When it comes to the Workout Of the Day there are a few things you need to take into consideration when it comes to either go RX or Scale a WOD.
- You need to be honest with yourself about your current fitness level and ability to perform the exercises. If you are new to particular movements or the weight is too heavy for you that is when you should scale the weight and just focus on getting the movement right.
- The Coach will always state the intended purpose of the WOD before it starts. How long it should take or how many rounds you are expected to get out. This will be of great help to you as you can look at the WOD and find an appropriate weight to use or scale down the movement. This comes in very handy when we are talking gymnastics movements. The coach will always have options for you to try before time starts to make sure everyone get close to the same stimulus.
- The last point I want to explain is the opposite end of the scaling. It is making sure you do not scale a WOD so much you get a ridiculously short time or high number of rounds on the WOD. This again comes back to the intended stimulus wanted for the WOD.
When you are in doubt about how to approach a WOD make sure you get it explained from the coach so you have a clear idea of that you need to do. You wont always get it perfect and that if fine sometimes you will finish a WOD and it was a bit too easy or you ended up struggling a bit too much. Make sure you track your WODs so those things doesn’t happen. The more you know about your current level of fitness the easier it is for you to know when to scale and how to scale.
Tuesday 29/11/16
Strength: Snatch Complex
Every 2 min for 16 min
1 Power Snatch – 1 Snatch – 1 Overhead Squat
Build in weight
WOD: 3 Rounds for Time
400m Run
8 Power Snatches 50/35kg
16 KB Swings 24/16kg
24 KB Goblet Squats