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All Posts By

Christian Pedersen

First SPC Barbell Club of 2018

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We are starting up our Olympic Weightlifting program SPC Barbell Club again. It is a 6 week program running every Tuesday and Thursday evening 6.30-7.30pm. First Session of this round will be Tuesday 8th May. Price will be $120 which needs to be paid before you start the program.

We are lucky enough to have one of the best olympic weightlifting coaches in the country in our own city of Dunedin, Mark White. He normally coaches at Otago Weightlifting in Fryatt St but he has agreed to come down to the gym to run our lifting program as well. He will be able to teach anyone, no matter if you are brand new to lifting weights or if you have been lifting for years. If you want to improve your lifting technique and add weights to your lifts you need to sign up for this program. There is a limit to 16 people in this program so get in fast. Places have already started to fill up so don’t wait too long.




Wednesday 18/4/18

Gymnastics Conditioning:

4 sets of 50% of max Muscle Ups

MetCon: 3 Rounds for Time

10 DB Power Cleans 22.5/15kg


20 Pull Ups

Accessory Work: 3 sets for quality

8 DB Floor Press

8 DB Front rack Reverse Lunges

“Don’t get good at banded Pull ups”

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We will be working on Pull ups and Handstand push ups a lot over the next few weeks so make sure if you do scale these movements, keep in mind, we want you to eventually be able to do the full movement. This means a lot of you will be asked to do fewer reps on more difficult movements to get closer to the proper movement.

There is a time and place for heaps of scaled reps during a workout to be done. This is when intensity or aerobic fitness is the main goal. When it comes to mastering a skill it is more important to achieve harder and harder variations on your way to achieve the skill you want. Don’t be disheartened if things aren’t going to plan we will always have another variation for you to work on. You don’t have to do a bunch of reps in your first go. It can take a long time but you need to stick to it and eventually you will get there.

The main thing you want to avoid is getting good at certain progressions as you will have a hard time moving on from that particular progression. This is especially true for banded pull ups. We tell our members all the time don’t get good at banded pull ups. It is a stepping stone to get to proper pull ups, a banded pull up is not the end goal and it shouldn’t be the end goal.

Keep working hard on the progressions and always try to improve.




Tuesday 17/4/18


4 min AMRAP

400m Run “buy in”

Max rounds

15 SDHP 42.5/30kg

12 Burpee Over Bar

-4 min Rest-

4 min AMRAP

400m Run “buy in”

Max Rounds

12 SDHP 42.5/30kg

9 Burpee Over Bar

-4 min Rest-

4 min AMRAP

400m Run “buy in”

9 SDHP 42.5/30kg

6 Burpee Over Bar


Jane is reaching some awesome goals.

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Received a heart warming email from Jane this weekend and I asked straight away if I was allowed to share it with you and she said if it could motivate anyone that would be great.

“I really want to thank you and the other coaches for what you do. I really enjoy the SPC community! Although I still don’t enjoy running, I do get a kick out of at least finishing it ever so slowly….even though I complain about it all the time!

I am pleased to say that I have finally dropped a dress size…yay!!! Only took us to move to SPC to get the job done! My weight had not changed at all for two plus years!

I was saying to Marcus the other day, that I thought I was reasonably fit when we first joined SPC. In that first week that we joined up I was proven wrong – I was fat/unfit/out of breath/heavy and had no cardio base whatsoever!!
Thanks for helping me get a lot of ‘firsts’ especially with pull ups and modified HSPU”.

Onwards and upwards!

Cheers Crispy, you’re the best!

Jane 🙂


Thank you for letting us know about your achievement and that you enjoy the community. You and the rest of your family has been a breath of fresh air and it is always great to have your guys around.




Monday 16/4/18

Strength: Snatch

1 x 3 @ 60,65 & 70%

3 x 1 @ 75%

Barbell Conditioning: In Pairs

5 min AMRAP

5 Deadlifts 102.5/70kg

2 min Rest

5 min AMRAP

Max Wall Balls 9/6kg




Specialty Programs

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Our new look Outdoor Program starts today. If you are keen to join in we are meeting at the Caledonian on Tuesday 6am. If you want to work on your aerobic fitness this would be a great program for you. We utilize mainly running and bodyweight exercises and on Saturdays we meet at the gym so we can use other equipment like kettle bells, dumbbells, rowing machines and bikes. Don’t hesitate to get hold of us about this program.

There are plenty other specialty programs starting up over the next few weeks so keep yourself up to date by reading our daily blog post.




