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Christian Pedersen

Sam Lloyd helping in Myanmar

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Our friend Sam with the big heart is on the path of helping the less fortunate again by traveling to Myanmar to help at a refugee camp on the Thailand border. Sam will be going to Myanmar for a year. There he will be teaching them and helping them with first aid and hygiene. Sam recently ran a marathon, 42 kilometers through Angkor Wat in the Cambodian heat to fundraise so they can buy supplies for the school which the refugees desperately need. If you would like to help out you can use this link. We will be following Sam’s journey and check in with him to see how he is going and post some things on here.





Thursday 9/8/18

Strength: 12 min EMOM

Odd: 3 Hang Power Cleans (building in weight)

Even: 50 Double Unders

MetCon: For Time

21 KB Swings 24/16kg

12 CTB Pull Ups

15 KB Swings

12 CTB Pull Ups

9 KB Swings

12 CTB Pull Ups

Weekly Deal Stopping

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We have been running a weekly deal since we opened of $40/week ($25/week for Students). All members who are on this deal will of course stay on this deal, but from 31/10/18 the deal will no longer be available and all new members from then on will be on the full price. If you are keen to sign up as a member or if you know anyone who are, make sure they sign up before 31/10/18 so they can take advantage of our deal.

Confirming all current members and everyone who sign up before 31/10 will keep their deal as long as they are a member. We will not increase the price for any current member ever.

If you have any questions regarding this feel free to contact us ASAP for more information.




Tuesday 7/8/18

Strength: Back Squat

4 x 10 Building in weight

Perform 10-20 Push ups in between each set

MetCon: 9 min AMRAP

5 Overhead Squats 60/40kg

10 Burpee Over Bar


Grab One sold out

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We have sold out of our Grab One deal so there will be plenty of new people coming through the doors over the next couple of months. Looking forward to seeing more of you at the gym giving CrossFit a go and hopefully embracing it as your fitness improves tenfold over your 4 weeks of training. The best thing about our gym is everybody will make you feel really welcome and we are all about helping each other and sharing your success. No one judges you here so you can turn up and train hard with no worries.




Monday 6/8/18

Accessory Work: 4 Rounds of

20sec Handstand Hold

10sec Rest

30sec Hollow Hold

10sec Rest

40sec Box Jumps 24/20′

MetCon: 4 Rounds for Time:

15 TTB

10 Deadlift 110/75kg

Please Book Into classes

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Just a reminder to please keep booking into classes. We have seen quite a few have been forgetting. It is easier for the coaches to prepare the class if they know how many are coming. That will improve our service and your experience. Also we don’t want anyone missing out on a great training session if there are too many people in the class.

We have gotten a few good stories from some of you and would like a few more so we can post a bunch at the same time. Please write a few lines to us about what you have achieved so far.




Friday 3/8/18

MetCon: For Time

800m Run

40 DB Thrusters 15/10kg

40 Pull Ups

800m Run

40 DB Thrusters

40 Pull Ups

800m Run

The Reebok CrossFit Games

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The CrossFit Games have started and it will be a full on week for all CrossFit fanatics. We have been looking forward to this for awhile and it will be great to see who will stand on top of the podium in all the categories on Sunday. We have some exciting New Zealand Teams and Individual Age Group athletes competing and we will be watching and supporting them as much as possible. Tune in to games.crossfit.com to watch all the action. I will be looking forward to watching it all live during the day in Denmark for once. But I won’t send too many spoilers through for you to wake up to:) Enjoy watching the best in our sport throwing down and remember they are top athletes so they do things different. Don’t think you can come down and do a marathon row after just being on the rower for 500m a couple times a month. Don’t use this week as motivation to do something stupid, use it as inspiration to keep turning up to class everyday and enjoy how far our sport has come.




Thursday 2/8/18

Accessory Work: 4 Rounds of

10 Hollow Rocks

10 Arch Rocks

20 Squat Jumps

10 Strict HSPU

MetCon: E3M for 9 min

30sec Overhead Barbell Hold 35/25kg

30sec Prone Hold

max Burpee Over bar in remaining time

If you drop within 30sec, the 30sec timer will stop as well until you continue hold.

