The boys took advantage of some good weather the other day. So why not get upside down:) We have been working on that a lot the last few weeks and everyone are reaping the benefits from it with improved shoulder mobility and stability. Not everyone are ready to kick into a handstand and walk but most of the members are at least able to do a wall climber to handstand against the wall.
If you turn up 5 or 10 min early it would be a good idea to practice something you feel needs a bit more work. No matter what it might be it could be as simple as working on your air squat.
We have some really talented members around the gym across all age groups so its important that they keep developing especially if they are interested in competing at some stage. It was clear to see over the weekend comp that a lot of members enjoyed a chance to see how they stacked up against others even if it was a team comp. and i am sure they will get plenty of chances in the future to compete with and against each other.
This leads me into my final point for todays post about not competing every time you are at the gym. It is great if you are a competitive person we don’t want to take that away from you but we want you to pick your battles wisely. When there is a competition on, then you compete and you work as hard as you need to, to win. Though, when it comes to just doing the workout of the day, try to take it back a notch and work hard on improving certain aspects of your fitness or skill level rather than just trying to get the work done first. Its not all about winning the workout of the day, its more about improving over a long period of time. If you go in with the mindset of having to win every day you will eventually start to cut corners and that will not help your fitness. It will keep you dishonest through a host of things like resorting to partial rep rage of motion, rep shaving, counting attempts rather than only good reps and and it will ruin your technique which could very well lead to injury. So make sure when you are at the gym we want you to work hard but its not about winning every day its about improving every day.
Thursday 29/09/16
Strength: 5 x 3 Back Squats
Set 1-2 @ 70%
Set 3-4 @ 80%
Set 5 @ 90%
WOD: For Time
100-80-60-40-20 Double Unders
10-8-6-4-2 Squat Cleans 80/50kg