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All Posts By

Christian Pedersen

Next Training Cycle + Athlete Section

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Next week we have a transition week before going into our first full training cycle of 2019.

Training Cycle Overview: 12 Weeks,

Strength Focus: 1RM in Back Squat, Overhead Press and Deadlift.

Power Focus: Hang Clean, Push Jerk and Hang Snatch

Gymnastics Focus: Handstand push ups and CTB Pull Ups

We will be including and Athlete Section 3 days per week to do either in their own time or in that last 10 min of class. If you don’t have any aspirations of competing this year this part of the session is not for you. There will be plenty of work in the Strength/Metcon for you.

If you want to compete but you are unsure if you should be doing all of the Athlete Sections every week, ask the coach and they will help you make the decision on the day. First consideration is, are you doing the Athlete Session on Saturdays 10am? If not, you don’t need to worry about more than the Daily Wod.


Wednesday 300119

Metcon: 5 RFT

10 KB Snatches left arm 24/16kg

10 KB Snatches right arm

15 Burpees

30 Goblet Squats

Core Finisher:

50 Sit Ups

40 Leg Raises

30 V-Sit Twist

20 Strict KTE

Hero Wod Friday

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We will be programming a Hero Wod on Fridays from now and during our next training phase. Hero Wods are a celebration of the life of military, law enforcement and fire service members who have lost their life on duty.

While we might not have the emotional connection to the people who have past away it is also a celebration of the CrossFit community and the workouts are traditionally very hard to complete. It will be a great challenge for all of you to do to start your weekend on a high. We are starting with a super tough one.


Los Angeles County Fire Fighter Specialist Arnaldo “Arnie” Quinones, 34, was killed in the line of duty on Sunday, August 30, 2009 during the Station Fire. His emergency response vehicle went over the side of the road and fell 800 feet into a steep canyon during fire suppression activities protecting Camp 16 outside the City of Palmdale, CA. He is survived by his wife Lori and daughter Sophia Grace, born three weeks after his death.

Friday 250119

MetCon: Arnie

21 KB Turkish Get up right arm 32kg

50 KB Swings

21 KB Overhead Squats left arm

50 KB Swings

21 KB Overhead Squats right arm

50 KB Swings

21 KB Turkish Get up left arm

Student Deal from $25/week

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We are running our annual student deal of $25/week if you sign up for the Uni year (until 31/10/2019). Get hold of us now and enjoy an unlimited membership at SPC in 2019. If you have set your goals, this deal should help you get started on your CrossFit journey. We have plenty of classes throughout the day which will suit a students time table so no excuse not to take advantage of this. There are also shorter term Student memberships from $35/week. Come in and talk to us or send us an email on [email protected]

For more info on our gym and what we are about, check out Southern Peak CrossFit on Facebook, Instagram and SnapChat stories.


Thursday 240119

Strength Testing: Strict Press

Find your new 5RM



15 Power Snatches 40/30kg

10 Bar Muscle Ups

2 min Rest


15 Thrusters 40/30kg

10 Burpee Over Bar

Training Through Soreness

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Its the start of the year and you are super motivated to train and reach all your goals. But… the training is hard because you haven’t done much over the holidays and you are starting to get really sore. The right attitude you need to adopt right now is, Yes, keep coming in at least 4 times per week and if you are too sore to do the workout the coach will give you some stretches to do and a modified version of the workout if need be. That is why we are different to most gyms we have the ability to change things for you or just give you a stretching and recovery session.

You might think, “Im new and I need to show everyone how fit I am so I’m not just doing stretches”. Reality Check: No one here cares if you are just doing a recovery session instead of the full workout. If you look around in any of our classes we have members doing a different variation of the workout because we can modify to suit any fitness and ability level. The reason for doing CrossFit is so you become fitter and healthier not to workout till you break.

Reasons for turning up to class even if you are sore:

You are motivated to train and if you tell yourself its ok to take days off outside of your normal rest days you set a precedent that its ok to just not train. So every time you feel just a little sore you stay away from the gym. Don’t fall into that trap. Thats a sure way to lose motivation and stop coming in all together. Let us help you recover the right way, but you need to be in the gym for us to help you with that. So yes come to the gym, even when you are really sore because here we can help you recover and feel better.


Wednesday 230119

Gymnastics Testing: 2 Rounds of

30 sec Max CTB Pull Ups

1 min Rest

30 sec Max TTB

1 min Rest

MetCon: For Time

75 Wall Balls 9/6kg



Double Unders

Sit Ups


75 Wall Balls

Marcus is off to CHCH

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For those who don’t know, Marcus and Danielle will be leaving for Christchurch mid February to work as a PT and I want to take the time to thank Marcus for everything he has done for the gym over the last two and a half years and thank Danielle for being a member from day one.

