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Shoulders back, Chest proud

By December 14, 2016Uncategorized

The Pull up rig should be complete soon so we can get back to “hanging out” a bit but until then you will see a lot of other pulling exercises like Barbell, Dumbbell and Kettlebell rows. The simple reason is we need to keep working on pulling strength so when the rig is ready for use, most of you will be able to hit the ground running. It has been an important part of our accessory work and it will stay that way for a while yet. It is a great way of making sure you are activating your back muscles as much as your arms. When it comes to pull ups, being able to activating the lats, seems to be an issue so rowing movements will be an easier progression into that particular aspect of pulling strength. The coaches will make sure to reinforce that during class so everyone gets the most out of that movement.

You can practice this before you get to class. By driving you shoulder blades down towards the ground you should feel tension in your lats, then at the same time bring your shoulder blades together and squeeze. You should feel your upper and mid back tensing up. That is the feeling you what when doing rowing movements or pull ups. First after you have that feeling do you use your arms to pull the weight close or yourself up depending on the exercise. Funny enough this will automatically pull your shoulders back and chest up which gives you a lot better posture so something to think about. Now go out there and look proud:)




Wednesday 14/12/16

Strength: Every 2 min for 10 min

4 Overhead Squats from the ground

1-2 sec pause at the bottom

Build in weight

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

400m Run

10 Power Snatches 80/55kg

400m Run

Finisher: 4 Rounds of

7 DB Shoulder press

7 BB Bentover Rows