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All Posts By

Christian Pedersen

Keeping you up to date

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There are plenty of things happening around the gym these days.

1st: This weekend we have a few masters athletes going to CHCH to represent the gym in the next stage of Masters League 2018. You can follow us online throughout the weekend I will make sure to post some results between events.

2nd: We are organizing a new apparel order and planning on including baseball shirts, tights, shorts and more. We will keep you posted on this. We still welcome feedback about what you want to see in the new apparel order.

3rd: We are having our Mid Winter Party at Stu Kemps house Saturday 7/7. Address is on the whiteboard at the gym. Looking forward to seeing you all there. Bring your favorite poison. We are getting the outdoor fire going and cooking some food but feel free to bring your own food as well.




Wednesday 27/6/18

Strength: Strict Press

2 x 3 @ 70%

2 x 3 @ 80%

1 x 1 @ 90%

MetCon: 18-15-12-9


Alt. DB Snatch 32.5/22.5kg

Accessory Work: 4 min Tabata

Hollow Hold

Prone Hold

Core tension during Barbell Cycling

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We have been practicing a lot of Barbell Cycling both with light and heavy weight. Before last training cycle, We covered this topic of keeping your core on and breathing at the same time during a lifting set but we have seen examples where we need to keep reminding people of this concept.

When you cycle reps with any weight you need to be able to keep a tight core and breathe at the same time. Many people find this hard to do both. They will either forget to keep a tight core to breathe and risk injury or they will keep a tight core but hold their breath and in turn run out of oxygen. If you can not keep your core tight and breath at the same time you need to lower the weight right down until your body is able to coordinate this. It can of course be practiced and we will spend more time on this during classes. Here are some important tips to use.

Heavy Weight Breathing: You take a big breath and hold it before and while you lower the weight, then you breathe out slowly as you lift the weight. This will help you keep a tight core and you won’t run out of oxygen and pass out during a heavy set. For heavy weights take a big breath before each rep in a given set and follow this pattern.

Light Weight Breathing: First of all an obvious side note but still need to be mentioned: When lifting light weights, technique is still very important, so first of all make sure you are not just throwing it around. Good technique at light weights will transfer over to heavy weights. Now, when it comes to breathing during light weights you have two options. Your core still need to be tight but not as tight as when you are using heavy weights. It will be a waste of energy tensing your core really hard at a really light weight so first of all find the perfect tension for you. That can be done by trial and error.

Option one for breathing during light weight: If you struggle with this you should slow the reps down to time them with each of your breaths. So reset each rep with inhaling and perform each concentric rep with exhaling. That means you stay in control and you can get a really good rhythm going. You might be going slower but you will be able to perform bigger unbroken sets and have more energy left.

Option two for breathing during light weights: If you are getting better at this. Try to keep your core tight and breathe through your chest while performing reps. You don’t have to time your breaths with your reps but concentrate on staying relaxed and not speeding up your breath cycle while working out. When you finish a big set and it feels like you are coming up for air and you start breathing frantically, you held your breath.  Stay in control of your breathing throughout the workout.




Tuesday 26/6/18

Strength: Back Squat

2 x 3 @ 70%

2 x 3 @ 80%

1 x 1 @ 90%

MetCon: 3 Rounds for Time

20 Deadlift 100/70kg

25 Burpees

15 Single Arm DB Push Jerks (ea) 22.5/15kg


Meet Nicole Reed

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Nicole has been with us since the start of the year. She is originally from Riversdale/Gore and grew up on a dairy farm with her family of 7. Nicole is the oldest of 3 sisters and one brother. Nicole attended St Peter’s College in Gore before moving to Dunedin. She is now in her final year of studying a Bachelors of Occupational Therapy at the Otago Polytechnic.

Nicole plays hockey for the Prems Kings United team and she plays tennis in the summer months. Throughout high school she played girls first XV rugby. Nicole had heard a lot about CrossFit from her friends in Gore but didn’t know if she was fully up for the challenge. She got into CrossFit through her friend Annabel when they saw there was a student deal at SPC.

Here is why Nicole loves CrossFit in her own words: I definitely enjoy CrossFit way more than going to a normal gym and doing my own workouts. SPC motivates me to try my best to make improvements. I enjoy the team environment at Southern Peak Crossfit and like that it gets me up early and in a routine to start the day.

Only very few people can look really happy at 6am, but you are one of them and it rubs off on the whole class which just gets everyone fired up to train. Keep training hard and more importantly have fun.




Monday 25/6/18

Skill: Toes to Bar

4 x 10 : 50 sec rest

MetCon: 10 min AMRAP

200m Run

12 KB Reverse Lunges 24/16kg

-2 min Rest-

50 V-Ups for time


Next Round of SPC Barbell Club

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We had an awesome response from our Barbell Club so we are setting up another 6 weeks worth starting Tuesday 17/7 6.30pm. Sessions run every Tuesday and Thursday 6.30pm-7.30pm finishing Thursday 23/8.

We have 16 spots available for this program $120 per person for the 6 weeks of training. All sessions are taken by the highly qualified Weightlifting coach Mark White from Otago Weightlifting. Get hold of us now to secure your spot in this super popular specialty program.

We will shine the spotlight on some of the lifters who have just finished their 6 week program. This will give you more of an idea of what to expect.