Marcus started as a member when we were at Vogel St and from there he started taking classes and has developed into a great coach that any gym will be lucky to have. Always there to go above and beyond to get things done at the gym during in house comps and other gym events. Will be awesome to see him take his skills and develop them even further as a PT in a new city.

All staff from SPC wishes you both good luck for the future and we will no doubt see you again, probably on the competition floor.

We will sort out a leaving party beforehand so stay tuned.


Tuesday 220119

Running Testing:

2km For Time

Accessory Work: 5 Rounds (AHAFA)

10 DB Bench Press

10 BB Bent Rows

15 V-Ups

30 V-Sit Twist

The 2019 CrossFit Games Open

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The Open is just around the corner you can sign up on games.crossfit.com and compare yourself to the rest of the world, everyone in NZ and to your friends at the gym. If you are keen to do the Open this year sign up and let us know. It starts 21/2 and is one workout per week for 5 weeks. We will run the Wod on Saturdays from 9am. If you aren’t doing the open you still have the 7am and 8am classes to use.

Read up on what the Open is and give it a go. it will be awesome to get a big group together for these Saturday morning throw downs.


Thursday 170119

Strength: Front Squat

5 x 5 @ 90% of 5RM

MetCon: EMOM x 20

1st: Prone Hold

2nd: Wall Sit

3rd: 21 KB SDHP 24/16kg

4: Walking Lunges

Progressions Matter

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Lets get this straight fitness is not attained in a week. Its a cliché but fitness is earned. No one just signs up for the gym and instantly gets fit and strong even if for some “freaks” it does seem that way.

There is no shame in scaling things back and getting it right, before you move on to harder skills or heavier weights. If you have only been doing CrossFit for a few weeks yes you will see a bunch of other members doing crazy things but they have been doing CrossFit for years. They earned the right to do these crazy things because they went through the progressions we now ask you to go through. When you have gone through them you might be able to do some of the crazy things too. What we want in all our members is the ability to take a deep breath realize what level you are at and then together we will improve over time. The real goal at SPC is longevity in CrossFit. Turn up regularly, make small improvements along the way in strength and skills and work hard during the metcons. That’s the true recipe for being fit.

When we as coaches take you through drills you might find easy we are still looking to see if you are doing them perfect before we can safely move you to the next progression. That is because we already know what will happen with your form if we move you on too quickly. So perfect the easy stuff before making things harder.


Wednesday 160119

MetCon: For Time

300 Double Unders

150 Wall Balls 9/6kg

200 Double Unders

100 Pull Ups

100 Double Unders


How to reach your SMART goal for 2019, Part II

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The best way to reach your Long Term Goal is to plan Short Term Goals along the way. These goals should be SMART as well. If we use our Back Squat example from Part I. If your goal is 100kg by 6.30pm 31/12/2019. Write up bullet points for Short Term Goals.

a) 85kg by 6.30pm 31/3/2019

b) 90kg by 6.30pm 30/6/2019

c) 95kg by 6.30pm 30/9/2019

d) Main Goal: 100kg by 6.30pm 31/12/2019

If anything happens along the way I.E. you improve by more than 5kgs in a given period you can adjust your goals. It could be as simple as trying to reach your main goal a little bit earlier. Remember nothing ever goes 100% to plan so making sure you can adjust along the way is super important. It will help you track your progress and stay motivated and accountable to your Long Term Goal.

This was a very simple way of doing it. Try it out. Track your progress and let us know how you get on. If it is a gymnastics skill you want to master using progressions as your Short Term goals would work really well. It could be getting your first Toe To Bar. Use Tuck ups/V-Ups on the ground into Hollow/Arch on the bar into Kipping High knees into straight leg Kip into TTB.

If you have a Goal you want to discuss with us don’t hesitate to get hold of us. We would love to help you out. All you have to do is reach out and we can help you put a plan together.

Lets all work really hard to fill up that PR Board with achievements this year and celebrate with each other.


Tuesday 150119

Barbell Cycling

EMOM x 5

3 Squat Cleans (Start @ 60%)

EMOM x 5

3 Split Jerks (Start @ 60%)

MetCon: AMRAP x 15

15 Power Cleans 40/30kg

30 Push Ups

15 Push Jerks

30 Air Squats

How to reach your SMART goal for 2019, Part I

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Whether you want to admit it or not, goals in life are incredibly important. Goals will get you up in the morning. Goals will keep you motivated when you are feeling down. Goals will show you if you are on the right path. Reaching a goal will give you the more satisfaction and happiness than anything else and keep you hungry for more success.

