I have touched on the subject before earlier this year and I feel it needs repeated to make sure all of you have a chance to make use of this technique. The main point for this post is to make sure you develop your own cues to use during WODs.
Main reason for developing Cues: During a hard workout it is easy to lose form as you are trying to work as fast as possible and the wheels can come off very quickly when that happens. To make sure you work with virtuosity (a perfect balance between intensity and good technique) you should develop cues to make sure you keep good form and minimize risk of injury. It will help you focus on each exercise you are meant to do rather than how hard or difficult the workout is or how tired you are. Its about controlling what you can control during each WOD.
Developing good Cues: A good cue should focus on body position and technique. Telling yourself to keep a tight core during deadlifts or fast elbows during cleans. If you are performing a high rep WOD you should focus on how to cycle through big sets of reps rather than just go go go… When you are performing Heavy weights get yourself set up before starting the lift. Use cues that mean something to you. We as coaches use and explain cues to you all the time that would be a great place to start if you are unsure what to tell yourself. And as always: When in doubt, Ask
Tuesday 25/10/16
Strength: 5 x 3 Deadlift (compare to 27/9/16)
Sets 1-2 @ 70% + 2.5-5kg
Sets 4-3 @ 80% + 2.5-5kg
Set 5 @ 90% + 2.5-5kg
WOD: For Time
600m Run
21 Front Squats 60/40kg
21 Pull ups
400m Run
15 Front Squats
15 Pull ups
200m Run
9 Front Squats
9 Pull ups
Finisher: 4 min Tabata
Hollow Hold
Sit ups