This blog post is not about proving to you whether high intensity training works, because it does work, it has been proven, its been done. What this blog is about is how do you get better at performing work at high intensity so you can get the most out of any workout we throw at you. This is something that needs to be taught first of all and then it needs to be practiced. We as coaches will teach you through weeks and months of training by giving you different strategies during wods and making sure that whether the workout is 2 or 5 or 9 mins long, you are still tired at the end of it.
Points that we will teach you about performing wods at high intensity is:
- Making sure you scale the workout right so you can keep performing reps rather than spending most of your time resting.
- Giving you specific work and rest intervals during a workout that keeps you performing reps even though you might be tired. (I am of course talking about good safe reps which can still be performed under fatigue otherwise how does anybody get fit if you don’t workout under some fatigue)
- You don’t know when your form will break down under fatigue until you become fatigued enough for it to happen, and if you do that with one of our coaches present we can identify it, stop you, help you to regain good form and you can continue safely to finish the wod. If you were to work out hard by yourself and you push through with bad form then you might get injured. What I am getting at with this point is if you don’t push yourself hard enough to find that limit you will always be missing out on potential improved fitness. But to get to that point you also need to trust us coaches that we will stop you in time before your reps deteriorate too much and we get you back on tract and keep you injury free. It is a two way street. We make you work hard, but we also reserve the right to stop you if we see you perform bad reps but that is another discussion I will leave for another blog post.
Points for practicing high intensity work:
- The main thing here is commitment to working hard during short workouts. It is about finding the next “gear” and that isn’t easy if you have been used to long slow workouts in the past.
- It could be using minimum work per minute so in EMOM wods making sure you not only get the work done but getting it done as fast as possible.
- The last point is not avoiding the days where the wod has a short timeframe. Embrace it and understand that true fitness is being good at completing any type of work whether it is a lot of work that will take longer to complete as well as small amounts of work that should be done in a short time.
Make sure you commit to high intensity work and if you are unsure of how to get there ask you coach that is what we are here for. “Don’t be impressed by volume, be impressed by intensity” Greg Glassman
Friday 23/09/16
Strength: Clean & Jerk
Option 1: Find 1RM in 15 min
Option 2: Work on technique in single reps
WOD #1: 5 min AMRAP 1:1 W/Partner
4 Squat Cleans
WOD #2: Sprint relays 1:1 W/Partner
400m sprint, 200m sprint, 400m sprint, 200m sprint
NOTE: Tomorrow is our partner comp and there will be no morning classes. Come prepared to work hard but above all have fun. we are planning to start at 10am so please be there earlier if possible. We should be done by 12.30pm.
Open Day is coming up 8/10/16 same day as Vogel Street Party and there will be plenty of activities and demos planned for everybody so make sure you let your friends and family know about it.
More info to come soon.