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Wesley at the Gore Gauntlet

By September 13, 2016Uncategorized


Wesley competed at the Gore Gauntlet and he told me he felt like it went really well considering some of the weights might have been a bit of a challenge. We can definitely agree that he did a great job. congrats mate.  Competing can be super intimidating but your confidence will grow as you come out on the other side. Wesley fought against some tough competitors and did our little community proud:) He was among friends as Adam, Lorna, Mitch and others were there competing along side him which is awesome, well done everybody. I was told that Mitch from CFD even got on the podium, great stuff mate.

Make sure you get Wes to tell you all about his competition next time you see him. He is a great guy and I’m sure he would love to talk about his experience and maybe give you a couple of pointers if you are keen to give competition a go:)

Speaking of competition In House Partner comp is coming up 24/09/16 so make sure you get your team signed up ASAP:) before you know it, the date will arrive, you know it will, so get onto it

If you have a special person in your life you should check out Wesley’s Roses on Facebook.




Tuesday 13/09/16

Strength: Power Snatch

Option 1: Find a 1RM in 10min

Option 2: Work on technique in singles

BB cycling: 5 min AMRAP

5 TnG Power Snatches 1:1 w/partner

WOD: 8 min AMRAP

3-6-9-12-15 etc

Overhead squats 40/30kg

Box Jumps 24/20′