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All Posts By

Christian Pedersen

Updated Holiday Time Table

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Here is the updated Time Table for the holidays. Sorry for changes. We have normal time table all the way upto 23/12/18. We will resume normal classes again on the 2/1/19. Print it out and hang it up on the fridge

25/12: Xmas Day WOD 7am

26/12: Boxing day CLOSED

27-28/12: Two Classes on both days: 6am & 5.30pm

29/12: Two Classes on: 8am & 9am 

30/12: One Class on: 10am

31/12 – 1/1/19 CLOSED

2/1/19: Back to normal Time Table


Friday 14/12/18

Running Conditioning: E5M for 15 min

800m Run

MetCon: For Time

50 Russian Swings 32/24kg

50 TTB

50 Russian Swings 

New Membership Prices

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We are into our last days with our current membership prices. Anyone who signs up before the end of December will get the same low membership price and keep it. Anyone who signs up after 31/12/18 will be on the new membership price. We value loyal members more than anything and this is our way of showing it. We will never raise any current athlete’s membership. The longer you stay with us the better your deal.

Don’t let your friends and family miss out. It might even be a good Xmas present for someone who you know will love our community and classes. Get hold of us now if you don’t want to miss out. You can check out all of our memberships on our website.


Thursday 13/12/18

Strength: Front Squat
5 x 5 @ 83% of 5RM

MetCon: For Time
Deadlift 100/70kg

Just another WOD

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Make sure you give this one a go today. It will be a great challenge for all of you to get through with consistent numbers on the SDHP. Have a challenging but realistic number in mind for each round and make sure you get it. Don’t sell yourself short just because it is a bit long. have a plan and stick to it


Tuesday 11/12/18

MetCon: 30 min EMOM
1st: 10-20 Wall Balls 9/6kg
2nd: 100 Double Unders
3rd: 30 sec max KB SDHP 32/24kg

Record lowest score of 30sec SDHP

De-Stress with CrossFit

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Thanks to everyone who turned up Saturday at Harlem’s for Christmas drinks. Great way to catch up with everyone before the Xmas rush starts.
Make sure you find time to get your daily workout in even if things get stressful. Taking an hour to yourself to do a short workout will help clear your head and de-stress. Remember you don’t have to workout alone either. There will be plenty of people down here who will sympathize with your situation and most likely be going through the same stuff at times. They are all here for the same purpose to forget about all that stuff for a short time. Come down and join our daily workout and feel better after you leave the gym.


Monday 10/12/18

Barbell Cycling
5 min EMOM
3 Squat Snatches (Start @ 60%)
5 min EMOM
1 Squat Snatch (Start @ 80%)

MetCon: 4 Rounds for Time
20 KB Swings 24/16kg
30 KB Goblet Lunges
400m Run

SPC Benchmarks

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We have been working on our own set of Benchmark workouts for all of our members to use as a measure of how fit you get over any period of time. We will be rolling them out in the new year and will be using them from now on throughout the year to measure all of your fitness parameters.

Yes there will be scaled options for all of them but that will be programmed by us as well as these will all be measurable tests. You can see for yourself how fit you have become if you go from a scaled version to the RX version of a particular workout. There will be 10 tests over all facets of Strength and Fitness. This will be a special part to our community. It will develop some friendly new rivalries and push all of you to improve. We are looking forward to bringing these tests to you so make sure to watch this space as they get released in the new year.




Friday 7/12/18

Gymnastics Conditioning

12 min EMOM

Odd: 6-10 Strict Weighted TTB

Even: 6-10 Strict Weighted Pull Ups

MetCon: 5 Rounds for Time

8 Deadlift 110/70kg


14 KTE

December Updates

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A couple of things to remember:

We are meeting at Harlems for Xmas drinks this Saturday 6pm. Address is on the white board. Give us a message if you need to now it. Really looking forward to seeing heaps of you up there.

We are starting two new GPP Classes this Tuesday and Thursday 6.30pm. Grab some friends and join in on a fun high energy circuit session. It will be an awesome workout and a great introduction to CrossFit at the same time.

SPC Running Program participants have their Mile Run time trial later this month. Will be awesome to have all the improvements on paper. They have worked extremely hard over the last many weeks and it will be great to see all the hard work paying off. It has also helped their CrossFit Wods heaps both from a straight running aspect but also with recovery.

As always we are keen to hear how you are finding the gym. So never be shy whether it is good or bad, we want to know. The bad will make us improve and the good will give us a boost to keep working hard for all of you.

