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All Posts By

Christian Pedersen

Welcome to our new members

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Our deals have seen a number of new members come through our doors and we want to welcome you to our community and we hope you are enjoying your training. For most of you it will be a big change from what you have been doing in the past. Our goal is to give you the best CrossFit experience we can and also give you a chance to really see what CrossFit is all about. Our coaches are committed to helping you out with all of your health and fitness related questions and concerns so do not hesitate to ask them in class. All though I am overseas I am more than happy to answer texts and emails so feel free to get hold of me if need be. Looking forward to meeting you all out when I am back in town




Wednesday 25/7/18

Strength: Back Squat

Find your new 1RM

1 x 5 @ 75%

1 x 1 @ 85%

1 x 1 @ 95%

1 x 1 @ 101+%

MetCon: 5 Rounds for Time

8 C&J 60/40kg


2 Muscle Ups

Fitness on Holiday

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Had a chance to work out with Tim in London. But yesterday in Santorini was a 10 hour bus and boat tour around the islands but there were two very big climbs involved. The view from those places were amazing and well worth the hikes. It also helped that there were restaurants at the top. Other than that it has been hotel room workouts and beach workouts that have been keeping me busy. I have kept it short and sweet to make sure it is done early before it gets really hot and then I can relax for the day. Looking forward to getting some lifting done again though but that will wait till we get to Denmark. Ill keep you posted of what I get up to training-wise. Today was 20 min of shuttle sprint intervals including rest. Then a 20min continuous pool swim. The hotel pool is huge so it does the trick. Done and dusted in les than an hour with warm up and cool down.


Tuesday 24/7/18

Strength: Strict Press

Find a new 1RM

MetCon: 16 min EMOM

1st: 15 KB Swings 24/16kg

2nd: 10 Sit Ups & 30 DU

3rd: 14 DB Snatches 22.5/15kg

4th: 200m Run


Testing Week !!!

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We are into Testing Week and we hope you have all recovered well and you are ready to hit it hard this week. Let’s see some great results and hopefully a few PR’s. But as always we are looking for improvements from week 1 of this program not necessarily an all time PR. The longer you train for the harder it is to get all time PR’s so don’t get hung up on that. Work hard and work towards seeing improvements from week 1 that is your number one goal. Good Luck everyone




Monday 23/7/18

Strength: Paused Front Squats

build to a 1RM with a 3sec pause at the bottom

MetCon: 16 min EMOM

1st: 15 KB Swings 24/16kg

2nd: 10 Sit Ups & 30 DU

3rd: 14 DB Snatches 22.5/15kg

4th: 200m Run


Amanda Gould is coaching 6.30pm

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Amanda’s covering the Monday & Wednesday 6.30pm Crossfit and Sunday GPP classes while I am away. Some of you may know her from class as she’s been a member since we opened however as a competitive weightlifter doesn’t get in as much as she’d like too!

Amanda has a background in gymnastics and is a solid weightlifter who hates running with a violent passion. So come in and keep her company while I’m away and ask her for tips for your gymnastics and weightlifting.

She’s also taking song requests during class and may need help to work the clock:)




Friday 20/7/18

MetCon: 3 x 6min AMRAP

First AMRAP:

12 Power Snatch 40/30kg


Second AMRAP:

9 Power Snatch 50/35kg


Third AMRAP:

12 Power Snatch 60/40kg


The Running Lab: Still tickets available

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The Running Lab is having two 1-day seminars in Dunedin and our gym will be hosting them. It takes place 13th & 14th October and there are limited tickets so get in quick and get the early bird offer. This is a public event so don’t hesitate or you might miss out. We are looking forward to having them over and learning heaps form these guys. Get your ticket here:





Thursday 19/7/18

Skill: 14 min EMOM

1st: 30sec max Wall Balls 9/6kg + 4 extra reps

2nd: 50 Double Unders

Accessory Work: 4 Rounds of

6 Bottom up KB press (ea)


Next Training Cycle: Muscle Endurance

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Next 12 week training cycle is split into three 4-week phases. First two phases will focus on increased reps in all strength movements so prepare to have some sore legs. We will cover a bunch of things you can do to help recovery during these phases. The first phase will be used to drop the weight a bit and working on lifting mechanics and muscle endurance. Use this time to improve your technique and choose correct weights for every lift. There will be more on the next 3 phases as we get closer to them. Remember this is just a heads up so you can prepare your training. Focus on this weeks training and next weeks testing before worrying about anything else.




