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Christian Pedersen

Personal Training Available

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There are many different ways to utilize a Personal Trainer. We have always recommended people get involved with the classes straight away because you get the personal attention to details from the coach plus the motivation to work hard with the rest of the class. That should be your preferred option if you are looking to get fit and having a good time.

We break it into two simple groups. Short term PT and Long term PT

Short term PT

Very often we get a member who is improving so much that they start to want to learn more complex skills but need some specific work to get there. This is a great time to seek out a coach to help you get some personal help with that specific skill. It doesn’t have to be a longterm commitment. A few sessions should be enough to give you some great skill transfer work done and get you through that skill and on to the next one. This goes for any movement in CrossFit. The coach will then give you a plan for you to follow so you keep the skill. This is also where our Open Gym Sessions come in very handy.

Long term PT

If you have a longterm goal I.E. Run or Bike Race or other competition that you need specific help with it is important to seek out a coach to help you program and also monitor the volume of your specific training combined with your CrossFit classes. This is to make sure you don’t overtrain. – We often get people who complain about overuse injuries and when we ask the right questions we find out they have been doing way to much training outside of normal classes and it is starting to break them down. Reality is most people don’t know how to train themselves longterm. It is easy to force yourself to do extra training if you have a serious goal but 9 times out of 10 you just end up going until you break and then wonder what happened. Let our coaches help you stay on track and be able to train longterm. Two things are certain in life you don’t need to train at 100% intensity all the time to see significant improvements and if you break down you can’t train at all.

Contact us today with your specific goal and we will help you come up with a plan and keep you training right up until “game day”




Tuesday 27/11/18

Strength: Front Squats

5 x 5 @ 80% of 5RM

MetCon: 5 Rounds for Time

15 Thrusters 50/35kg

18 Burpee Over Bar


Support your friends Goals

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I talk to people everyday about goal setting and how to get over training plateaus. Having specific, realistic and measurable goals is super important and being motivated to achieving them is even more important. But the most important thing is the support you get from your closest friends and family. They are a huge part of the driving force behind someones courage to pursue a specific goal. Often people are discouraged from a specific goal because they keep hearing negative comments from the people who are meant to be on their side and push them when they are having a hard time.

If you keep saying the same negative things to your friend disguised as “jokes” or if you keep buying take aways when your partner is trying to lose weight or you keep complaining about the price of your partners gym membership. Stop and think about your own goals. Do you have any? Can you think of one? Most people who react negative towards a close friends goal is often because they don’t have a goal themselves. Find something you are passionate about and go for it.

Try throwing a positive comment at a friend next time and have a think about your own goals. How can you start to put a plan in place to reach them. Try talking to your friend who already has a goal. You will find they will have heaps to say about it.




Monday 26/11/18

Barbell Cycling:

5 min EMOM

3 Squat Snatches (start @ 65%)

5 min EMOM

1 Squat Snatch (start @ 80%)

MetCon: 15 min AMRAP

20 Box Jumps 24/20′

20 Alt. DB Snatches 22.5/15kg

Training on Holiday

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Members who are going away over Summer have expressed worry about losing strength and fitness while they are away. Firstly if there is a CrossFit box near you go see them and hopefully they can help you with a membership in the holidays. Second option is to join a normal gym and keep following our program to the best of your ability and depending on what equipment and space is available. A third option is to do as much of our program as possible but substitute some of the equipment exercises for body weight exercises. That will still give you a great workout.

We will be posting some extra workouts over Christmas and New Years to help you with motivation and inspiration. Yes if you don’t do a lot of max strength work over summer you might lose a bit of strength but if you don’t do anything you will definitely lose most of your strength. Get out of the house and do some regular training even if it is just 10-20 min of bodyweight stuff. You will still maintain some fitness and you will definitely feel much better afterwards.

Healthy eating will also have a huge benefit whether you train or not. If you don’t get to train much but you keep eating healthy you will prolong the process of losing muscle. If you do train a lot you will need to eat healthy to fuel your body for performance and muscle gain to get the most out of your training. In both examples healthy eating will keep your energy levels high, your mood positive and your organs healthy.




