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Christian Pedersen

The PR Board

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We have hung up a PR Board on the end wall. If you beat a personal record write it up so everyone can see your improvement and congratulate you on your achievement. Its a way of showing yourself how you are improving throughout the year and we want everyone to celebrate that with each other. It could be a heavy lift or getting a new skill or beating your time on a CrossFit Wod. We will post the PR board at the end of every month and start over again for new PR’s to be achieved and posted.

Congratulations to January’s PR’s




Thursday 1/2/18

Strength: Front Squats

3 x 7   (Build to your best 5 rep weight from two weeks ago.)

MetCon: 10 min AMRAP

10 Burpee Over Box 24/20′

20 KB SDHP 24/16


Welcome to new members

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We are getting more new members and a huge welcome to you all. Most of you came from the Grab One which turned into a great success, so get stuck into classes and remember to enjoy yourself. Even if there are a few exercises you haven’t quite mastered yet, take up the challenge and you will succeed eventually. Everything takes time so stick to it and the coaches and other members will help, encourage and motivate you along the way. We are all looking forward to helping you out.

As always if you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to get hold of us.

Note: The Pull up bars have been redone and they are nice a grippy now. That means you should take care of your hands more and follow the guidelines we put out in a previous post.




Wednesday 31/1/18


10 min EMOM:

Odd: 6 Pull Ups – 4 C2B Pull Ups – 2 Bar Muscle Ups

Even: 20 Wall Balls 9/6kg

Level 2 – Odd: 5-10 Pull Ups & Even: 10-15 Wall Balls 9/6kg

Level 3 – Odd: Pull Ups Practice & Even 10-15 Wall Balls 9/6kg

Straight into

10 min EMOM:

Odd: 5 Deadlift 100/70kg & 10 Push Ups

Even: 200m Run


The Open and Masters Games are coming up fast

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We hope everyone have had a go on the rowing machine before the Open starts because there could very well be rowing in the Open again. If you haven’t, we suggest you come in 10 min early or stay 10 min longer after a couple classes per week and practice a little bit of rowing. We posted some optional rowing workouts earlier this month. We also add rowing in our GPP classes Friday 6am and Sunday 10am.

If you are looking to sign up for the Open make sure you add both our Team and Affiliate to your registration. Thank you to everyone who have signed up so far.

We have heard something about a few of our members might be doing Masters Games. If that is you please let us know so we can get our community support behind you.




Tuesday 30/1/18

Strength: Every 2 min for 12 min

3 Power Snatch, reset every rep

Build in weight

MetCon: 5 Rounds for Time

10 DB Snatch right arm 32.5/20kg

10 DB Snatch left arm

20 DB Front rack Squats right arm

20 DB Front rack Squats left arm

30 Walking Lunges (no weight)


Jo Harris & Big Dog @ Masters League

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I got Jo to write a few lines about their competition.

First Wod was at Victoria park, I thought we were in for a track run but the adventure was orienteering! The challenge here was reading a map (without our glasses) and not getting lost in the trees, it was a lot of fun and a great way to meet some of the competitors. Rest of the Wods were at Frank’s. Max weight shoulder to overhead, a chipper followed by rope climb buy in and as many cleans as possible in 6 minutes. Big Dog enjoyed himself and was very vocal on the floor. We both did a PR and got medals. Overall it was a fun day.

Thank you Jo for the write up. Great to hear you both did so well and enjoyed yourself. Thank you for representing SPC so well.

For anyone looking to compete as a masters athlete (35 YO+) this year there will be an online competition in May for qualification to another competition in CHCH and then Gold Coast.




Monday 29/1/18


10 min EMOM

1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk @ 70-80% of 1RM Clean & Jerk

10 min EMOM

1 Squat Clean + 1 Push Jerk @ 80-90% of 1RM Clean & jerk

MetCon: For Time

50 Burpees

50 KB Swings 24/16kg


Simple Hydration

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It has been very hot for a while and it has been great seeing you all taking your hydration serious. Since the weather keeps getting warmer I think it would be good to give you some things to consider outside the gym as well.

You should keep hydrating outside the gym time too. If you don’t keep hydrated during the day your training session could be affected by it. Water with added fruit for flavour will be your healthiest option. eating fruit will also add a little fluid to the system.

Try to stay away from sports drinks due to the sugar content and other chemicals.

Bring a drink bottle to every training session and keep taking small sips as needed throughout the session.




Saturday 27/1/18

HERO WOD: Daniel

For Time:

50 Pull Ups

400m Run

21 Thrusters 42.5kg

800m Run

21 Thrusters

400m Run

50 Pull Ups


With heavy hearts we dedicate this workout to Army Sgt 1st Class Daniel Crabtree who was killed in Al Kut, Iraq on Thursday June 8th 2006. To Daniel’s family and friends, we express our sorrow; to his wife Kathy and daughter Mallory, we tearfully acknowledge your loss as the true cost of freedom. Fair Winds, Daniel.

How to scale when you are new to CrossFit

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There are many aspects of scaling a workout. We will explore the most important parts of scaling over a few blog posts. We will start with how to scale when you are new to CrossFit.

There is no “one way suits all” when it comes to scaling, so here are some important things to think about when you select your difficulty level, those are:

Exercise: Focus on executing the exercise with correct technique before moving up in load or intensity

Loading: Pick a weight you can easily do for multiple reps with correct technique

Repetitions: Lower the amount of reps to do in a workout so you don’t get stuck at one exercise

These are the three top tips to consider when scaling a workout. Also these are the three things we consider when scaling for you. Our top concern is that you can do the exercise with perfect technique. From there, we will consider what load would be achievable and what rep scheme would suit.

