It is time to say goodbye to two great friends of all of us Jack and Catrina. They have both been a huge part of the gym and my life in general over the past few years so it will be sad to see them go.
Super coach Facer has coached most of you for a long time even before Southern Peak Fitness. He has without a doubt been part of the backbone of the gym since its beginning. As soon as I told him I was opening a gym he said he was going with me, which was great to hear, because I knew how good a coach he is and there is nothing better than to go through life changing decisions with great friends.
Over the years we have spent most of our time at the gym or at coffee shops so I hope there are some good cafes up north otherwise you will be struggling with two or three-a-days:)
There hasn’t been anything he wasn’t prepared to help with whether it was cleaning, programming or just listening to me talk shit which often happens so thanks for that too.
Good luck to both of you with the future, I am absolutely sure you will do well with whatever you decide to do.
Friday 21/10/16
WOD: 12 min AMRAP
3 Power Snatches 50/35kg
6 Overhead Squats
9 CTB pull ups
Accessory Work: 3 Rounds of
8 BB bent over Rows
20 L-sit leg raises
8 Single arm DB Overhead Press (each arm)