We are super close with our affiliation now. I’m so pumped about this. We will be the coolest box in town for sure. You guys make the place what it is and I can’t express how happy I am for you guys sticking with us. For everyone coming down to Dunedin I hope you are ready for the changes that has been going on while you have been away I think you will all really like the new spot. To all the new people who have been coming in I really hope you have enjoyed your first sessions here and that you are ready to really get involved this year. To all our current members who have been dragging in their friends and family thank you so much, keep being a pain in the arse until they agree to come with you for a session. We all know they will love it as soon as they try it. The more people we get through the doors the fitter we make NZ and the cooler we make the training environment.
We are always open to constructive criticism so make sure you air it out good and bad. The main thing is you guys enjoy this place and feel you constantly improve. Keep fighting the good fight
Wednesday 1/2/17
WOD: Every 3 min for 30 min
200m Run
12 KB Swings 32/24kg
9 Burpee over Bar
6 Deadlift 120/80kg