Right a little heads up about getting your apparel orders in. Please let me know this week what apparel you want so I can put it on the list. Then pay me in cash or put the money into the gym account. Would be good to get this organized this month so we can get crisp new t shirts and hoodies for Nationals. Also for the nationals teams if you want to find your own Team T-Shirt to compete in so you look the same, get hold of me ASAP with what you want so we can get that sorted at the same time. 3-2-1 GO!
Event Notice
We have decided to have a fun BBQ and Beer Pong Tourny on the 4/11 at the gym. It will also be an early Christmas Party before the students leave. I know it might be in the exams period but we have both members going to Weightlifting Nationals (Dunedin) and Teams CrossFit Nationals (The Mount) the two weekends prior, so couldn’t be earlier. It will be great seeing you all there for one last hurray before people exit this wonderful town for the summer. Plus some of you won’t return so it would be good to give you a proper goodbye.
Thursday 21/9/17
Strength: Front Squat
Max reps @ 80% of 3RM
Accessory Work: 4 Rounds of
15 banded or empty BB Good Mornings
10 BB Bent Rows
10 Strict TTB
15 DB Floor Press