is good you know you have heaps of people at Southern Peak who are keen to help you with your motivation. The cool thing about being part of our community is we keep trying to motivate you to come in even during this hectic holiday period. Most of us need that hour a day where we can just shut off the brain and de-stress with a good hard workout and a chat with our friends at the gym.

If you are struggling with motivation we want you to know you can always pop your head through our doors. Sometimes a chat is all that is needed to get back into the swing of things. Especially for you people who haven’t been in for a while. Come in for a chat or a quick workout. You will be surprised how refreshing it will be to just come in a get some work down. Your mind will be a lot clearer and you will feel great afterwards.




Tuesday 12/12/17

Running Conditioning:

Every 3 min for 12 min 400m Run

Scale to 400m run every 4 min

WOD: 10 min AMRAP

9 DB Thrusters (AHAP, Unbroken)

15 V-ups



Structure of this training cycle

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Our new training cycle has begun and as you can see we are straight into it. The structure of a weeks work will look like this. Note that I have only listed the focus of each session, not sessions in their entirety. There will still be a wod following some of the focus work.

1 day of Deadlifting plus another pulling exercise

1 day of Running Conditioning

1 day with a long EMOM

1 day of Overhead squats plus another olympic lift

1 day with a long Chipper

1 day with a Hero wod

The days will change every week I.E. Deadlifting will be Monday this week but Wednesday the following week. This will help people make the Deadlifting session at some point in case they can’t train on Mondays. We still recommend you take two days off every week. Don’t worry if you miss one of the focus sessions you will have time to make it up over the course of the 12 weeks.

Hopefully this will also show you that CrossFit is by no means random. You will follow a training plan that is programmed to make you stronger and fitter. All you have to do is turn up and have a good time training with everyone else. The strength will follow a normal linear progression where you try to add a little bit of weight each week and the wods will be varied to make sure you don’t miss out on any exercises that will help your strength and fitness.

Enjoy this next training cycle




Monday 11/12/17

Strength: Every 2 min for 10 min

5 Deadlift

Build in weight

WOD: 5 Rounds for Time

15 SDHP 32/24kg

12 Burpees


Time Table Reminders

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A couple of reminders about all current classes

Our CrossFit classes are running normal until Sunday 24/12. The 25/12 we have our Xmas day Wod at 7am

Boot Camp will run normal until Saturday 23/12.

CrossFit Teens has one week left to run for the year. Last session is Friday 15/12

For a full holiday time table check out the blog post titled Holiday Time Table. there will also be time tables at the the gym and on our social media pages. We recommend you put it in your phone or do it the old fashioned way and print it out and stick in on the fridge, never fails.




Saturday 9/12/17

HERO WOD: Hortman

45 min AMRAP

800m Run

80 Air Squats

8 Muscle Ups


U.S. Army Captain John D. Hortman, 30, of Inman, South Carolina, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, based in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, died on August 8, 2011, in Fort Benning, Georgia, in a helicopter accident during a military training exercise. He is survived by his mother, Brenda Jones, sister Jill Hortman, and brother, Andy Pierce.

Grab One Deal still on

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Our Grab One Deal is still going but it is running out of the 200 spot available so make sure you recommend us to your friends and family quick so they can take advantage of an amazing deal. We have been getting some fantastic feedback from you guys and we really appreciate that.

It has been a great way of introducing CrossFit to the people of Dunedin. Many of you have only just realized what we are actually about by turning up and joining in and it has been awesome to see your positive reaction to it. You never really know what to expect until you try out a class.

We are looking forward to keep training you over the holiday period. You can find our time table on this website. We will also have some great membership deals for you when you finish your 4 weeks.




Friday 8/12/17


40 Wall Balls 9/6kg

40 KB SDHP 32/24kg

40 Walking Lunges

20 Muscle ups

40 Walking Lunges


40 Wall Balls


3 Silvers for Gouldy

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This week Amanda has been in Vanuatu to represent NZ at the Pacific Mini Games and she did an absolutely fantastic job. Silver in Snatch with 77kg, Silver in Clean & Jerk with 96kg which was also a PR and Silver in overall total with 173kg. Look at all that bling. A huge congratulations from everyone at Southern Peak CrossFit. Looking forward to seeing you back in for a little bit of fitness.




Thursday 7/12/17

Running Conditioning:

Level 1: Every 3 min for 12 min Run 400m

Level 2: Every 4 min for 12 min Run 400m

WOD: For Time


Alt. DB Snatches 22.5/15kg

Burpee over DB

Focus for next Training Cycle

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Last strength testing session today so make sure to come in and finish this training cycle on a high. We have had a huge number of PRs (Personal Record) which is awesome to see. I will look through the whiteboard photos and put all the PRs on our new PR Board. When you achieve a PR make sure to write it up yourself as well. We will take a photo of it at the end of this month and post it on Facebook. Ask the coach there if you are unsure how it works.

Our Next Training Cycle will focus on Running, Deadlift and Overhead Squats. There will be progressions and scaling options for all them if need be. We will still run our monthly Skills and HERO Wod Saturday and we are bringing back “Long EMOM Wednesdays”. We are really looking forward to bringing this next training cycle to you all. It will run well into February next year. Which means, if you are going away for a week or two over Xmas and New Years, you will get plenty of improvements from this.




Wednesday 6/12/17

Strength Testing:

10 min to find 3RM Bench Press

15 min to find 3RM Front Squat

Core Finisher: 4 Rounds of

30 sec Hollow Rocks/Hold

30 sec Arch Rocks/Hold

15 sec Rest

30 sec Strict TTB

15 sec Rest

In Memory of Charlotte’s brother Jack

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Here is a message from Charlotte to all of you about todays wod.

“Hey team, just a bit of a backstory for the WOD today: I asked if we could do the hero WOD “Jack” on the 5th December, in memory of my brother Jack, who was killed serving with the British Parachute Regiment in Afghanistan, on 5th December 2010. He was 23. One of the many things I love about Crossfit are the hero WODs honouring these kinds of sacrifices. And I think its pretty special that Southern Peak does a hero WOD every Saturday. So heres to Jack:”


Tuesday 5/12/17


20 min AMRAP

10 Push Press 52.5kg

10 KB Swings 24kg

10 Box Jumps 24′

Mid-Morning Class??

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We have had a few people wanting to know if we could run a mid morning class specifically around 9 or 9.30am. We would like to get some feedback from all of you if anyone would be interested in this class time. We realize we are getting close to Xmas and this is not a great time to trial new classes but this could also help us plan ahead for the coming year. We would be happy to try it out this month if we can get a handful of people interested. Don’t hesitate to contact us about this:)




Strength Testing:

10 in to find 3RM Strict Press

15 min to find 3RM Back Squat


3 min Tabata V-Ups

2 min Tabata Push Ups

1 min Tabata Squat Jumps