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All Posts By

Christian Pedersen

New Strength Cycle starting today

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First of all, well done on completing the last strength cycle. The sets got very long but you all showed some heart in getting it done. We are dropping the reps back this time around.

We will be testing our 5RM for our next strength cycle. The timing should work well with many of our new members too. Make sure you get a chance to come in for those sessions over the next couple of weeks. The lifting will be set up so if you do miss a testing lift you can make it up on the first % day as well.

Please write your weights down as it will make your % sessions more valuable than just coming in and guessing your weights. All it takes is checking the whiteboards on Facebook at the end of the day or write your scores down in your own training log.

Note: Please remember to put your Open scores in today before lunch so we can validate them.


Tuesday 27/2/18

Strength: Front Squat

Find your 5RM in 15 min

MetCon: 12 min AMRAP

25 Wall Balls 9/6kg

20 KB Swings 24/16kg

15 Burpees

Great Saturday for 18.1

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It was a huge Saturday for everyone. We are very proud of everyone who has signed up for the Open this year. If you came down on Saturday and realised you should be involved, there is still time to sign up. Just visit games.crossfit.com.

It was so awesome to see everyone throw down during 18.1 and hopefully you saw how prepared you actually are for this comp. Ever since you signed up to SPC you have been doing exactly what the open is about…CrossFit. Keep up the good work this week and we will see what comes up on Friday.

We will program the Open Wod on a Monday so you have a second chance to get it done if you miss out.




Monday 26/2/18

MetCon: 18.1

20 min AMRAP


10 DB Hang Cleans 22.5/15 (5 each arm)

14/12 Cal Row

We Are Back

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After a minor issue with our website we are back on top and ready to post more gold for all of you:)

There are plenty happening over the coming weeks at the gym and you can stay up to date on here and all of our social media outlets Facebook, Instagram and SnapChat look up the gym and like and share us with your friends.

  1. We have been sorting out teams for the Open for a little in house competition during the Open. The teams are on the whiteboard so you can see your teammates. The way it will work is total points by placing will be the teams score after each open event until the end of the Open. At that stage we will crown the In House Open Team Campions. You will get a chance to sort everything out on Saturday plus we will brief you how the Open will work.
  2. Every Friday at 6.30pm Josh Ong from Focus Physio will take all Open participants through an Open Prep mobility session and the coaches are there to help you with any movement preparation.
  3. We are in the process of arranging an “after the open” Party. It will be help Saturday Evening 23rd March. Keep that evening free:)




Friday 23/2/18

MetCon: Chipper

800m Run

100 Air Squats


100 Air Squats

800m Run


Saturdays are for the Open

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The first Open Wod will be released this Friday. We are running heats from 10am every Saturday during the Open plus the Monday Wod will be the Open Wod. This will give everyone a chance to get the Wod done before the deadline incase you aren’t in town on weekends.

Make sure you get signed up and turn up before 10am on Saturday to get your name in your preferred heat. Also please do the judges course before Saturday as well. If you expect to have a registered judge you should have the judges course too. We will have all the judges sheets, pens and clipboards ready for you. All you need to do is work out and count reps:) Simple stuff.

Note: Classes are still on 8am and 9am on Saturdays during the Open




Wednesday 20/2/18

MetCon: 20 min EMOM

1st: In 45sec 7 Burpees + Max Pull Ups

2nd: In 30sec Max Front Squats 60/40kg

3rd: In 45sec 7 Burpees + Max Box Jumps 24/20′

4th: Rest

3 Masters Games Medals for Big Dog

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Stu ‘Big Dog’ Kemp had an awesome showing at the Masters Games in Rowing the past weekend.  He won three medals and had a great time in the process. Big Dog is an awesome guy to have around the gym always keen to chat, even if it sometimes is during class. He is always in a good mood around the gym. I am sure he gets bad days but he never shows it. He makes sure he talks to everyone in the class and he has always got a story to share. Keep doing what you’re doing Big Dog, we are lucky to have people like you around the place.

Congratulations mate, but you still won’t get out of running in tomorrows Wod:)




Tuesday 20/2/18

Strength: E90s for 12 min

3 Power Cleans TnG

Build in weight

MetCon: 3 Rounds for Time

25 Wall Balls 9/6kg

25 KB Swing 32/24kg



Brad Lee Wins Southern Crusade

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Brad Lee took the trip to Invercargill to compete at the 2018 Southern Crusade hosted by CrossFit Wild South and put on a pretty dominant performance to take home 1st place. Pretty impressive if you consider that he had a bit of a break from CrossFit late last year before he came to SPC to continue his CrossFit training.

