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Mat Seaton and Nathan Martin aka Nate Dogg has been hanging around the gym doing some really cool stuff and it has resulted in a 360 degree tour of the entire gym. It will be up on the website under the About Us page and while you are there have a little read about what we value the most and you can also have a read about the coaches. If you haven’t looked around our website yet make sure you do as there is plenty of good info on there. These two guys have also done our website which is looking fantastic and make sure to check it out regularly to know what is new with the gym.


Wednesday 12/10/16

Strength: Every 2 min for 12 min

1 Snatch Deadlift – 1 Power Snatch – 1 Snatch

WOD: 3 Rounds For Time

30 Wall Balls 9/6kg

15 Deadlift 100/70kg