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All Posts By

Christian Pedersen

Letty takes on Coast2Coast

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Over the weekend our awesome member and friend Letty completed the Coast 2 Coast. What an amazing achievement. We are all super proud of you and you definitely deserve a few days off but not too many:) Letty will give her own account of her experience of this mammoth effort in a future blogpost so stay tuned for that. She has put a bunch of photos up on her Facebook even with some cool action shots. Well done Letty really looking forward to seeing you back in the gym and hearing all about the experience.


Thursday 140219

EMOM x 9

1st: DU or Triple Under practice

2nd: 5 Divebomb push ups + 10 Mountain Climbers

3rd: 10-15 Russian Swings

Strength Testing: Strict Press

Find your 1RM

MetCon: AMRAP x 7

Ascending ladder 3-6-9-12 etc.

KB SDHP 32/24kg


3 min Rest


Ascending ladder 3-6-9-12 etc.

KB Russian Swings 32/24kg

Sit Ups

Marcus and Danielle Leaving Party

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We are meeting this Friday 15/2 at the Bog for a few drinks and some hopefully above average chat to send these two off in style. I have already written about how grateful we are for having Marcus as a coach here and we wish them both the best of luck for the future. Please turn up if even just for an hour to show your appreciation.


Thursday 130219

Strength Testing: Deadlift

Find a 1RM in 15min

MetCon: EMOM x 18

1st: 7 Deadlift 100/70kg

2nd: 75 Double Unders

3rd: 10 Dual DB Thrusters 22.5/15kg

Extra Competitor Work

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We are adding small elements to some of the classes for all you guys and girls who want to compete in CrossFit. There will be plenty of work in the normal classes but if you want to compete in CrossFit there are certain elements you will need to work on to be competitive. Those elements will be included gradually over this next training cycle. It is to be done after the class MetCon on the days you have time or during Open Gym. It is straight forward work and shouldn’t demand too much explaining.

We are adding these elements to help a small number of members who need the extra challenge. As we pride ourselves on being able to help all levels this goes both ways as in being able to help new members get into fitness and high level members wanting to take the next step. Keep training hard and we are looking forward to seeing some awesome results during this training cycle.


Tuesday 120119

Gymnastics Conditioning

EMOM x 12

Odd: 1-3 Rope Climbs

Even: 10-15 HSPU

MetCon: 3 RFT

40 Walking Lunges

30 Push Ups

20 Hang Power Cleans 40/30kg

10 CTB Pull Ups

Extra Competitor Work: 3 RFQ

10 Ring Dips into max Ring L-Sit Hold

30 sec Rest

10 Strict KTE

Rest as needed between rounds


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As you have seen classes are starting to pick up for real and it is super important that you book in. The reason for the booking system is so we don’t have classes that are so big that it gets unsafe. We pride ourselves on our ability to give every member a quality training session and that can only happen if we get 16 people max in each class. You are paying for quality so that is what we want to deliver. We still have 4.30pm and 6.30pm for you to use. If you can only do 5.30pm you better get in quick and book a few classes in advance. You still have the option of doing the CrossFit Wod during Club GPP on Tuesdays and Thursdays 6.30pm and Open Gym Tuesday and Thursday 4.30pm there is always a coach to help you. We only have the space we have and we will keep adding classes to the time table as our other classes fill up, but 7am, 4.30pm and 6.30pm still have plenty of available bookings on most days. take advantage of it. Looking forward to seeing you in class.


Friday 080119

MetCon: Partner Wod

40 DB Burpee Box Step Over 22.5/15 – 24/20′

60 DB Push jerks

80 DB Hang Squat Cleans

100 DB Push Ups

120 DB Deadlifts

Partition reps as needed

Former Member Summer Deal

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If you have been a member of SPC in the past and would like to get back into training we are running a deal of $40/week ($25/week for Students) right now until the end of March. All you have to do is come in for a session and we will help you get signed up again. There are plenty of you floating around town not doing much so this is your chance to get some training done again. If you are back in Dunedin studying come down and get started. Looking forward to seeing you in here.