Tell us about your success

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I would like to hear some success stories from the last training cycle or maybe even from this whole year. It would be great for all of us to have a chance to celebrate all of your achievements with you. Please get hold of me on a private message and tell me about your achievement and I will post it to the community. It will also be a great opportunity for me to keep up with all your success while I am away.

Looking forward to hearing from heaps of you:)




Wednesday 1/8/18

MetCon: 9 min EMOM

1st: 7 Front Squats 70/45kg

2nd: 5 Power Cleans

3rd: 3 Ring Muscle Ups

-Straight Into-

21 Front Squats

15 Power Cleans

9 Ring Muscle Ups



Meet Chris Ludlow

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Chris Ludlow is 55 and a good ol’ Dunedinite. He did live 10 yrs is aussie  and 12 yrs in Chch. He was shaken out of Chch in 2011. Back home in Dunners he wanted to try something new from traditional gym so he did a couple of bootcamps run brutally first by Welshy and later by Speedy & Chrispy. He started with a few box classes before trying CrossFit. He has been at it ever since. Chris joined SPC late last year. Achieved 12th in the Region for CFG Open this year and was was pretty happy with that.

Here are a few words from the man himself. “I enjoy the camaraderie and challenge that is CrossFit. I work for Delta Infrastructure where I repair kids playgrounds and do landscaping projects. With my physical job it is great to keep strong and fit with CrossFit and to make sure my joints stay healthy so I can keep doing a good job on a daily basis. Over the last few years I have ticked of all of south islands great walks. In the future I would like to get off the beaten track more. When I do have some spare time I’m fixing my ancient house and during our next long hot summer I’m gonna learn how to surf.

It is great having such a fit and healthy guy over 50 like you. You are keeping up with a lot of the younger crew which is awesome to see. You are always good for a chat mate and it will be great to see how far you can go in the future.




Tuesday 31/7/18

Strength: 12 min EMOM

Odd: 3 Hang Power Snatches (build in weight)

Even: 50 Double Unders

MetCon: 7 min AMRAP

10 Alt DB Snatches 22.5/15kg

5 DB Hang Squat Clean Left arm

10 Alt DB Snatches

5 DB Hang Squat Clean Right arm

-2 min Rest-

For Time:

40 DB OH Lunges

400m DB Carry

The Repetitions begin

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Your new training cycle is starting today and it calls for a lot more reps than you have done in awhile so start light and make sure you focus on dialing in technique before going up in weight. When in doubt pick the lighter of the weights you were thinking of using. Also all the strength movements are not programmed as EMOMs which means you need to be on to it so you don’t take too much time between exercises. Yes, of course you need your rest to make sure you can perform each set to the best of your ability but since we haven’t done a lot of super sets for our strength work before please be aware that you cant take as long as you normally can between sets and that is the point as well for this cycle. So buy into it and make the most of this type of training. You will reap all the benefits if you commit to the process




Monday 30/7/18

Strength: Back Squat

3 x 10 building in weight

Do 10-20 Push ups between each set

MetCon: 4 Rounds for Time

200m Run

20 KB Swings 24/16kg

200m Run


Fundraising Comps in September and October

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We are setting up two fundraising efforts one for our three athletes going to the Gold Coast to represent the gym and South Island at the Masters League. The other is to support our two Teams going to Nationals in the Mount. We have two In-House competitions coming up: One in September and one in October.

The September comp will be our annual age group team of 3 comp. This year we will pick the teams out of a hat. So all you have to do is message us with your name and the decade you were born and we will put your name down. There will be a $5 entry fee all proceeds goes to the traveling athletes.

The October Comp will be an individual comp. With Open RX and Scaled and Masters (40+) RX and Scaled. There will be a $10 entry fee for this comp and all proceeds will go to the traveling athletes.

If you have done a comp with us before you will know what level you should enter as. If you are new and want to have a go at competing in a fun and inclusive in house CrossFit Competition let us know and we can advice you on how to enter.

The team comp will be set up so any type of athlete will be able to help their team out and there will be no minimum work requirement, which means if there is something you can’t do, a teammate will do that part for the team.

There will be a lot more info coming out about the competitions when i am back so don’t stress. This is mainly to give everyone something to work towards.




Thursday 26/7/18

Skill: TTB

1 Set of max reps unbroken TTB

MetCon: For Time


Deadlift 80/50kg

Burpee over Bar

-Rest 3 min-



Box Jumps 24/20′