Saturday 13/4/18

MetCon: in teams of 3

2.4km Run ( split into 6 x 400m)

75 Clean & Jerk 50/35kg

50 Clean & Jerk 60/42.5kg

25 Clean & Jerk 70/50kg

1.2km Run (split into 3 x 400m)

Optional Finisher:

400m Odd Object Carry (Grind it out, don’t Run)

Competition Class starts Saturday

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Our competitors class will start up this Saturday at 10am. It is for everyone who is keen on competing this year. The main thing for members who want to join in is to find a competition to train for. This will help us guide the program towards it. Our main focus at the moment will be individual and team Nationals. The main thing is to get some good training done together. Any testing will be individualized when we know more about each athlete. Expect a lot of focus on better barbell cycling, volume on gymnastics for the skills you already have and a lot of technique work on the skills you are yet to acquire.

There will be more info given on the day

Any questions or comments feel free to send them through to us




Friday 13/4/18

MetCon: Kelly

5 Rounds for Time

400m Run

30 Box Jumps 24/20′

30 Wall Balls 9/6kg

(35 min Time Cap)

Feedback wanted, please

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Just a friendly reminder that you have to commit Now to go to Nationals on 21-22nd Oct. We only have one more chance on the 19/4 to sign up a second team and we won’t sign one up if we don’t have 6 people who can 100% commit to going. “Maybe’s” will not be considered as it will be too big a cost replacing people close to the competition. We have only had little feedback which either means people aren’t keen on going or you haven’t read the info we are putting out about it. Please keep yourself informed about what is going on at the gym. We will do everything we can to get the information out there to you.

Which leads me to feedback from members. If you have questions or concerns about anything around the gym do not hesitate to get hold of us. We work hard on making the gym better every day but we are not perfect so any feedback will be much appreciated. If we don’t hear what’s on your mind we can’t do much about it.




Thursday 12/4/18

Strength: Deadlift

3 x 5 @70%

3 x 3 @75%

Barbell Conditioning: In pairs

7 min AMRAP

5 Power Snatches TnG

-Rest 2 min-

4 min AMRAP

20 Double Unders

Important Team Nationals info

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When we sign up for Team Nationals we need to put the athletes names down to sign up a team. This means we need to know who can commit to going with a team to the Mount this year. We have already signed up one team but when registration opens again hopefully we can set up a second team. Please let us know ASAP if you are free 21-22 October and what division you are keen to be part off. Unfortunately if you don’t let us know your intentions for the team competition, we can’t consider you this time around so get in quick.

To all who want to compete this year. We are starting up comp class this Saturday 10am-12pm. This is for everyone who is thinking of doing a competition this year.


Programming Note: Looking like a few really crappy days are here so the programming might change depending on downpour.




Wednesday 11/4/18

Gymnastics Conditioning: 12 min EMOM

12-10-8-6-4-4 of

1st: Pull Ups

2nd: Handstand Push Ups

MetCon: 3 Rounds for Time

800m Run

21 KB Swings 24/16kg

15 Box Jumps 24/20′

9 HR Push Ups

Timely, Booking System

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We are getting really close to finalize out booking system with Timely. We are getting to a stage where it will help both you and us out. There will be a 16 people cap on most classes so if you have your favorite time make sure you book your class time out.

There will be more info coming out about this in due course. You will also receive an email at some stage with more info and a guide to get you set up with an booking account.

This will help us spread people out through all the classes and as we grow our memberships it will make sure everyone keeps getting the quality coaching you are here to get.




Tuesday 10/4/18

Strength: Front Squats

3 x 5 @70%

3 x 3 @75%

Barbell Conditioning: In Pairs

7 min AMRAP

5 Clean & Jerks TnG

-Rest 2 min-

4 min AMRAP

5 Burpee over Bar


Heaps of Partner Comp fun

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We hope everyone had a great time at the gym for our Partner Comp. Great to see new and old members throwing down together. As you can see our in-house competitions are for everyone. It is all about getting as many of you involved as we can. It makes training so much more fun when you have little goals like in-house comps to work towards.

Team “Short Stuff” Leigh Harper and Jared King won in convincing fashion. Congratulations and hopefully we can get these two involved in more comps during the year.

There will be plenty more of these comps during the year so make sure you keep up with all the info in our daily blog posts.

Thank you to everyone who came out Saturday morning to compete and help out. It made for a great start to the weekend.




Monday 9/4/18

Gymnastics Conditioning: 3 Sets of

50% of max Muscle Ups

MetCon: 9 min EMOM

1st: 8 DB Snatches 32.5/22.5kg

2nd: 50 Double Unders

3rd: 10 Burpees

Accessory Work: 4 min Tabata

20 sec on/10 sec off

Hollow Hold

Sit Ups

Note for todays workout: If you have muscle ups but didn’t test a max set then that will be your focus today instead of the sets.


In-House Partner Comp kicking off at 9am

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Just reminding everyone that because we have our fun partner comp on today at 9am there are no classes on. We do however invite all members who still want a workout to join us at 7am for our normal boot camp session.

Looking forward to seeing heaps of you at the gym. Also, anyone else who is keen to give a helping hand at the comp are more than welcome to come down and help with set ups and judging. It will be a super fun day and we will post as much as possible on SnapChat and Instagram throughout the day.

