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All Posts By

Christian Pedersen

Lift The Bar Comp

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We have a few pairs signed up for this years Lift the Bar competition hosted by CrossFit Timaru. They have same sex pairs and mixed pairs. There are room left for more Beginner and RX pairs. You can see the standards on their Lift the Bar Facebook page.

How it works: Nov 4 online qualifier events will be released and you need to have them done by Nov 11. From there Top 10 in each division qualifies for the Finals at CrossFit Timaru Dec 7.

This will be a great comp to get your feet wet on if you haven’t done a CrossFit Comp yet. Plus you can do most of it at SPC and if you qualify for the Finals it’s only a short drive to Timaru. HOpe to see many of you pair up and sign up for it.


Tuesday 221019

Strength: Back Squat

3 x 6 Build in weight

Superset 5 High Box Jumps between working sets

Metcon: 3 x 5min AMRAP: 2 min Rest

40 Double Unders

20 Alt. DB Snatch 22.5/15kg


Team Member: Sophie Maxtone

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If you haven’t met Sophie yet, she is the girl who runs to and from CrossFit every damn day. As if the class wasn’t hard enough she does goes for a stroll home after class even when its a 36min EMOM with 800m runs:) Its fair to say she is a motivated person. Nothing really stands in her way of progressing when it comes to fitness. Sophie has especially made real improvements in her strength and gymnastics. It will be awesome to see her take on the challenge at Nationals in her first big competition.


Wednesday 161019

MetCon: E4M for 36 min

0:00-4:00: 800m Run

4:00-8:00: 3 Rds of Mary: 5 HSPU, 10 Pistols, 15 Pull Ups

8:00-12:00: 1 min Prone Hold, 30 V-Sit Twists, 20 V-Ups

Team Member: Katreena Drake

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Kat joined us earlier this year. Coming from a sporting back ground it didn’t take her long to improve across the board and it has been impressive to watch her just throw herself head first into any exercise she could and being able to do it. Needless to say this will be Kat’s first comp but she is more than prepared for what lies ahead. It won’t be all smooth sailing at Nationals but with Kat’s super positive attitude she will be able to keep the rest of the team relaxed if things do go a little south. Don’t let the constantly smiling face fool you, when it comes to crunch time Kat will be switched on and her competitive side will come out.


Tuesday 151019

Strength: E90S for 15 min

1 Power Clean & Push Jerk

Start light and Build in weight

MetCon: 3 x 5 min AMRAP : 2 min Rest

10 Dual DB Cleans 2×22.5/2x15kg

8 Dual DB Front Squats

6 Dual DB Push Jerks

Team Member: Shez Mcleod

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Shez has been with us since day dot and even as a masters athlete she is still one of the fittest in the gym and she definitely deserved a spot on the team. She has been working really hard to fixing a few caps in her fitness and she is looking ready to do a lot of work for the team. Always ready to pull her weight on any workout she will be a real asset for the team. It will be invaluable for our other girls in the team to have Shez around, who has plenty of experience when it comes to big team competitions.


Monday 141019

MetCon: CrossFit Games Open 20.1

10 RFT

8 GTOH 43/30kg

10 Bar facing Burpees

15 min Time Cap

Team member: Tom Ford

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Tom only joined us this year and have already made huge strides in his overall fitness. Its crazy what a bit of talent and dedication can achieve over such a short time. It was easy to see that Tom was fit and athletic as soon as he turned up and did his first WOD but considering how tall Tom is, he did extremely well in improving his olympic lifting and gymnastics to the level he is at now. There is always things to improve on but with the work Tom is putting in he will be more than ready to contribute a whole heap to the team at nationals. Keep up the awesome work mate.


Friday 111019

MetCon: FGB Fridays (3 Rds for Max Reps)

1st: BB SDHP 30kg

2nd: Box Jumps 20′

3rd: Burpees

4th: BB Push Press 30kg

5th: Sit Ups

6th: Rest

Team Member: Max Aitkenhead

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Max has been a member for a long time and has made steady changes to improve all aspects of his fitness. Originally signing up to get an outlet for his competitive side after he took a break from playing rugby. Knowing he wanted to try competing in CrossFit, Max has been working really hard this year honing his gymnastics skills to a point where he can do everything thats being asked of CrossFit athletes at the moment. Being one of the bigger guys, barbell work isn’t a problem, but weightlifting is a long game so small improvements to technique over the next while will help him. Even though this will be Max’s first big competition, he is calm and will thrive when he gets on the competition floor. It will be a great stepping stone for what will hopefully lead to many more comps.


