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Monthly Skill: Pull Ups

We have started a new month which means focussing on another skill. As mentioned before, it is important that you remember what you have learnt about previous skills so you can use it to improve even after that month is finished. We will also reinforce what you have learnt when previous skills come up.

This month we are focussing on the Pull Up. As for the TTB we have three different areas of focus. Increasing volume, learning how to link quality reps and developing strength. As we found out with TTB, you can still be able to link some reps but lack strength and body awareness to do big quality sets, in which case you should try to develop more strength with Level 3 rather than keep trying to swing yourself up for an extra linked rep.

We are looking forward to seeing as much improvement or more this month, as we saw with last months TTB.


Monday 030619

Monthly Skill: Pull Ups

Level 1: E2M for 12 min: 5 Strict Pull ups + 10 Pull ups

Level 2: Progressions to linking Pull ups

Level 3: Pulling Strength

MetCon: 3 RFT

400m Run

15 KB SDHP 32/24kg

25 KB Goblet Squats