Friday 22/6/18

MetCon: 10 min EMOM

Odd: Max reps Wall Balls in 30sec

Even: 50 Double Unders


9 min EMOM

1st: 12 Box Jumps 24/20′

2nd: 7 DB Hang C&J (ea)

3rd: 3 Muscle Ups

-Straight into-

9 min AMRAP

12 Box Jumps 24/20′

7 DB Hang C&J (ea)

3 Muscle Ups


Meet Annabel Girvan

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Originally from Maniototo Annabel grew up on a farm. She came to Dunedin and went to St Hildas as a boarder. She is a 3rd year nursing student at Otago Polytechnic finishing at the end of the year. Annabel loves most sports. She plays hockey for City Highlanders in the winter and coaches her old school team and compete horses during the summer at A&P shows. When ever she gets the chance she doesn’t hesitate to get out waterskiing in the summer at the lakes. Why Annabel got into CrossFit: ” I got into CrossFit at the start of the year for something different to keep me fit and loving it. Everyone is friendly and welcoming”.

It is great to have you as a regular member of the morning crew.  Awesome to see all the improvements you have made over the course of the year and there are plenty more to come we are sure. Keep those dawn demons on their toes in the 6am class:)




Thursday 20/6/18

Barbell Cycling: E2M for 12 min

2 Deadlift

2 Power Clean

2 Front Squat

Build in weight

MetCon: For Time

10-1 of

Power Cleans 60/40kg

Push Ups

(12 min Time Cap)




“On Ramp” Program

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With our popularity we are looking to introduce an On Ramp Program for all new members. We are still working out the details of that program so still feel free to bring in your friends to normal classes for now. We will never stop letting you bring a friend into a class but as we have been seeing small groups signing up at the same time we recognize that an On Ramp program is the right way forward. There will be much more info coming out about this later on in the year. Especially as our promotions reach more and more people. This would be a great stepping stone to learn more about CrossFit with likeminded people and help everyone hit the ground running when they start normal classes.




Wednesday 20/6/18

Skill: Toe to Bar

5 x 8 Unbroken

1 min Rest between sets

MetCon: 5 Rounds each For Time (1:1)

6 Burpee to Target

12 KB Walking Lunges 24/16kg

18 KB Swings

Pull Up Bar Experiment

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As most of you have seen, we have painted the pull up bars to test new paint for durability and grip. We are always trying to improve things for the better. Sometimes that might not happen, but that won’t stop us from trying… sounds familiar..? Anyway, in this case it might mean the pull up bars will feel slippery at times. Don’t worry, we know and we will keep working on it and improve it until we find the best solution. Plus, the blue looks cool as, but if it makes bar gymnastics too hard we will obviously look to change it again. The best thing you can do is control the things you can control and just keep working hard. And to be fair if the worst thing in your life is a slippery pull up bar, your life isn’t that bad.




Tuesday 19/6/18

Strength: Strict Press

2 x 5 @ 65%

2 x 5 @ 75%

1 x 5 @ 85%

MetCon: For Time


Push Jerks 45/30kg



Accessory Work: 3 Giant Sets

10-15 V-Ups

10 BB Romanian Deadlift

6 DB Curls (ea)


Mid Winter Party Confirmed

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We are all meeting at Big Dogs place on the 7/7 for our Mid Winter Party. Start time and Location will be on the white board at the gym under Reminders. It looks to be a great party and it will be a great way to bring everyone together during this cold and dark period of the year. Personally it will also be great to catch up with everyone before going away on my annual trip home. And don’t worry you will all be in great hands while I am away.

Looking forward to partying with everyone soon.




Monday 18/6/18

Strength: Back Squat

2 x 5 @ 65%

2 x 5 @ 75%

1 x 5 @ 85%

MetCon: 15 min AMRAP

400m Run

15 DB Deadlift 22.5/15kg

3 Rope Climbs

25 Air Squats

SPC Barbell Club completed

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Congratulations to all our SPC Barbell Club athletes who finished of the 6 weeks with a weightlifting competition at the gym. They did an incredible job hitting a bunch of PR’s and getting the competition experience as well. A huge thank you to Mark White for coaching. There is a wealth of knowledge in that man and everyone learnt heaps of things in that short period of time. Also a massive thank you goes out to the whole Otago Weightlifting community who came down to the gym as coaches, judges and bar loaders. We were all a little blown away by how the comp was set up and how many of you were keen to come down and help out. We have a great relationship with the weightlifting club and this just shows it. If anyone wants to pursue weightlifting as a sport I can’t recommend Otago Weightlifting enough.


Next SPC Barbell Club Intake:

We are running another SPC Barbell Club start of July. More info will be coming out soon. If you want to improve your weightlifting with one of the best olympic weightlifting coaches in the country you should get hold of us now to sign up for the next intake.




Friday 15/6/18

MetCon: For Time

30 DB Hang Power Cleans 22.5/15kg

20 Burpee over DB

400m DB carry

10 Muscle Ups

400m DB carry

20 Burpee over DB

30 DB Hang Power Cleans

Mid Winter Party

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Organizing a get-together this winter for our members. Just trying to make it coincide with my trip away in July-August. So we will be back with more info for you in due course. We are also in the process of setting up our next in-house competition which will be a Team Competition. It will be a Fundraiser for our Nationals Teams going to Nationals in October. Plenty of fun coming up at the gym in the next few months so keep checking for updates.




Thursday 14/6/18

Strength Testing: Strict Press

Find your 1RM

Gymnastics Testing: Toes To Bar

1 set of Max unbroken Reps

MetCon: Karen

150 Wall Balls

(15 min Time Cap)