Thursday 101019

Skill work on RMU, Snatch and C&J

MetCon: SPC Benchmark #1


3 Snatches 80/55kg

6 Clean & Jerks


Scale to finish the workout in less than 15 min

SPC Team for Nationals

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This month we are taking one team to Nationals competing in the intermediate division. Its a good mix of members who have been before and members who are competing for the first time. They have all worked extremely hard and are ready to take up the challenge. We will be introducing the team members over the next two weeks starting with

Team Captain Riley Cunningham. No stranger to competition and always cool under pressure. Riley has been the Captain 2 years in a row and has kept whoever is in the team positive and motivated. Not only that, he is also an awesome guy to be around and the team will definitely listen to him and work hard for each other because of that. He is the perfect person to lead the team as he will be able to help the new competitors out and calm them down and lead from the front when it comes to getting work done. As an avid surfer and weightlifter, he will be looking forward to any swimming event and events that favour the barbell.


Tuesday 081019

Strength: Back Squats

3 x 6 (across)

Superset with: 5 High Box jumps

MetCon: 3 x 5min AMRAPs: 2 min Rest

20 KB Swings 24/16kg

20 KB Push Press (10 each arm)

20 KB Goblet Lunges

The Open is upon us!!!

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The CrossFit Games Open starts Oct 10th. As you can see the Open hasn’t changed its still a great test of fitness. More importantly, it will give us a chance to hang out together, throw down and have some fun afterwards. We will be running the Open workout Friday Evenings from 5.30pm 11/10 – 18/10 – 25/10 – 1/11 – 8/11. We will run all the Open workouts in heats on the day so turn up early and put your name down. We are really keen on getting everyone involved this year. The Open has both scaled and RX levels so everyone will be able to get a good workout in. Please read all about the Open on games.crossfit.com

When you sign up add our gym as your affiliate and all your scores will help our team out. Looking forward to seeing a bunch of names on the scoresheet and down at the gym on a Friday evening to work out and support our crew.


Thursday 031019

Strength: Paused Back Squat

3 x 5 w/3 sec pause at the bottom

MetCon: 3 RFT


40 Double Unders

60 Air Squats

Barbell Club Classes

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We are continuing Barbell Club until the end of the year. It will now be a class for all members on unlimited memberships $50/week ($35/week students). We strongly recommend you add this class to your weekly training as lifting technique is a big part of staying strong and injury free. Classes will still be run by Weightlifting Coach, Declan on Tuesday 6.30pm & Sunday 11.30am. Use the Book Now button on our website to reserve your spot for each session. We are hoping all of you will take advantage of this option. We have had a large number through this program already and they have seen huge improvements in their strength levels and ability to move the barbell much smoother during CrossFit classes.

If you have any questions about this awesome opportunity for you to learn more about lifting don’t hesitate to get hold of us.


Wednesday 250919

MetCon: E2M for 30min

0:00 – 2:00 : 400m Run

2:00 – 4:00 : 30 Wall Balls 9/6kg

4:00 – 6:00 : 10 Deadlift 100/70kg + 10 Burpee Over Bar

Chanél & Dan off to compete in Melbourne

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Chanél & Dan came to us a few months ago keen to continue their CrossFit training in preparation for Major League CrossFit Comp in Australia. They are competing this weekend and you can follow it all on http://www.mastersleague.com.au/

You can also look up all the action on the Masters League Facebook page. We will keep you posted the best we can.

Good luck to both of you and can’t wait to cheer you on from back home. You have done all the hard work, so trust in what you did to qualify and have some fun over there.


Thursday 190919

Strength: E2M for 12 min

2 Power Snatch (2 sec pause in catch)

build in weight

MetCon: 2 RFT

200 Double Unders

50 Wall Balls 9/12kg