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All Athletes have been contacted

We have around 20 competitors across 5 divisions which is a great. Looking forward to seeing everyone throwing down and showing all the lifts and skills you have been working on. You get a chance to both show off but also push yourself a little harder than normal. But the most important thing is to have fun with the challenges. It’s going to be tough but get yourself in the right frame of mind and you will be fine.

As stated before it will be a 9am briefing. Then you get a chance to warm up a bit more and then first heat is 9.30am. Please don’t be late because you will miss the briefing if you are not there at 9am and we are not explaining things twice. The gym will be open from 8am.

All athletes would have been contacted by now. If not, get hold of me ASAP because if you haven’t heard from me by now you are not on the athlete list.

Feel free to bring your friends and family down for a fun morning of fitness. It will be a great watch.

If you haven’t paid your very small fee of $10 to compete yet, please bring the cash in before Saturday.

Note there will be no classes on this weekend due to the comp and party. I have a 7am boot camp class running Saturday morning though, so if you want to do some running, kettlebell and dumbbell circuits feel free to turn up and join in, all members welcome.

Any questions or concerns about the comp, throw them at me today so you all know what is going on.




Thursday 17/8/17


4 min EMOM: 5 Strict TTB

4 min EMOM: 10 Kipping TTB

4 min EMOM: 15 Lying Hollow Rocks

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

20 DB Snatches 22.5/15kg

50 Double Unders