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The Cooke Howlison Crew

By November 16, 2016Uncategorized


The Cooke Howlison Crew feeling it after friday morning GPP.

Conrad, Craig and Pete have been going great guns over the past couple of months. Conrad was here from day one but it didn’t take long for him to drag Craig along for a couple of sessions who got hooked straight away. Short time after Craig started, Pete called me up and was interested in doing some exercise again so we got him onboard and he has been hammering it ever since. Its great to see workmates committing to exercising together and giving each other that extra push on a daily basis. If you feel a workmate could benefit from a bit of exercise with some friends and meeting new people bring them along for a session. It creates some great banter at work which would get more of your mates involved. It os good with some healthy competition among work mates but its also great to have a few people to cheer you on when a workout is not going your way.

All three of them are definitely starting to see the benefits of the hours they have been putting in the gym.  much more energy both at- and outside work. 3.30itis is gone which surely the boss will like too. It’ll be great to follow their progress. Keep up the great work fellas.




Wednesday 16/11/16

WOD Every min on the min for 18 min

1st: 40 Double Unders – 3 Muscle Ups

2nd: 12 KB Goblet Reverse Lunges 24/16kg

3rd: 6 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20′

Then Straight into 2 Rounds for time of:

40 Double Unders

3 Muscle Ups

12 KB Goblet Reverse Lunges 24/16kg

6 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20′


Note: If you haven’t seen it yet the T-Shirts and Hoodies have arrived so make sure you get down here to pay and collect your brand new gym gear:)