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Amazing Team Comp

By September 18, 2017Uncategorized

It was fantastic to see so many of you turn out for the comp both spectators and participants. What was even more heart warming was all the positive comments from heaps of you about our gym and how much you enjoyed the day. Huge success thanks to all of you guys and girls who helped out on the day and threw down. What a great day. I am sure we will have more of these types of competitions in the future. But our next event won’t be a competition, it will be our Xmas Party, more info to come:)

The winning teams from the weekend were

Girls Div: Amanda, Tiree & Lucy (Hot Wings)

Guys Div: Josh, Riley & Flynn (Double D’s)

All 6 of them great people and athletes. They are all good CrossFitters and will get even better for sure, but the most important thing for me is that they are having fun. Nothing replaces the enjoyment of turning up daily, training and having fun with your friends.

If you didn’t bring in your $10 please bring it in next time you are at the gym so we can tick you off the list. Remember all funds go towards our Teams as they head to Nationals next month to compete against the rest of the country in the Mount.




Monday 18/9/17

Strength: Bench Press

3 x 5 @ 90% of 5RM

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

30 Wall Balls 9/6kg

100 Double Unders