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Proudly Supporting Solid Strength Equipment

By September 22, 2016Uncategorized


There are many options to choose from when you are looking for gym equipment but there is one company I will be happy to recommend over all of them and that is Paul Davies and SS Equipment. Paul was very quick to reply to my first inquiry and setting up a big order through his website was very easy. Paul pretty much sorted out everything within a few days and we didn’t have to wait long considering the size of the first equipment order. We have organized another 2 smaller orders with Paul since then to accommodate for rising membership numbers which is amazing and every time dealing with Paul has been smooth sailing. SS Equipment has a wide variety of products, the quality is second to none and he is selling it at very affordable prices. I get positive comments daily about the equipment which is great. it solidifies that we made the right decision from the start in committing 100% to SS Equipment. And not to worry, we have more top quality lifting equipment coming soon:)

If you are interested in getting hold of Paul he can be reached at:

[email protected]



OPEN DAY! We will be having an Open day as part of Vogel Street Party 8/10/16 There will be a lot more info coming out about this event in the next few days so make sure you check our website and our Facebook page.


Thursday 22/09/16

Strength: 5 x 5 Deadlift

Sets 1-2 @ 65%

Sets 3-4 @ 75%

Set 5 @ 85%

WOD: For time:

10-8-6-4-2 Power Snatches 50/35kg

15-12-9-6-3 Burpee Over bar

Finisher: 2-3 Rounds for quality

Max Strict pull ups

Max Push ups

1 min rest