The examples I give here will be fitness related but your goals shouldn’t just be about fitness. They should involve all aspects of your life, social, business, health & fitness, financial etc.

Here is how to set a good Long Term SMART Goal and sticking to them for 2019.

S: Specificity. Make your goal as specific as possible. Not just “I want to get stronger”. What muscles or lift needs to be stronger for you to be happy. Better Goal: I want my Back Squat to be stronger.

M: Measurable. You should be able to measure your progress and compare start to finish result. Better Goal: I want to Back Squat 100kg

A: Achievable. You need your goal to be something you can definitely achieve at some point this year. Do not set unachievable goals as all they will do is bring you down. Because the longer it takes for you to achieve your goal the more annoyed and depressed you will get if you are not getting any closer. This one could take some trial and error as we can be victims of overestimating ourselves when we are super motivated. That is also why it is so important to set goals often, to get better at setting them and to be able to make adjustments as you go along. Better Goal: I want to Back Squat 10kgs more than last year (100kg)

R: Relevance: Your goal needs to relate to you personally for you to buy into the goal and stay motivated to achieving your goal. Don’t worry about what other people want out of life. This is just about your life. People will give you input everyday about what you should be doing. They might want the best for you but at the end of the day it is your goal. You decide what it should be. Better Goal: I want to Back Squat 100kg because MY leg strength is lacking and if MY legs get stronger I will be better at other exercises too.

T: Time-based: Put a deadline on your goal to keep you motivated and accountable for achieving it. If you don’t have a deadline you will be more likely to put things off too often and when things get tough you will find yourself going backwards. You will feel you have heaps of time to get it done. Same mentality as people who say “I want to lose weight”…. “I’ll start Monday”. No one who waited till Monday have ever achieved a goal in their life. Don’t wait till Monday or the moment will pass you by. Best Goal: I want to Back Squat 100kg by 6.30pm 31/12/2019.

Now that you have your Long Term Goal sorted there are more things you can do to stay on track. Making Short Term Goals along the way will help with motivation and help you track your progress to make sure you are on the right path and you are doing the right things. We will cover Short Term Goals in Part II.

Final Words: Start today. Write a SMART Goal down in your phone and do one thing today that will get you closer to your goal. Keep it simple and read tomorrows blog post about how to stick to your goal and make long term life changes.


Tuesday 140119

Barbell Cycling:

EMOM x 5

3 Squat Snatches (Start @ 60%)

EMOM x 5

1 Squat Snatch (Start @ 80%)

MetCon: 3 RFT

400m Run

21 KB Swings 24/16kg

12 Burpees

Note to our members friends

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To our members:

Right team the holidays are over, lets get back into training again. There are tons of regulars we haven’t seen in yet. Expect a message if we don’t see your name in bookings before sunday:)

Its hard to “get back into it” but there is only one thing to do, and that is walking back through our doors. As soon as you get here everything will be fine but taking that first step again is always the hardest. Maybe you even want to bring a friend with you this time around.

They hear you talk about CrossFit all the time but all they hear is “its an awesome community but its really, really hard training” If they know how fit you are and you tell them it is hard they might not think it is for them.

To our members friends:

When you hear a member talk about CrossFit and how hard it is, remember two things. Firstly, they want you to think they are a hard-out, which they might be, but it is important that you think so too. So they might put it on a little think when they explain what they have been doing:) Secondly, no matter your fitness level and experience at one point the atmosphere at SPC will motivate you to go harder and you will start to feel what they feel too. We start everyone out slowly so they can get a feel for what we do and how we train people. But at some point every member we get will start working harder simply because that is what everyone else in the class is doing and that is when real progress will occur. You might not even notice straight away but things you once found impossible start to get easier. Thats the thing about CrossFit it will never get easy but you will get fitter. Once you start, you will see exactly what we mean. Its a process every member goes through. Members at SPC trains hard because they are motivated, if you want to be motivated as well, you need to come down for a session. It isn’t about going nuts in the gym every day. It’s about being motivated to train, about having fun while you train and doing enough to see improvements.


Friday 110119

MetCon: 5 RFT

7 Deadlift 120/85kg

14 DB Push Press 32/22.5kg (7 EA)

200m DB carry