Friday 23/11/18

MetCon: 5 Rounds for Time

3 Rope Climbs

15 DB Thrusters 22.5/15kg

10 KTE

30 Air Squats

-2min Rest-


Weight Management in the Holidays

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Its been said so many times before but it still is the most important thing about staying fit and healthy. watch what you eat. My personal stance on this can be different from the other coaches so if you don’t agree or would like a different opinion please make a time to see one of them and talk to them about it.

If you are at a healthy weight you can indulge over the holiday period or any other period for that matter. Just make sure you do everything in moderation as any unnecessary weight gain will have to be taken care of when you come back to the gym. If you have clear goals it will be a good thing to remind yourself of them to keep you on track. keep up with regular exercise but have a break first and foremost.

If you are trying to get to a healthy weight, any “cheat day” or other excuse you give yourself to eat bad will hurt you more.I don’t believe in cheat days. It might look like they serve a purpose of keeping you on track by getting a small break from following regimented eating but all it does is set you back a week or more. I’m an advocate of finding your “why”, as people with a strong Why don’t need cheat days to stay on track. They are eating healthy for a living. It is not a short term solution to get to a healthy bodyweight, its a life long process to stay at a healthy bodyweight and live a long life and being physically able to enjoy your life. It needs to come from YOU. No amount of stupid motivational quotes are going to do this for you. Only you and a good support network.

If you are trying to lose weight so many things have to go right for you to move the needle. This means you need to try and stay in a positive mindset, eat at the right times during the day and eat the right things and the right amount and try to keep up regular exercise. This is more of a mental exercise than a physical one which means having a strong personal reason for doing it is so important. Merely just wanting to lose weight isn’t always enough because it can be very hard to be so regimented with food intake and exercise. This is also where our coaches come in.

Although we are not nutritionists we do know a lot about the subject and we keep up to date with the latest research. We also serve as the back bone of keeping you motivated and on track when you need it. If you find yourself struggling during this time of the year just reach out. Sometimes, all you need is a different view on things and sometimes it’s a kick up the backside. If you feel you need help from a nutritionist or dietician let us know and we will get you in touch with one who can help you.




Skill Work:

5 min EMOM

5 Strict TTB & 10 Kipping TTB

Accessory Work: 5 Rounds AHAFA

6 Bench Press

24 V-Sit Twists

12 BB Bent over Rows

Train with Purpose

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Some days are harder than others for various reasons. Getting a training session in with a few mates can help anyone turn their day around and make it good one. But sometimes you can’t just rely on friends you have to take charge yourself. It doesn’t matter if you wake up annoyed or you have a crappy day at work. You have one hour for You everyday at the gym so make sure you take full advantage of that. Turn up ready to train and do everything with a purpose.

Blueprint for getting the most out of your session:

Warm-Up: Make sure you get your body warm during the warm up don’t just go through the motions. Stop zombie-ing around for the first 15min. Wake your body up. If you need more warm up time after the general warm up take it during the strength sets. Don’t just stop warming up because you have a barbell in your hands. Keep doing stretches or small movement flows during the strength work.

Strength Work: When it’s your turn to lift, LIFT. Help each other get the right weight on the bar for the next person and get the set done. If you work fast in between sets, the person lifting can focus on just lifting and doesn’t have to stress during their set. Catching up with people is for the 10min before class starts and when you are finished.

MetCon: We spend plenty of time getting ready for our MetCons to make sure everyone has a proper variation of each movement. In that time come up with a game plan and talk to the coach about it. This will help you move with purpose and not worry about how hard things are. This will also help with using correct technique when you do get tired. Focus on each movement and don’t be sloppy especially during barbell exercises. It will lead to either injuring yourself or others. Move smoothly and only take short planned breaks.

We hope this will help you get more out of each session. The coach will always be there with a smile ready to help you out and if you turn up ready to work every session you do will be fun, enjoyable and helpful.