Any suggestions, feedback or signing up for our programs can be directed to 021 248 9222 or [email protected]




Thursday 6/12/18

MetCon: E5M for 20 min

6 Muscle Ups

12 STOH 50/35kg

400m Run

Don’t tell me… “This time of year”

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What’s the difference between all the other stressful times during the year where you force yourself to come in because you want to get a good start to your day. Then as soon as they dress up the main street in Christmas gear you suddenly develop holiday mode and the weirdest excuse for why you shouldn’t get your training done. Come on team, let us hold off for another three weeks till when you actually should take a break to be with your family and friends.

There is plenty of work to be done yet. I bet most, if not all of you, have at least one goal you really want to get done before the end of the year. Even if you feel way off it, keep coming in and work on things. Not just for the purpose of achieving the goal but also to get that hour to yourself where you don’t need to worry and all the things people worry about this time of year. You might even see things in a better light after getting a little sweat up.

Looking forward to seeing you all in here for the next couple of weeks and then we can all have a well deserved break.




Wednesday 5/12/18

Strength: Back Squat

5 x 5 @ 83% of 5RM

MetCon: 15 min AMRAP

200m Walking Lunges

In remaining time

Max Burpee Pull Ups

Tuesday & Thursday 6.30pm GPP Circuit

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We are expanding our GPP Circuit Class to Tuesday & Thursday 6.30pm.

Reasons for joining our GPP Circuit: If you are interested in a high energy circuit class this one is for you. All sessions are coach led and will include multiple exercises using Kettle Bells, Dumbbells, Medicine Balls, Slam Balls, Sandbags, Tires, Rowing machines, Assault Bikes, Spin Bikes and of course bodyweight exercises. We will be running 4 of these classes and looking at possibly including more in the future. If this sounds cool to you or you know friends and family who would enjoy this type of training get hold of us now and use the Book Now button to secure your spot.

From Tuesday 11/12/18 GPP Circuit Classes are:

Tuesday 6.30pm

Thursday 6.30pm

Friday 6am

Sunday 10am

Looking forward to getting these classes under way and helping more people out.




Tuesday 4/12/18

MetCon: 12 min EMOM

1st: 12 KB SDHP 24/16kg & 6 Burpees

2nd: 24 Squat Jumps

3rd: 6 DB Snatches 22.5/15kg & 12 Push Ups

-Straight Into 3 Rounds for Time

12 KB SDHP 24/16kg

6 Burpees

24 Squat Jumps

6 DB Snatches 22.5/15kg

12 Push Ups


Holiday Time Table

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Keep on the lookout for our revised Time Table over Xmas and New Years.


Normal Classes until 24/12

Xmas Day Wod 7am – Only

Boxing Day Closed

27-30/12 We have two classes running per day: 6am & 5.30pm

31/12 Closed


1/1 Closed

2-4/1 We have two classes running per day: 6am & 5.30pm

5/1 Back to normal Time Table

It will be updated on Timely, posted to our social media platforms and there will be posters at the gym.

Print it out and hang it on your fridge.




Monday 3/12/18

Strength: Strict Press

5 x 5 @ 83% of 5RM

MetCon: 5 Rounds for Time

25 Wall Balls 9/6kg

15 KB Swings 32/24kg

50 Double Unders

Stop cheating yourself, we know

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You might not know this but as coaches we aren’t only here to teach you how to deadlift or do pull ups. We soak up as much information about you as we can to help you be fitter and healthier but also better people and this is about your integrity. As you count reps, we count reps and at times it hasn’t been adding up. This is not to call you out as a cheater because there is always two sides to a story and in most cases we only know our side so here goes.

#1 If you are here purely to be first in the wod every day you need to have a look at yourself and find something more important to train for than having the fastest time everyday. You won’t win every day and if you didn’t do all the reps is it really a win? No one should be so competitive they compromise their own longterm results and sanity by creating shortcuts because there are no shortcuts. All you do is creating a skewed picture of your own fitness and you will never know true improvements or be able to celebrate true PR’s, because they simply are not.

#2 If you don’t want to look really unfit compared to the people you work out with it’s easy to cut a few reps to at least look like you are keeping up. Who cares if you are keeping up or not? You are not here to showcase your fitness you are here to improve it. Just work hard in every session and be last if thats the way it goes. You will find the last person often gets the biggest cheers and you will feel a much bigger sense of accomplishment if you do the whole workout.

Remember for one hour a day at SPC, you are meant to just be yourself get a workout in and forget about the stressors of life. If you put pressure on yourself here by trying to win at all cost what are you really accomplishing other than adding stress to your life. Remember why you signed up in the first place and get back to just getting the workout done and create a better feeling for the rest of your day.




Thursday 29/11/18

Running Conditioning:

E3M for 18min

400m Run

Accessory Work: 5 Rounds of

8 Bench Press (AHAFA)

10 Strict Pull Ups

50 Double Unders