Brad gets to the gym regularly, mainly at lunch time or evening classes and has been working really hard this year. It definitely showed with this weekends performance. Looks like Brad is good to go for the Open and it will be awesome to follow him over the course of this year. It has definitely started out in great fashion.

Brad is super fit and it has been fantastic getting him down to the gym and pushing other members to improve as well. Looking forward to coaching you more this year mate.




Monday 19/2/18

Strength: Back Squat

15 min to find 5RM

MetCon: 15 min AMRAP

15 DB Hang Power Clean 22.5/15kg

60 Double Unders

15 TTB

Experience our awesome community through the Open

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Make sure to get your apparel orders in asap. It would be great to get this sorted to get the logo out there again:) Check out the apparel post to see all your options this time around.

The Open starts this coming week. You have all prepared for this through a full year of CrossFit since last Open so don’t think you are not ready. The coolest feeling in the Open is competing with and in front of everyone else from the gym. Showing off your improvements and getting the cheer from the crowd when you achieve something you haven’t done before.

Sign up and give yourself that amazing experience. It will show you exactly how awesome our community is when it comes to helping each other out.




Saturday 17/2/18

MetCon: Chipper

800m DB carry (Together) 32.5/20kg

50 Single Arm DB Push Jerk

25 Muscle Ups

50 Deadlift 100/70kg

25 Muscle Ups

50 Single Arm DB Push Jerk

800m Run (Together)

Time to Order your new Apparel…GO!

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We have sorted out our new line of AS Colour Apparel to offer to you all.

Mens Tee: Paper

Women’s Tee: Wafer

Unisex Muscle Tee: Barnard

Unisex Hoodie: Index Zip Hoodie

If you are unsure of size go down to the AS Colour shop and try sizes to find the right fit.

Prices are the same:

Tee’s and Muscle Tee’s : $35

Hoodies: $60

Colours are Navy and light Grey.

Way of payments are online banking with apparel in the reference or bring cash into the gym. Make sure the coach you tell have written down correct: Apparel, Size, and ticked you off as Paid or Unpaid.




Friday 16/2/18

MetCon: Chipper

45 Thrusters 40/30kg

45 Sit Ups

45 Box Jumps 24/20′

45 Wall Balls 9/6kg

45 Box Jumps

45 Sit Ups

45 Thrusters


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Here is a message from our newly Level 1 Certified Trainer, Joe Kelso.

Joe is a very knowledgable and passionate coach. He has been an invaluable part of the SPC coaching team.

If you’re looking to improve your body-composition, strength, capacity, or sporting performance then please get in contact with me.
I am taking on small groups & individuals who are looking to be better versions of themselves whether that be way of life or on the sporting field. If you feel like you fit the bill then get in touch on Facebook or text 0278914903 🏋🏻‍♂️


Joe Kelso

CrossFit Level 1 Certificate

Graduate Diploma Of Applied science
Specialty: Physical Conditioning

Bachelor of Applied Science
Specialty: Physical Activity, Health and Wellness

Diploma in Applied Sport and Exercise Leadership
Specialty: Personal Training and Exercise Prescription




Thursday 15/2/18

Skill: Pull Ups

10-15 min coach led technique work

7 min EMOM:

Level 1: 10-15 CTB Pull Ups

Level 2: 5-10 Pull Ups

Level 3: Practice Hanging Hollow Rocks and Strict banded Pull Ups

Strength: Front Squats

3 x 9 (Same weight as 7 reps 2 weeks ago)

14 signed up for the CFG Open so far…

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We have 14 awesome members signed up for the Open so far, in different divisions, and it would be great to see a few more. It is a great opportunity to show off what you have learnt. The Open is not just for the best, it is for everyone. There are both RX, Scaled and Masters variations of all the workouts so there is something for everyone. Every year we have people turn up on a Saturday morning at 10am watching and saying “This looks so cool, I wish I had signed up”. Don’t let that be you this year. Go to games.crossfit.com and sign up now. It would be awesome to get as many as possible involved in our second Open as Southern Peak CrossFit.

Let us know if you have any questions around the sign up process.




Wednesday 14/2/18

MetCon: Every 5 min for 25 min

75 Double Unders

400m Run

20 KB swings 24/16kg