Wednesday 21/11/18

Strength: Strict Press

5 x 5 @ 80% of 5RM

MetCon: For Time

150 Wall Balls 9/6kg

E2M Burpee “Buy In”

Start at 5 reps and increase by 2 reps every 2 min.


Please use the booking system

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Over this summer period it is very important that you book in to class as if we don’t see any bookings for your class it is more likely to be put on hold for the summer. We have a really easy to use system and if its just because you can’t be bothered you need to check your attitude and find out what you really want out of your gym membership. The system is just as much for us to gage participation as it is for you to make sure you have a spot reserved in case the class is booked out. Please use the system and if you have any questions about it ask so we can help you out.




Tuesday 20/11/18

MetCon: E5M for 25min

15 CTB Pull Ups

20 KB Swings 24/16kg

200m Run


Member Achievements

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Just wanted to celebrate some fantastic achievements from some of our members.

Becky won the Queenstown 10km race in an awesome performance.

Jack went to his first Power Lifting comp and did an extremely good job.

Adam and Bex completed the Queenstown marathon

Andrew completed the Tough Mudder in Auckland.

Well done to all of you on your performances. There is a lot of work that goes into competing in any sport and at any level. All though each of your events were very specific your consistent CrossFit training would definitely have had a positive impact on your performance. We are very proud of all of you and good luck with any other events you decide to do in the future




Monday 19/11/18

Strength: Back Squat

5 x 5 @ 80% of 5RM

MetCon: For Time

200 Double Unders


45 Deadlift 90/65kg

100 Sit Ups


Gym Clean Up I.E. “Throwing stuff out”

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We are preparing to Clean Up I.E. Throw Out the lost property and a few other things around the gym. If you think you have anything you want to keep we suggest you take it with you before end of the week. If you are not here but know you have something that belongs to you let us know and we can put it aside for you.

The only 3 things you can keep at the gym are Lifting Belts, Lifting Shoes & Skipping Ropes.

All drink bottles, wrist wraps, hand guards, tape, clothing, sweat bands, towels etc. will be thrown out by Saturday afternoon. Please remember to grab it before it goes.




Friday 16/11/18

MetCon: Partner Wod

For Time:

Partner A 100 Double Unders

partner B 100 Double Unders

then complete

100 Pull Ups

100 Power Snatches 40/30

Partition reps as needed

Cya next year Coach George

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It is coach George last week at SPC before he and Freya heads home for the Summer. But don’t worry he will be back next year with more cool warm up drills and heaps of excitement to help you guys and girls out. It has been an absolute pleasure having him at the gym helping out and there is no doubt he made the place better. You were thrown in the deep end but you did an awesome job at all classes and we are excited to see you back here next year. You made that Sunday GPP class your own and its great to see how popular it has become. Keep training hard over summer and get back to full fitness because there will be plenty of work waiting for you on your return.

Enjoy your summer




Thursday 15/11/18

Strength Testing: Clean & Jerk

Find your 1RM

MetCon: 10 min AMRAP

10 DB Push Press 22.5/15kg

15 TTB

10 Burpees

Keep learning by reading previous blog posts

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We get a lot of questions every day and we are of course more than happy to answer anything you are concerned about. If you are really keen to know more about the gym, CrossFit, training in general or any thing specific to health and wellness you could either ask a coach out for a coffee and then ask all your questions. Or scroll through all of our previous blog posts. There is plenty of gold in there in an easy to digest format and straight to the point. All blog posts are one point of view and all of our coaches doesn’t necessarily agree on everything but that is the beauty of fitness and that is why we have more coaches. Each of us have different ways of coaching and we each have different ideas and bringing all of that to you gives you a chance to find out what works for you. Take a few min each day to look for specific topics in the search bar in the blog post tab and learn something new. It is all about improving and expanding your knowledge so you can be fitter and healthier.




Wednesday 14/11/18

Run Conditioning:

E3M for 15min


-record slowest lap-

Accessory Work: 15min EMOM

1st: 10 Push Ups & 10 Hollow Rocks

2nd: 20 DB Lunges

3rd: 20 V-Sit Twists