Thursday 070119

Barbell Cycling: E2M x 10

30 Double Unders

3 Hang Power Cleans

Building in weight

MetCon: For Time

In 5 min complete


Thrusters 45/30kg

CTB Pull Ups

@ 5 min Complete

800m Run for Time

Rest 5 min


All Classes on Today

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It’s business as usual at the gym come down and get your wod on. Today felt like a good day to introduce SPC Benchmark #2 hope you enjoy it as much as the morning classes did:)


Wednesday 060119

MetCon: SPC Benchmark #2

For Time:


KB Cleans 2×32/2x24kg

KB Front Squats

KB Push Jerks

All classes on Tomorrow

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Normal Time Table tomorrow for Waitangi Day. If you are in town come in and get your daily training session done.

The Open is just around the corner if you have signed up let us know and we will sort out Saturday morning for everyone to get the Wod done. Also if you have any comps you would like to do this year get hold of us and we will help you prepare for it. This goes for any comp not just CrossFit competitions.


Tuesday 050119

E2M for 10 min

30 Double Unders and 3 Hang Power Snatch

Building in weight

MetCon: 3 RFT

30 Alt. DB Snatches 22.5/15kg

15 TTB

30 Wall Balls 9/6kg

Enjoy this transition week

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We are planning on doing another apparel order this month. There will be T-Shirts, Muscle Tees, Baseball Tees and Hoodies available for pre-order. Let Us know what sizes you want. All apparel will be AS Colour.

If you PRd during our two testing weeks make sure you write it up on the PR board so we can celebrate your awesome achievements with you.

Classes are getting huge at times so make sure you book in so you don’t miss out on your favorite class time. we want to accommodate all of you but we also need to make sure everyone gets the coaching they are paying for.

Keep having fun and fizz up for next weeks new training cycle


Monday 040119

MetCon: EMOM x 25

1st: 10 Bench Press (AHAFA)

2nd: 15-20 KB Goblet Squats 32/24kg

3rd: 10 Hang Power Cleans 60/42.5kg

4th: 10 Devils Press 22.5/15kg

5th: 200m Run

CrossFit for Regular People

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We have had a bunch of new people come in this month and we predict many more to come in over the next months. It is amazing to see everyone come in and try out CrossFit. You would undoubtedly have heard a lot about CrossFit both from people who do it but also from people who have never set foot in a CrossFit box. Everyone seem to have an opinion about CrossFit. The only way to really know what we do is to try us out yourself. We love seeing new people down here and the reaction we get when they realize what we actually do on a daily basis. Motivating regular people to learn brand new lifts and skills and provide them with consistency in their training and improve their quality of life. Proving you don’t need to be a “professional athlete” in any way to have access to quality training and you don’t need to smash your body everyday to improve your fitness.

We can’t wait to help you all out and spread the word about what CrossFit is about. it goes way beyond just working out and you see that from the first moment to step through our doors.


Friday 010219

MetCon: Partner Wod

AMRAP x 10

3-6-9-12 etc

Deadlift 120/85kg

Push Ups

-Rest 2 Min-

For Time:

100 Wall Balls 9/6kg

100 KB SDHP 32/24kg

Partition all reps as needed

Please Book In and Pay Attention

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Classes are getting bigger and it is super important that you book in so we can prepare appropriate warm ups and make the class flow smoothly during the hour. We will never show anyone the door for not booking in but you will be asked to perform 50 Burpees to join in:) You have been warned. As class sizes increase so does the importance of paying attention to the coach so you all get a good workout and don’t have to rush to get things done. We are all for talking some smack and catching up with your friends but do it before and after class. People in the class have places to go after class so we need to stay on time please.

If you follow these two simple rules everything else will take care of itself. Lets have some fun and keep training hard. Next training phase is about to start so prepare for more work and cool MetCons.


Thursday 310119

Strength Testing: Clean & Jerk

Find your new 1RM

MetCon: For Time

25 DB Deadlift 22.5/15kg

400m Farmers Carry

50 Push Ups

400m Farmers carry

25 DB Deadlift