How are you going to show off all that fitness you have worked so hard for? It is important to have something to supplement all the fitness you are doing. Playing a sport this summer will also help your athleticism. Especially team sports like rugby, football, netball and so on forces you to be fast on your feet and able to change direction quickly which is something we don’t do a lot of on a daily basis. Another thing you will hopefully end up seeing is how easy you can pick up a sport and be good at it straight away because of all the training you have been doing in the gym. Im not saying you will be a pro, but chances are you will be able to move better than you thought because of your fitness background.
It doesn’t have to be a team sport either you might want to start with something a little closer to home like running or weight lifting. The difference here is those types of specialized sports will often culminate in doing some kind of competition whether it be a lifting meet or half marathon. A team sport like footy or netball is more something you can compete at on weekly basis. In the end it really depends on what you will find the most fun. But keep being interested in new things, learn new sports which in turn will help you learn more about yourself. Have fun and stay fit and healthy.
Friday 28/10/16
WOD: Max Reps in 24 min: 90 sec Work: 30 sec Rest
First 90 sec: 200m Run – Max Thrusters 40/30kg
Second 90 sec: 30 Double Unders – 8 Burpees – Max KB Swings 24/16kg
Score is Max Amount of Thrusters and KB Swings, separately