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We are in a transition week between programs and you will start to see a lot of drills like various types of hangs and holds. This will be part of the next training phase which will focus a bit more on body awareness in a sense as to which muscles to turn on during different exercises and being able to holding your core tight throughout a movement. This will help both with the gymnastic movements but also your lifting.

From a core strength aspect. being able to holding a tight core will put you in a stronger position for a lift and it will also decrease your risk of injuries especially to your lower back.

From a body awareness aspect having more control over your body will improve efficiency during any gymnastics movement or lift. It is also within this aspect you will find virtuosity. Being able to move efficiently at high intensity.

There will be more written about our next training phase in future posts so you all know what the plan is. This will help you see improvements and help you find where you need to put your focus. As always any questions or clarification is welcomed to make sure you get the most out of our program.


Monday 7/11/16

Skill: 9 min EMOM

1st: 20-30 sec Chin above bar hold

2nd: 30 sec Handstand hold or 20 Shoulder Taps facing wall

3rd: 30 sec Hollow Hold

WOD: 4 x 4 min AMRAP (2 min rest between rounds)

30 Double Unders

25 Wall Balls 9/6kg

15 Burpees

Max KB Swings 32/24kg

Score = Max KB Swings