If we tell you to scale a certain way it isn’t to bring you down or because we don’t think you are fit. It is simply because that is the best way to stay safe during you time here and the best way to keep you improving over a long period of time.

It is way better to do a smaller workout and do everything right and get a time for the work you have done, than do a bigger workout wrong just to find out whatever time you got doesn’t count towards anything. We can’t build measurable fitness if we aren’t doing the exercises right.

The coach is always right. We will always try to explain why we have scaled a certain aspect for you so you know exactly what is going on.

Trust the coaches when they tell you to scale something it is in your best interest.




Friday 26/1/18

MetCon: Partner Chipper

800m Run Together

100 Single Arm STOH 32.5/20kg

200 Air Squats

300 Double Unders

200 Walking Lunges

100 Push Ups

800m Run Together

Meet Nick Taylor

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Born and bred Dunedin boy. Nick grew up playing Cricket, Rugby and Basketball. At Uni he studied Sports science and did a post grad nutrition study. He started focussing on triathlon and from there turned his attention on long distance running, a very long distance. People talk about getting the running bug, Nick took that to a whole new level. He did his 1st of 2nd Ironmans at 21. From there took the challenge to complete multiple 80km running races and moved on to a 100km running race. When it isn’t running, it is enduro mountain bike racing.

Nick has been working for GO Healthy for the past few years “NZ’s no 1 natural health company, plug:)

He still spends a lot of his free time on mountain biking and he loves a few craft beers so he will fit right in.
Nick turned to CrossFit, intially for a change of pace and to get stronger. He hasn’t done a lot of strength training since interning as High Performance Sport NZ in S&C.

“My main goals for getting involved with CrossFit was strength but after having experienced the fantastic atmosphere at the gym I decided this is the right place for me. I really enjoy the constant challenge and the awesome community”.




Thursday 25/1/18

Strength: Back Squat

3 x 7  (build to your heaviest 5 rep set from 8/1/18)

Skill: Handstand Push Ups

Level 1: 1 min on / 1 min off for 12 min



Level 2: E3M for 12 min

ME unbroken HSPU

Level 3: Work on getting into a handstand

Running Conditioning:

Every 2 min for 8 min

200m Sprint

Workout Apparel

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We got a lot of good feedback on all the apparel options. We will have a look and make a final decision on all the available options. We will try to add a couple more options than last time. We will update everyone on options and price when it is finalized. We think the consensus is getting T-Shirts and Muscle Tees of a lighter material to make it better to work out in. We are on to it team




Wednesday 23/1/18


10 min EMOM

Odd: 7 Deadlift 100/70kg & 7 TTB

Even: 15 Goblet Squats 24/16kg

5 min Rest

10 min EMOM

Odd: 200m Run

Even: 20 KB SDHP 24/16kg


Important info around registration for the Open

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Registration for the Open is on. When you register for the Open make sure you pick our affiliate and our team. Both are called Southern Peak CrossFit. This is important for your scores to count towards our gym. Also if you expect to have a qualified judge for your workout, you should have the judges course done yourself. It is only fair that you are able to help other athletes out.

If you have any questions around the Open don’t hesitate to ask us at the gym or by message or email.




Tuesday 23/1/18

Strength: Every 2 min for 12 min

1 Snatch Pull – 1 Squat Snatch – 2 OHS

Build in weight

Metcon: 12 min AMRAP

15 Power Snatch 40/30kg

50 Double Unders

Classes to suit your Goals

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We have had a lot of questions from members about what to focus on I.E. strength, endurance, gymnastics etc. First of all we think it is awesome that so many of you are getting to a stage where you really want to focus on areas in your fitness that might be lacking. It is a healthy stage to be in as you are taking control of your fitness and starting to think positively around your capabilities rather than how you look. We have always said “if you keep focussing on training hard and eating right you will get to look and feel the way you want to” but that is worth a blog post on its own back to this one:)

We have always recommended a max training schedule of being: 3 Days ON, 1 Day OFF, 2 Days ON, 1 Day OFF. We would consider this to be the max training volume for all our members. More could lead to burn out which means you will eventually have to take more time off to recover and miss training sessions.

We realize for most of you this is far more than you are able to do on a weekly basis, due to family & work commitments and the fact that you just want to turn up a few times per week to get a session in and chat to your friends. Even if your just coming in a few times per week you can of course still have goals you want to achieve and this article if for you as much as it is for our competitive CrossFitter.

Our session structure is looking pretty similar from week to week at the moment to allow you to choose a focus until after the Open.

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday start with a lift which means, if you need to work on your strength and/or lifting technique you should prioritize these three days of training.

Wednesday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday are geared towards a longer MetCon which means if you are after a bit more endurance in your training you should prioritize these days.

If your goal is long duration endurance your priority should be to fit in 2-3 of our longer MetCons plus doing some longer runs, bikes and swims outside class schedule as our sessions only go for a hour. We could help you set up a training schedule for that if need be.

We hope this helps you plan your weekly training better.




Monday 22/1/18

Strength: Every 2 min for 12 min

1 Clean – 1 Clean & Jerk

Build in weight

MetCon: 3 Rounds for Time

40 Wall Balls 9/6kg

15 Burpees

5 Cleans 80/55kg

-15 min Time Cap-