There are a bunch of different ways you can look at competitions. We will have in-house competitions throughout the year which are always inclusive to build the bonds between us all and make a greater community and to have one fun together. You do not need to be a high level athlete to do those comps as long as you go to regular classes you will be fine to join in. If I organize any comps that are open to people from outside the gym and maybe at a higher level I will of course warn people so they know what they are in for.
Which brings me to my next point. There will be comps nation wide most of them high level stuff and if you want to become competitive in those comps you will need to be at the top of your game. You will need to put in a little extra work to get rid of weaknesses to make sure there is nothing that will trip you up and cost you points. It doesn’t mean you have to train more than just doing classes but it means you will have to treat a class like training for competition, which in turn means making sure you work hard on perfecting skills and working hard during WODs.
Now for you who are keen to compete this year and need/want an extra session where other competitors will be training we will have a Saturday Comp Session 10am-12pm which will focus exclusively on training for competitions. The sessions will be coach led either by me or a guest coach but you will need to take responsibility for you own training in that session which means be warmed up and prepared to work hard and follow the session written on the board.
If you are unsure on whether you should be doing this session contact me first and we will sort it out.
Thursday 12/1/17
WOD: 4 Rounds for Time
400m Run
Scale as needed
Accessory Work: 3 Rounds of
12 DB Floor Presses
12 Supine Grip bent over Rows
12 DB Step Ups (each leg)