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Meet Rachel Rolleston



This coffee and ski loving girl has some real talent behind her when it comes to fitness. Being a competitive gymnast as a kid and playing tackle rugby for a number of years has played a big factor in developing that talent. We have seen Rach bust out muscle ups and she is often at the front of the pack in most workouts. You will definitely see her in the gym on lifting days as her favorite exercise is snatching. No coincidence we didn’t see her yesterday since wall balls are her worst:) Another interesting fact about Rach is how smart she is. Originally from Timaru, she came to Dunedin to do a BSc in Genetics and Biochemistry and she is currently doing her Honours. Even though, working hard and improving your fitness is fantastic, the social aspects is the best thing about the gym, if you ask Rach, and that the workouts change every day makes it interesting and never boring. It is great to have a person like Rach at the gym, always smiling and keen to have a chat. When you see her again, ask about all the experiments she does as part of her studies, they are super cool to hear about.


Thursday 6/10/16

Strength: 5 x 1 Back Squat

Sets 1-2 @ 75%

Sets 3-4 @ 85%

Set 5 @ 95%

WOD: For Time

100 Double Unders

30 Front squats 50/35kg


100 Double Unders


T-Shirt & Hoodie Order! Make sure to get your order in this week.