The Open is just around the corner you can sign up on and compare yourself to the rest of the world, everyone in NZ and to your friends at the gym. If you are keen to do the Open this year sign up and let us know. It starts 21/2 and is one workout per week for 5 weeks. We will run the Wod on Saturdays from 9am. If you aren’t doing the open you still have the 7am and 8am classes to use.
Read up on what the Open is and give it a go. it will be awesome to get a big group together for these Saturday morning throw downs.
Thursday 170119
Strength: Front Squat
5 x 5 @ 90% of 5RM
MetCon: EMOM x 20
1st: Prone Hold
2nd: Wall Sit
3rd: 21 KB SDHP 24/16kg
4: Walking Lunges