Three main things come to mind when I see this heading
- Accountability
Training with the members at Southern Peak Fitness will make you more accountable for turning up to every session and work hard. Every person in a group class will feel a need to improve something during every session to be able to keep up with everyone else.
When you train alone it can be hard to make yourself go to every session you have planned out because no one else will be waiting for you to turn up. You won’t feel the same urgency to improve because you don’t have anyone you need to keep up with. You wont let anyone else down. Its often easier to let yourself down than letting someone else down.
- Motivation
Praise when you do well and encouragement when you are struggling are great motivators that you will get from training at Southern Peak Fitness. This will motivate you to train hard and achieve your goals
It is hard to keep motivating yourself when things aren’t going your way. It is a horrible feeling not to have anyone there helping you when you have your back against the wall.
- Belonging to something
Being a part of Southern Peak Fitness gives you a great feeling of belonging to something bigger than yourself. you are all in it together, you suffer together, you succeed together and you inspire each other to achieve greatness.
That person who trains alone could be you, you could train very hard every day and achieve great goals but imagine if you had just one person by your side every time you started a workout. Just one person to help you run that extra 100m, perform that extra rep, turn up to that extra session a week. Now imagine you have 5 or 10 or 20 people by your side. You all went through every session together and you helped all these other people achieve their goals and they helped you. Now you have really accomplished something big.
Thursday 08/09/16
Strength: Front Squat (15-20 min)
Option 1: Build to a 4RM
Option 2: Work on technique in sets of 4 reps
WOD: 7 min AMRAP
12 Pistols
7 Power Cleans 50/35kg
3 Rounds for Quality
30 sec Hollow Hold
Max set of unbroken Strict CTB/Pull Ups or Ring Rows