When it comes to skills we all have one or more exercises we would like to get better at but are we really putting in the time to deserve the skills we are lacking? More times than not the answer is, no we don’t. This year should be different, this year should be a year of committing to limiting the amount of weaknesses we have when it comes to fitness. We have been programming all skills since day one so it isn’t because you don’t have the chance to do them but you probably choose not to do them. Let 2016 be the last year you avoid things you are not good at. Newsflash, other members don’t care if you fail on an exercise they are not looking at you when they work out they are focussed on themselves getting through the workout so don’t be afraid of failing in front of others. If anything, everyone else will cheer you on to get the work done because they know themselves how hard some things are and sometimes you just need a bit of help.
There will be plenty of opportunities to work on skills and especially progressions because that is the only way you will get better. Make sure you listen to the coach when we give you a progression to do. It might not be the most exciting progression but you can trust us it will be the most beneficial one for you. Example: if the coach is asking/recommending/telling you to do a hollow rock with high knee tuck instead of a Toe to Bar, I don’t care how many ugly monkey swings where your shins touch the bar every 3rd the you can do. You need to trust and listen to the coach and your workout will be better for it. because doing a progression of one exercise will always help you improve a variety of skills not just that one skill. This isn’t directed at anyone particular just an example but if you can relate to this you should take note. This goes for all skills: Pull ups, Double Unders, Pistols, Handstand push ups etc.. The reason for saying this is we don’t expect everyone the be or- want to be super athletes by any stretch of the imagination but we do want to improve everyones lives and with that comes a huge responsibility to making sure you firstly stay injury free and also that you keep improving the way you move no matter the exercise.
Maske sure you take this onboard and your “2017 of training” is going to be the most eye-opening and goal-crushing year you will have.
Friday 30/12/16
WOD: For Time:
800 m Run
30 Box Jumps 24/20′
30 Handstand Push ups
30 Squat Cleans 60/40kg
30 Handstand Push ups
30 Box Jumps 24/20′
800 m Run