I find it hard to remember a time where I didn’t train Jenny. I met her way back when I was a pt at wfc. She was very shy and it took weeks before I got her to string some sentences together so we could have a conversation. When she was at the gym her safe place was around the radio machines where she could hide and just get her session done. Luckily for Jenny when I started training her I had already read about and watched videos of Greg Glassman which meant that there was no way I would hang out with her around the cardio gear the whole time. We went straight to the open floor area for a bodyweight circuit and I can only imagine how brave she would have had to be to follow me over there:)
Training progressed over the months and Jenny got closer and closer to her health and weight goals. Then came the day I had to tell her that I was moving on to my next adventure at cfd. I knew she would follow me over but I also know how she hates change so it wouldn’t have been an easy decision for her. Which makes it even more incredible how much her confidence has grown since then, that when I told her I was leaving again to open up my own gym there wasn’t a shred of doubt in her mind that she was following me again:)
I could probably have written many pages on our training sessions over the years. I do have quite a few log books on what we used to do which is pretty funny to read as it also shows how much I have grown as a coach. Everyone encounters setbacks both with regards to life and training. You have been lighter than you are right now and you have been fitter than you are right now, but I can say with almost certainty that you have never been stronger, healthier or more confident than you are now and that shows in all the different competitions you have taken part in.
Next time you see jenny at the gym ask her about her Masters Games medals:)
Wednesday 14/09/16
Strength: Strict Press Testing
Option 1: Find your 1RM
Option 2: work on technique in 3-5 reps
6 min AMRAP
50 Double Unders
12 TTB
10 Hang power cleans 50/35
2 min Rest
4 min AMRAP
30 Double Unders
6 Hang power clean 80/55
Finisher: 3 rounds for quality
8 Double KB Box step ups (each leg)
2 TGU AHAP (each arm)