Wednesday 18/7/18

Strength: Strict Press

1 x 3 @ 80%

1 x 3 @ 85%

1 x 3 @ 90%

MetCon: 12 min EMOM

1st: 25sec max Push Press 40/30kg

2nd: 35sec max Pull Ups

3rd: 45sec max Burpee Box Jump 24/20′

Member Profile: Nick Beard

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Nick grew up in Dunedin and attended secondary school at Kavanagh College. He played both Rugby and cricket through schooling days and played professional cricket from age 19-26 for the Otago Volts and NZ A. After retiring from cricket Nick wanted to keep active. Nicks work colleague from Cutlers and SPC member Fridge got him along to one of Jack Facers 6am CrossFit classes. With the sound of Rob Bailey’s ‘I’m a motherf… beast’ blasting out the stereo and some good people to train with, he was hooked!

Here is a few words from Nick himself: Training at SPC provides me with an opportunity to stay active whilst meeting new people and breaking up my work day. I enjoy the athmosphere at SPC, always heaps of people around to catch up with before the session. And.. you can only be sure of one thing in life, and that’s Glen Williamson will most likely shit the cot within the first 5 mins of a half an hour workout. Chur

It is awesome to have a guy like Nick around the gym. You know he will give 100% in every workout and still have heaps of fun. He is always good for a chat after class as well.




Tuesday 17/7/18

Strength: Back Squat

1 x 3 @ 80%

1 x 3 @ 85%

1 x 3 @ 90%

MetCon: 15 min AMRAP

400m Run

100 Double Unders

25 KB Swings 24/16kg

25 Alt DB Snatch 22.5/15kg

SPC Barbell Club starts tomorrow

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There are still spots left for our next SPC Barbell Club. If you feel you need some extra help with the olympic lifts this is the perfect program for you. 6 weeks for just $120. Contact us now for more info and how to sign up.

Top level Weightlifting coach Mark White from Otago weightlifting is back onboard taking you through every session. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn a ton about the sport of weightlifting and improve your technique and strength at the same time.




Monday 15/7/18

Skill: TTB

5 x 10 : 45sec rest between sets

MetCon: Barbell Cycling

0-8min: EMOM

1,2,3,…8 Power Cleans 50-60% of 1RM

Rest @ min 8-9

9-17 min: EMOM

1,2,3,…8 Squat Cleans 40-50% of 1RM

The goal is unbroken sets of Touch n Go reps


Why Rest days are important

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Rest and recovery is different from person to person, especially at our gym where we have members coming in 5-6 times per week to members coming in 1-2 times per week. We always recommend having at least 1-2 days off per week to recharge and it is always great to be back at the gym after a day off.

We try to make every session worth wild for all of our members which means that if you are coming in 5-6 times per week you will most likely need to change up a couple of things to make sure you don’t overtrain. Luckily for those members the coach is there to monitor their training and it is easy for us to modify the session to keep them improving and staying healthy.

For new members we recommend training 3 days per week to start with. Then bump it up to training 4 days per week but no more than two sessions back to back. Then as you get more comfortable with the volume you can bump it up again to: 3 days on – 1 day off – 2 days on – 1 day off.

If you are only training 1-3 times per week you can safely participate in all aspects of each session you join in on. We can always scale or modify the session to your needs and fitness level.

If you train 5-6 times per week there could be a session or two in there which will look like daunting tasks if you have already had a big week of training. If that happens you need to be honest with yourself and scale things appropriately to make sure you stay healthy and you still get a good training session done.

As always what is on the white board is not set in stone, it can be changed to suit and most of the time it is. That is one of the main reasons why you would join SPC in the first place.




Friday 13/7/18


9 min AMRAP

30 Double Unders

15 Push Jerks 40/30kg

-3 min Rest-

9 min AMRAP

30 Double Unders

15 Power Cleans 40/30kg


Meet our new Coach: George Gempton

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George, a very proactive guy contacted the gym a few weeks ago about becoming a coach at Southern Peak CrossFit. He told me about his credentials but I was more interested in who he was, because credentials will only get you so far. From speaking to George for two minutes and you instantly see a guy very passionate about training and personal development. He is very down to earth and super easy to talk to. He will be a great fit to the gym.

Originally from Wellington, George moved to Dunedin in 2016 to Study at the University of Otago. He is currently majoring in Exercise and Sports Science and completed his Crossfit Level 2 Certificate in 2017.

Having begun training in his early teens, George soon found Crossfit as ESPN ran a replay of the Sprint/Rope-Sled event from the 2012 Crossfit Games. It encapsulated every aspect of training that excited George; heavy weights, fast sprints and cool gymnastics. Outside of Uni and the gym George is an avid skier as well as a big fan of chocolate and dogs.

We have had George in for a couple of classes already and he has done really well. Looking forward to getting him more involved with the gym over time and he is very keen to get into more classes and meeting everyone.




Thursday 12/7/18

Skill: TTB

5 x 8 : Rest 1 min

MetCon: 21 min EMOM

1st: 12 Reverse FR BB Lunges 50/35kg + 6 Push Ups

2nd: 12 Pull Ups + 6 Snatches

3rd: 12 Deadlift + 6 Bar-facing Burpees