The best way to reach your Long Term Goal is to plan Short Term Goals along the way. These goals should be SMART as well. If we use our Back Squat example from Part I. If your goal is 100kg by 6.30pm 31/12/2019. Write up bullet points for Short Term Goals.
a) 85kg by 6.30pm 31/3/2019
b) 90kg by 6.30pm 30/6/2019
c) 95kg by 6.30pm 30/9/2019
d) Main Goal: 100kg by 6.30pm 31/12/2019
If anything happens along the way I.E. you improve by more than 5kgs in a given period you can adjust your goals. It could be as simple as trying to reach your main goal a little bit earlier. Remember nothing ever goes 100% to plan so making sure you can adjust along the way is super important. It will help you track your progress and stay motivated and accountable to your Long Term Goal.
This was a very simple way of doing it. Try it out. Track your progress and let us know how you get on. If it is a gymnastics skill you want to master using progressions as your Short Term goals would work really well. It could be getting your first Toe To Bar. Use Tuck ups/V-Ups on the ground into Hollow/Arch on the bar into Kipping High knees into straight leg Kip into TTB.
If you have a Goal you want to discuss with us don’t hesitate to get hold of us. We would love to help you out. All you have to do is reach out and we can help you put a plan together.
Lets all work really hard to fill up that PR Board with achievements this year and celebrate with each other.
Tuesday 150119
Barbell Cycling
EMOM x 5
3 Squat Cleans (Start @ 60%)
EMOM x 5
3 Split Jerks (Start @ 60%)
MetCon: AMRAP x 15
15 Power Cleans 40/30kg
30 Push Ups
15 Push Jerks
30 Air Squats